Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces


Sheep next. The sheep-pens are up here, past the Branch Bank of

Paris established for the convenience of the butchers, and behind

the two pretty fountains they are making in the Market. My name is

Bull: yet I think I should like to see as good twin fountains – not

to say in Smithfield, but in England anywhere. Plenty of room;

plenty of time. And here are sheep-dogs, sensible as ever, but

with a certain French air about them – not without a suspicion of

dominoes – with a kind of flavour of moustache and beard –

demonstrative dogs, shaggy and loose where an English dog would be

tight and close – not so troubled with business calculations as our

English drovers’ dogs, who have always got their sheep upon their

minds, and think about their work, even resting, as you may see by

their faces; but, dashing, showy, rather unreliable dogs: who might

worry me instead of their legitimate charges if they saw occasion –

and might see it somewhat suddenly.

The market for sheep passes off like the other two; and away they

go, by THEIR allotted road to Paris. My way being the Railway, I

make the best of it at twenty miles an hour; whirling through the

now high-lighted landscape; thinking that the inexperienced green

buds will be wishing, before long, they had not been tempted to

come out so soon; and wondering who lives in this or that chateau,

all window and lattice, and what the family may have for breakfast

this sharp morning.

After the Market comes the Abattoir. What abattoir shall I visit

first? Montmartre is the largest. So I will go there.

The abattoirs are all within the walls of Paris, with an eye to the

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

receipt of the octroi duty; but, they stand in open places in the

suburbs, removed from the press and bustle of the city. They are

managed by the Syndicat or Guild of Butchers, under the inspection

of the Police. Certain smaller items of the revenue derived from

them are in part retained by the Guild for the payment of their

expenses, and in part devoted by it to charitable purposes in

connexion with the trade. They cost six hundred and eighty

thousand pounds; and they return to the city of Paris an interest

on that outlay, amounting to nearly six and a-half per cent.

Here, in a sufficiently dismantled space is the Abattoir of

Montmartre, covering nearly nine acres of ground, surrounded by a

high wall, and looking from the outside like a cavalry barrack. At

the iron gates is a small functionary in a large cocked hat.

‘Monsieur desires to see the abattoir? Most certainly.’ State

being inconvenient in private transactions, and Monsieur being

already aware of the cocked hat, the functionary puts it into a

little official bureau which it almost fills, and accompanies me in

the modest attire – as to his head – of ordinary life.

Many of the animals from Poissy have come here. On the arrival of

each drove, it was turned into yonder ample space, where each

butcher who had bought, selected his own purchases. Some, we see

now, in these long perspectives of stalls with a high over-hanging

roof of wood and open tiles rising above the walls. While they

rest here, before being slaughtered, they are required to be fed

and watered, and the stalls must be kept clean. A stated amount of

fodder must always be ready in the loft above; and the supervision

is of the strictest kind. The same regulations apply to sheep and

calves; for which, portions of these perspectives are strongly

railed off. All the buildings are of the strongest and most solid


After traversing these lairs, through which, besides the upper

provision for ventilation just mentioned, there may be a thorough

current of air from opposite windows in the side walls, and from

doors at either end, we traverse the broad, paved, court-yard until

we come to the slaughter-houses. They are all exactly alike, and

adjoin each other, to the number of eight or nine together, in

blocks of solid building. Let us walk into the first.

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