Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

shrieks, and the train comes gliding in, and the two hundred and

eighty-seven come scuffling out. Now, there is not only a tide of

water, but a tide of people, and a tide of luggage – all tumbling

and flowing and bouncing about together. Now, after infinite

bustle, the steamer steams out, and we (on the Pier) are all

delighted when she rolls as if she would roll her funnel out, and

all are disappointed when she don’t. Now, the other steamer is

coming in, and the Custom House prepares, and the wharf-labourers

assemble, and the hawsers are made ready, and the Hotel Porters

come rattling down with van and truck, eager to begin more Olympic

games with more luggage. And this is the way in which we go on,

down at Pavilionstone, every tide. And, if you want to live a life

of luggage, or to see it lived, or to breathe sweet air which will

send you to sleep at a moment’s notice at any period of the day or

night, or to disport yourself upon or in the sea, or to scamper

about Kent, or to come out of town for the enjoyment of all or any

of these pleasures, come to Pavilionstone.


IT fell to my lot, this last bleak Spring, to find myself in a

watering-place out of the Season. A vicious north-east squall blew

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

me into it from foreign parts, and I tarried in it alone for three

days, resolved to be exceedingly busy.

On the first day, I began business by looking for two hours at the

sea, and staring the Foreign Militia out of countenance. Having

disposed of these important engagements, I sat down at one of the

two windows of my room, intent on doing something desperate in the

way of literary composition, and writing a chapter of unheard-of

excellence – with which the present essay has no connexion.

It is a remarkable quality in a watering-place out of the season,

that everything in it, will and must be looked at. I had no

previous suspicion of this fatal truth but, the moment I sat down

to write, I began to perceive it. I had scarcely fallen into my

most promising attitude, and dipped my pen in the ink, when I found

the clock upon the pier – a red-faced clock with a white rim –

importuning me in a highly vexatious manner to consult my watch,

and see how I was off for Greenwich time. Having no intention of

making a voyage or taking an observation, I had not the least need

of Greenwich time, and could have put up with watering-place time

as a sufficiently accurate article. The pier-clock, however,

persisting, I felt it necessary to lay down my pen, compare my

watch with him, and fall into a grave solicitude about halfseconds.

I had taken up my pen again, and was about to commence

that valuable chapter, when a Custom-house cutter under the window

requested that I would hold a naval review of her, immediately.

It was impossible, under the circumstances, for any mental

resolution, merely human, to dismiss the Custom-house cutter,

because the shadow of her topmast fell upon my paper, and the vane

played on the masterly blank chapter. I was therefore under the

necessity of going to the other window; sitting astride of the

chair there, like Napoleon bivouacking in the print; and inspecting

the cutter as she lay, all that day, in the way of my chapter, O!

She was rigged to carry a quantity of canvas, but her hull was so

very small that four giants aboard of her (three men and a boy) who

were vigilantly scraping at her, all together, inspired me with a

terror lest they should scrape her away. A fifth giant, who

appeared to consider himself ‘below’ – as indeed he was, from the

waist downwards – meditated, in such close proximity with the

little gusty chimney-pipe, that he seemed to be smoking it.

Several boys looked on from the wharf, and, when the gigantic

attention appeared to be fully occupied, one or other of these

would furtively swing himself in mid-air over the Custom-house

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