Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

of the Carnival.

On the Monday afternoon at one or two o’clock, there began to be a

great rattling of carriages into the court-yard of the hotel; a

hurrying to and fro of all the servants in it; and, now and then, a

swift shooting across some doorway or balcony, of a straggling

stranger in a fancy dress: not yet sufficiently well used to the

same, to wear it with confidence, and defy public opinion. All the

carriages were open, and had the linings carefully covered with

white cotton or calico, to prevent their proper decorations from

being spoiled by the incessant pelting of sugar-plums; and people

were packing and cramming into every vehicle as it waited for its

occupants, enormous sacks and baskets full of these confetti,

together with such heaps of flowers, tied up in little nosegays,

that some carriages were not only brimful of flowers, but literally

running over: scattering, at every shake and jerk of the springs,

some of their abundance on the ground. Not to be behindhand in

these essential particulars, we caused two very respectable sacks

of sugar-plums (each about three feet high) and a large clothesbasket

full of flowers to be conveyed into our hired barouche, with

all speed. And from our place of observation, in one of the upper

balconies of the hotel, we contemplated these arrangements with the

liveliest satisfaction. The carriages now beginning to take up

their company, and move away, we got into ours, and drove off too,

armed with little wire masks for our faces; the sugar-plums, like

Falstaff’s adulterated sack, having lime in their composition.

The Corso is a street a mile long; a street of shops, and palaces,

and private houses, sometimes opening into a broad piazza. There

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

are verandahs and balconies, of all shapes and sizes, to almost

every house – not on one story alone, but often to one room or

another on every story – put there in general with so little order

or regularity, that if, year after year, and season after season,

it had rained balconies, hailed balconies, snowed balconies, blown

balconies, they could scarcely have come into existence in a more

disorderly manner.

This is the great fountain-head and focus of the Carnival. But all

the streets in which the Carnival is held, being vigilantly kept by

dragoons, it is necessary for carriages, in the first instance, to

pass, in line, down another thoroughfare, and so come into the

Corso at the end remote from the Piazza del Popolo; which is one of

its terminations. Accordingly, we fell into the string of coaches,

and, for some time, jogged on quietly enough; now crawling on at a

very slow walk; now trotting half-a-dozen yards; now backing fifty;

and now stopping altogether: as the pressure in front obliged us.

If any impetuous carriage dashed out of the rank and clattered

forward, with the wild idea of getting on faster, it was suddenly

met, or overtaken, by a trooper on horseback, who, deaf as his own

drawn sword to all remonstrances, immediately escorted it back to

the very end of the row, and made it a dim speck in the remotest

perspective. Occasionally, we interchanged a volley of confetti

with the carriage next in front, or the carriage next behind; but

as yet, this capturing of stray and errant coaches by the military,

was the chief amusement.

Presently, we came into a narrow street, where, besides one line of

carriages going, there was another line of carriages returning.

Here the sugar-plums and the nosegays began to fly about, pretty

smartly; and I was fortunate enough to observe one gentleman

attired as a Greek warrior, catch a light-whiskered brigand on the

nose (he was in the very act of tossing up a bouquet to a young

lady in a first-floor window) with a precision that was much

applauded by the bystanders. As this victorious Greek was

exchanging a facetious remark with a stout gentleman in a doorway –

one-half black and one-half white, as if he had been peeled up the

middle – who had offered him his congratulations on this

achievement, he received an orange from a house-top, full on his

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