Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

of higher degree, and having their humility gratified to the

utmost, by being shouldered about, and elbowed right and left, on

all sides. Some of these had muddy sandals and umbrellas, and

stained garments: having trudged in from the country. The faces

of the greater part were as coarse and heavy as their dress; their

dogged, stupid, monotonous stare at all the glory and splendour,

having something in it, half miserable, and half ridiculous.

Upon the green carpet itself, and gathered round the altar, was a

perfect army of cardinals and priests, in red, gold, purple,

violet, white, and fine linen. Stragglers from these, went to and

fro among the crowd, conversing two and two, or giving and

receiving introductions, and exchanging salutations; other

functionaries in black gowns, and other functionaries in courtdresses,

were similarly engaged. In the midst of all these, and

stealthy Jesuits creeping in and out, and the extreme restlessness

of the Youth of England, who were perpetually wandering about, some

few steady persons in black cassocks, who had knelt down with their

faces to the wall, and were poring over their missals, became,

unintentionally, a sort of humane man-traps, and with their own

devout legs, tripped up other people’s by the dozen.

There was a great pile of candles lying down on the floor near me,

which a very old man in a rusty black gown with an open-work

tippet, like a summer ornament for a fireplace in tissue-paper,

made himself very busy in dispensing to all the ecclesiastics: one

a-piece. They loitered about with these for some time, under their

arms like walking-sticks, or in their hands like truncheons. At a

certain period of the ceremony, however, each carried his candle up

to the Pope, laid it across his two knees to be blessed, took it

back again, and filed off. This was done in a very attenuated

procession, as you may suppose, and occupied a long time. Not

because it takes long to bless a candle through and through, but

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

because there were so many candles to be blessed. At last they

were all blessed: and then they were all lighted; and then the

Pope was taken up, chair and all, and carried round the church.

I must say, that I never saw anything, out of November, so like the

popular English commemoration of the fifth of that month. A bundle

of matches and a lantern, would have made it perfect. Nor did the

Pope, himself, at all mar the resemblance, though he has a pleasant

and venerable face; for, as this part of the ceremony makes him

giddy and sick, he shuts his eyes when it is performed: and having

his eyes shut and a great mitre on his head, and his head itself

wagging to and fro as they shook him in carrying, he looked as if

his mask were going to tumble off. The two immense fans which are

always borne, one on either side of him, accompanied him, of

course, on this occasion. As they carried him along, he blessed

the people with the mystic sign; and as he passed them, they

kneeled down. When he had made the round of the church, he was

brought back again, and if I am not mistaken, this performance was

repeated, in the whole, three times. There was, certainly nothing

solemn or effective in it; and certainly very much that was droll

and tawdry. But this remark applies to the whole ceremony, except

the raising of the Host, when every man in the guard dropped on one

knee instantly, and dashed his naked sword on the ground; which had

a fine effect.

The next time I saw the cathedral, was some two or three weeks

afterwards, when I climbed up into the ball; and then, the hangings

being taken down, and the carpet taken up, but all the framework

left, the remnants of these decorations looked like an exploded


The Friday and Saturday having been solemn Festa days, and Sunday

being always a DIES NON in carnival proceedings, we had looked

forward, with some impatience and curiosity, to the beginning of

the new week: Monday and Tuesday being the two last and best days

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