Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

the yard from the Post-house. Everything taken out of the carriage

is put back again. The brave Courier announces that all is ready,

after walking into every room, and looking all round it, to be

certain that nothing is left behind. Everybody gets in. Everybody

connected with the Hotel de l’Ecu d’Or is again enchanted. The

brave Courier runs into the house for a parcel containing cold

fowl, sliced ham, bread, and biscuits, for lunch; hands it into the

coach; and runs back again.

What has he got in his hand now? More cucumbers? No. A long

strip of paper. It’s the bill.

The brave Courier has two belts on, this morning: one supporting

the purse: another, a mighty good sort of leathern bottle, filled

to the throat with the best light Bordeaux wine in the house. He

never pays the bill till this bottle is full. Then he disputes it.

He disputes it now, violently. He is still the landlord’s brother,

but by another father or mother. He is not so nearly related to

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

him as he was last night. The landlord scratches his head. The

brave Courier points to certain figures in the bill, and intimates

that if they remain there, the Hotel de l’Ecu d’Or is thenceforth

and for ever an hotel de l’Ecu de cuivre. The landlord goes into a

little counting-house. The brave Courier follows, forces the bill

and a pen into his hand, and talks more rapidly than ever. The

landlord takes the pen. The Courier smiles. The landlord makes an

alteration. The Courier cuts a joke. The landlord is

affectionate, but not weakly so. He bears it like a man. He

shakes hands with his brave brother, but he don’t hug him. Still,

he loves his brother; for he knows that he will be returning that

way, one of these fine days, with another family, and he foresees

that his heart will yearn towards him again. The brave Courier

traverses all round the carriage once, looks at the drag, inspects

the wheels, jumps up, gives the word, and away we go!

It is market morning. The market is held in the little square

outside in front of the cathedral. It is crowded with men and

women, in blue, in red, in green, in white; with canvassed stalls;

and fluttering merchandise. The country people are grouped about,

with their clean baskets before them. Here, the lace-sellers;

there, the butter and egg-sellers; there, the fruit-sellers; there,

the shoe-makers. The whole place looks as if it were the stage of

some great theatre, and the curtain had just run up, for a

picturesque ballet. And there is the cathedral to boot: scenelike:

all grim, and swarthy, and mouldering, and cold: just

splashing the pavement in one place with faint purple drops, as the

morning sun, entering by a little window on the eastern side,

struggles through some stained glass panes, on the western.

In five minutes we have passed the iron cross, with a little ragged

kneeling-place of turf before it, in the outskirts of the town; and

are again upon the road.


CHALONS is a fair resting-place, in right of its good inn on the

bank of the river, and the little steamboats, gay with green and

red paint, that come and go upon it: which make up a pleasant and

refreshing scene, after the dusty roads. But, unless you would

like to dwell on an enormous plain, with jagged rows of irregular

poplars on it, that look in the distance like so many combs with

broken teeth: and unless you would like to pass your life without

the possibility of going up-hill, or going up anything but stairs:

you would hardly approve of Chalons as a place of residence.

You would probably like it better, however, than Lyons: which you

may reach, if you will, in one of the before-mentioned steamboats,

in eight hours.

What a city Lyons is! Talk about people feeling, at certain

unlucky times, as if they had tumbled from the clouds! Here is a

whole town that is tumbled, anyhow, out of the sky; having been

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