Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

and that would be the death of him. He would never hold up his

head again if he touched it. I can’t go to bed, because I have

conceived a mortal hatred for my bedroom; and I can’t go away,

because there is no train for my place of destination until

morning. To burn the biscuits will be but a fleeting joy; still it

is a temporary relief, and here they go on the fire! Shall I break

the plate? First let me look at the back, and see who made it.


Copeland! Stop a moment. Was it yesterday I visited Copeland’s

works, and saw them making plates? In the confusion of travelling

about, it might be yesterday or it might be yesterday month; but I

think it was yesterday. I appeal to the plate. The plate says,

decidedly, yesterday. I find the plate, as I look at it, growing

into a companion.

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

Don’t you remember (says the plate) how you steamed away, yesterday

morning, in the bright sun and the east wind, along the valley of

the sparkling Trent? Don’t you recollect how many kilns you flew

past, looking like the bowls of gigantic tobacco-pipes, cut short

off from the stem and turned upside down? And the fires – and the

smoke – and the roads made with bits of crockery, as if all the

plates and dishes in the civilised world had been Macadamised,

expressly for the laming of all the horses? Of course I do!

And don’t you remember (says the plate) how you alighted at Stoke –

a picturesque heap of houses, kilns, smoke, wharfs, canals, and

river, lying (as was most appropriate) in a basin – and how, after

climbing up the sides of the basin to look at the prospect, you

trundled down again at a walking-match pace, and straight proceeded

to my father’s, Copeland’s, where the whole of my family, high and

low, rich and poor, are turned out upon the world from our nursery

and seminary, covering some fourteen acres of ground? And don’t

you remember what we spring from:- heaps of lumps of clay,

partially prepared and cleaned in Devonshire and Dorsetshire,

whence said clay principally comes – and hills of flint, without

which we should want our ringing sound, and should never be

musical? And as to the flint, don’t you recollect that it is first

burnt in kilns, and is then laid under the four iron feet of a

demon slave, subject to violent stamping fits, who, when they come

on, stamps away insanely with his four iron legs, and would crush

all the flint in the Isle of Thanet to powder, without leaving off?

And as to the clay, don’t you recollect how it is put into mills or

teazers, and is sliced, and dug, and cut at, by endless knives,

clogged and sticky, but persistent – and is pressed out of that

machine through a square trough, whose form it takes – and is cut

off in square lumps and thrown into a vat, and there mixed with

water, and beaten to a pulp by paddle-wheels – and is then run into

a rough house, all rugged beams and ladders splashed with white, –

superintended by Grindoff the Miller in his working clothes, all

splashed with white, – where it passes through no end of machinerymoved

sieves all splashed with white, arranged in an ascending

scale of fineness (some so fine, that three hundred silk threads

cross each other in a single square inch of their surface), and all

in a violent state of ague with their teeth for ever chattering,

and their bodies for ever shivering! And as to the flint again,

isn’t it mashed and mollified and troubled and soothed, exactly as

rags are in a paper-mill, until it is reduced to a pap so fine that

it contains no atom of ‘grit’ perceptible to the nicest taste? And

as to the flint and the clay together, are they not, after all

this, mixed in the proportion of five of clay to one of flint, and

isn’t the compound – known as ‘slip’ – run into oblong troughs,

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