Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

size, and speed: while rockets streamed into the sky, not by ones

or twos, or scores, but hundreds at a time. The concluding burst –

the Girandola – was like the blowing up into the air of the whole

massive castle, without smoke or dust.

In half an hour afterwards, the immense concourse had dispersed;

the moon was looking calmly down upon her wrinkled image in the

river; and half-a-dozen men and boys, with bits of lighted candle

in their hands: moving here and there, in search of anything worth

having, that might have been dropped in the press: had the whole

scene to themselves.

By way of contrast we rode out into old ruined Rome, after all this

firing and booming, to take our leave of the Coliseum. I had seen

it by moonlight before (I could never get through a day without

going back to it), but its tremendous solitude that night is past

all telling. The ghostly pillars in the Forum; the Triumphal

Arches of Old Emperors; those enormous masses of ruins which were

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

once their palaces; the grass-grown mounds that mark the graves of

ruined temples; the stones of the Via Sacra, smooth with the tread

of feet in ancient Rome; even these were dimmed, in their

transcendent melancholy, by the dark ghost of its bloody holidays,

erect and grim; haunting the old scene; despoiled by pillaging

Popes and fighting Princes, but not laid; wringing wild hands of

weed, and grass, and bramble; and lamenting to the night in every

gap and broken arch – the shadow of its awful self, immovable!

As we lay down on the grass of the Campagna, next day, on our way

to Florence, hearing the larks sing, we saw that a little wooden

cross had been erected on the spot where the poor Pilgrim Countess

was murdered. So, we piled some loose stones about it, as the

beginning of a mound to her memory, and wondered if we should ever

rest there again, and look back at Rome.


WE are bound for Naples! And we cross the threshold of the Eternal

City at yonder gate, the Gate of San Giovanni Laterano, where the

two last objects that attract the notice of a departing visitor,

and the two first objects that attract the notice of an arriving

one, are a proud church and a decaying ruin – good emblems of Rome.

Our way lies over the Campagna, which looks more solemn on a bright

blue day like this, than beneath a darker sky; the great extent of

ruin being plainer to the eye: and the sunshine through the arches

of the broken aqueducts, showing other broken arches shining

through them in the melancholy distance. When we have traversed

it, and look back from Albano, its dark, undulating surface lies

below us like a stagnant lake, or like a broad, dull Lethe flowing

round the walls of Rome, and separating it from all the world! How

often have the Legions, in triumphant march, gone glittering across

that purple waste, so silent and unpeopled now! How often has the

train of captives looked, with sinking hearts, upon the distant

city, and beheld its population pouring out, to hail the return of

their conqueror! What riot, sensuality and murder, have run mad in

the vast palaces now heaps of brick and shattered marble! What

glare of fires, and roar of popular tumult, and wail of pestilence

and famine, have come sweeping over the wild plain where nothing is

now heard but the wind, and where the solitary lizards gambol

unmolested in the sun!

The train of wine-carts going into Rome, each driven by a shaggy

peasant reclining beneath a little gipsy-fashioned canopy of sheepskin,

is ended now, and we go toiling up into a higher country

where there are trees. The next day brings us on the Pontine

Marshes, wearily flat and lonesome, and overgrown with brushwood,

and swamped with water, but with a fine road made across them,

shaded by a long, long avenue. Here and there, we pass a solitary

guard-house; here and there a hovel, deserted, and walled up. Some

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