Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

rushing on beside them: sometimes close beside them: sometimes

with an intervening slope, covered with vineyards. Villages and

small towns hanging in mid-air, with great woods of olives seen

through the light open towers of their churches, and clouds moving

slowly on, upon the steep acclivity behind them; ruined castles

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

perched on every eminence; and scattered houses in the clefts and

gullies of the hills; made it very beautiful. The great height of

these, too, making the buildings look so tiny, that they had all

the charm of elegant models; their excessive whiteness, as

contrasted with the brown rocks, or the sombre, deep, dull, heavy

green of the olive-tree; and the puny size, and little slow walk of

the Lilliputian men and women on the bank; made a charming picture.

There were ferries out of number, too; bridges; the famous Pont

d’Esprit, with I don’t know how many arches; towns where memorable

wines are made; Vallence, where Napoleon studied; and the noble

river, bringing at every winding turn, new beauties into view.

There lay before us, that same afternoon, the broken bridge of

Avignon, and all the city baking in the sun; yet with an underdone-

pie-crust, battlemented wall, that never will be brown, though

it bake for centuries.

The grapes were hanging in clusters in the streets, and the

brilliant Oleander was in full bloom everywhere. The streets are

old and very narrow, but tolerably clean, and shaded by awnings

stretched from house to house. Bright stuffs and handkerchiefs,

curiosities, ancient frames of carved wood, old chairs, ghostly

tables, saints, virgins, angels, and staring daubs of portraits,

being exposed for sale beneath, it was very quaint and lively. All

this was much set off, too, by the glimpses one caught, through a

rusty gate standing ajar, of quiet sleepy court-yards, having

stately old houses within, as silent as tombs. It was all very

like one of the descriptions in the Arabian Nights. The three oneeyed

Calenders might have knocked at any one of those doors till

the street rang again, and the porter who persisted in asking

questions – the man who had the delicious purchases put into his

basket in the morning – might have opened it quite naturally.

After breakfast next morning, we sallied forth to see the lions.

Such a delicious breeze was blowing in, from the north, as made the

walk delightful: though the pavement-stones, and stones of the

walls and houses, were far too hot to have a hand laid on them


We went, first of all, up a rocky height, to the cathedral: where

Mass was performing to an auditory very like that of Lyons, namely,

several old women, a baby, and a very self-possessed dog, who had

marked out for himself a little course or platform for exercise,

beginning at the altar-rails and ending at the door, up and down

which constitutional walk he trotted, during the service, as

methodically and calmly, as any old gentleman out of doors.

It is a bare old church, and the paintings in the roof are sadly

defaced by time and damp weather; but the sun was shining in,

splendidly, through the red curtains of the windows, and glittering

on the altar furniture; and it looked as bright and cheerful as

need be.

Going apart, in this church, to see some painting which was being

executed in fresco by a French artist and his pupil, I was led to

observe more closely than I might otherwise have done, a great

number of votive offerings with which the walls of the different

chapels were profusely hung. I will not say decorated, for they

were very roughly and comically got up; most likely by poor signpainters,

who eke out their living in that way. They were all

little pictures: each representing some sickness or calamity from

which the person placing it there, had escaped, through the

interposition of his or her patron saint, or of the Madonna; and I

may refer to them as good specimens of the class generally. They

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

are abundant in Italy.

In a grotesque squareness of outline, and impossibility of

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