Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

open top far off, as you might have looked up from a well, sunk

under the centre of the pavement of the Pantheon at Rome, had you

the least idea where you were? And when you found yourself

surrounded, in that dome-shaped cavern, by innumerable columns of

an unearthly order of architecture, supporting nothing, and

squeezed close together as if a Pre-Adamite Samson had taken a vast

Hall in his arms and crushed it into the smallest possible space,

had you the least idea what they were? No (says the plate), of

course not! And when you found that each of those pillars was a

pile of ingeniously made vessels of coarse clay – called Saggers –

looking, when separate, like raised-pies for the table of the

mighty Giant Blunderbore, and now all full of various articles of

pottery ranged in them in baking order, the bottom of each vessel

serving for the cover of the one below, and the whole Kiln rapidly

filling with these, tier upon tier, until the last workman should

have barely room to crawl out, before the closing of the jagged

aperture in the wall and the kindling of the gradual fire; did you

not stand amazed to think that all the year round these dread

chambers are heating, white hot – and cooling – and filling – and

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

emptying – and being bricked up – and broken open – humanly

speaking, for ever and ever? To be sure you did! And standing in

one of those Kilns nearly full, and seeing a free crow shoot across

the aperture a-top, and learning how the fire would wax hotter and

hotter by slow degrees, and would cool similarly through a space of

from forty to sixty hours, did no remembrance of the days when

human clay was burnt oppress you? Yes. I think so! I suspect

that some fancy of a fiery haze and a shortening breath, and a

growing heat, and a gasping prayer; and a figure in black

interposing between you and the sky (as figures in black are very

apt to do), and looking down, before it grew too hot to look and

live, upon the Heretic in his edifying agony – I say I suspect

(says the plate) that some such fancy was pretty strong upon you

when you went out into the air, and blessed God for the bright

spring day and the degenerate times!

After that, I needn’t remind you what a relief it was to see the

simplest process of ornamenting this ‘biscuit’ (as it is called

when baked) with brown circles and blue trees – converting it into

the common crockery-ware that is exported to Africa, and used in

cottages at home. For (says the plate) I am well persuaded that

you bear in mind how those particular jugs and mugs were once more

set upon a lathe and put in motion; and how a man blew the brown

colour (having a strong natural affinity with the material in that

condition) on them from a blowpipe as they twirled; and how his

daughter, with a common brush, dropped blotches of blue upon them

in the right places; and how, tilting the blotches upside down, she

made them run into rude images of trees, and there an end.

And didn’t you see (says the plate) planted upon my own brother

that astounding blue willow, with knobbed and gnarled trunk, and

foliage of blue ostrich feathers, which gives our family the title

of ‘willow pattern’? And didn’t you observe, transferred upon him

at the same time, that blue bridge which spans nothing, growing out

from the roots of the willow; and the three blue Chinese going over

it into a blue temple, which has a fine crop of blue bushes

sprouting out of the roof; and a blue boat sailing above them, the

mast of which is burglariously sticking itself into the foundations

of a blue villa, suspended sky-high, surmounted by a lump of blue

rock, sky-higher, and a couple of billing blue birds, sky-highest –

together with the rest of that amusing blue landscape, which has,

in deference to our revered ancestors of the Cerulean Empire, and

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