Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

France. Or how the Malle Poste scrambled through the snow,

headlong, drawn in the hilly parts by any number of stout horses at

a canter; or how there were, outside the Post-office Yard in Paris,

before daybreak, extraordinary adventurers in heaps of rags,

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

groping in the snowy streets with little rakes, in search of odds

and ends.

Or how, between Paris and Marseilles, the snow being then exceeding

deep, a thaw came on, and the mail waded rather than rolled for the

next three hundred miles or so; breaking springs on Sunday nights,

and putting out its two passengers to warm and refresh themselves

pending the repairs, in miserable billiard-rooms, where hairy

company, collected about stoves, were playing cards; the cards

being very like themselves – extremely limp and dirty.

Or how there was detention at Marseilles from stress of weather;

and steamers were advertised to go, which did not go; or how the

good Steam-packet Charlemagne at length put out, and met such

weather that now she threatened to run into Toulon, and now into

Nice, but, the wind moderating, did neither, but ran on into Genoa

harbour instead, where the familiar Bells rang sweetly in my ear.

Or how there was a travelling party on board, of whom one member

was very ill in the cabin next to mine, and being ill was cross,

and therefore declined to give up the Dictionary, which he kept

under his pillow; thereby obliging his companions to come down to

him, constantly, to ask what was the Italian for a lump of sugar –

a glass of brandy and water – what’s o’clock? and so forth: which

he always insisted on looking out, with his own sea-sick eyes,

declining to entrust the book to any man alive.

Like GRUMIO, I might have told you, in detail, all this and

something more – but to as little purpose – were I not deterred by

the remembrance that my business is with Italy. Therefore, like

GRUMIO’S story, ‘it shall die in oblivion.’


THERE is nothing in Italy, more beautiful to me, than the coastroad

between Genoa and Spezzia. On one side: sometimes far below,

sometimes nearly on a level with the road, and often skirted by

broken rocks of many shapes: there is the free blue sea, with here

and there a picturesque felucca gliding slowly on; on the other

side are lofty hills, ravines besprinkled with white cottages,

patches of dark olive woods, country churches with their light open

towers, and country houses gaily painted. On every bank and knoll

by the wayside, the wild cactus and aloe flourish in exuberant

profusion; and the gardens of the bright villages along the road,

are seen, all blushing in the summer-time with clusters of the

Belladonna, and are fragrant in the autumn and winter with golden

oranges and lemons.

Some of the villages are inhabited, almost exclusively, by

fishermen; and it is pleasant to see their great boats hauled up on

the beach, making little patches of shade, where they lie asleep,

or where the women and children sit romping and looking out to sea,

while they mend their nets upon the shore. There is one town,

Camoglia, with its little harbour on the sea, hundreds of feet

below the road; where families of mariners live, who, time out of

mind, have owned coasting-vessels in that place, and have traded to

Spain and elsewhere. Seen from the road above, it is like a tiny

model on the margin of the dimpled water, shining in the sun.

Descended into, by the winding mule-tracks, it is a perfect

miniature of a primitive seafaring town; the saltest, roughest,

most piratical little place that ever was seen. Great rusty iron

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

rings and mooring-chains, capstans, and fragments of old masts and

spars, choke up the way; hardy rough-weather boats, and seamen’s

clothing, flutter in the little harbour or are drawn out on the

sunny stones to dry; on the parapet of the rude pier, a few

amphibious-looking fellows lie asleep, with their legs dangling

over the wall, as though earth or water were all one to them, and

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