Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

was buried in the deep, and not an atom of it was ever afterwards


The most beautiful and affecting incident I know, associated with a

shipwreck, succeeds this dismal story for a winter night. The

Grosvenor, East Indiaman, homeward bound, goes ashore on the coast

of Caffraria. It is resolved that the officers, passengers, and

crew, in number one hundred and thirty-five souls, shall endeavour

to penetrate on foot, across trackless deserts, infested by wild

beasts and cruel savages, to the Dutch settlements at the Cape of

Good Hope. With this forlorn object before them, they finally

separate into two parties – never more to meet on earth.

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

There is a solitary child among the passengers – a little boy of

seven years old who has no relation there; and when the first party

is moving away he cries after some member of it who has been kind

to him. The crying of a child might be supposed to be a little

thing to men in such great extremity; but it touches them, and he

is immediately taken into that detachment.

From which time forth, this child is sublimely made a sacred

charge. He is pushed, on a little raft, across broad rivers by the

swimming sailors; they carry him by turns through the deep sand and

long grass (he patiently walking at all other times); they share

with him such putrid fish as they find to eat; they lie down and

wait for him when the rough carpenter, who becomes his especial

friend, lags behind. Beset by lions and tigers, by savages, by

thirst, by hunger, by death in a crowd of ghastly shapes, they

never – O Father of all mankind, thy name be blessed for it! –

forget this child. The captain stops exhausted, and his faithful

coxswain goes back and is seen to sit down by his side, and neither

of the two shall be any more beheld until the great last day; but,

as the rest go on for their lives, they take the child with them.

The carpenter dies of poisonous berries eaten in starvation; and

the steward, succeeding to the command of the party, succeeds to

the sacred guardianship of the child.

God knows all he does for the poor baby; how he cheerfully carries

him in his arms when he himself is weak and ill; how he feeds him

when he himself is griped with want; how he folds his ragged jacket

round him, lays his little worn face with a woman’s tenderness upon

his sunburnt breast, soothes him in his sufferings, sings to him as

he limps along, unmindful of his own parched and bleeding feet.

Divided for a few days from the rest, they dig a grave in the sand

and bury their good friend the cooper – these two companions alone

in the wilderness – and then the time comes when they both are ill,

and beg their wretched partners in despair, reduced and few in

number now, to wait by them one day. They wait by them one day,

they wait by them two days. On the morning of the third, they move

very softly about, in making their preparations for the resumption

of their journey; for, the child is sleeping by the fire, and it is

agreed with one consent that he shall not be disturbed until the

last moment. The moment comes, the fire is dying – and the child

is dead.

His faithful friend, the steward, lingers but a little while behind

him. His grief is great, he staggers on for a few days, lies down

in the desert, and dies. But he shall be re-united in his immortal

spirit – who can doubt it! – with the child, when he and the poor

carpenter shall be raised up with the words, ‘Inasmuch as ye have

done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto Me.’

As I recall the dispersal and disappearance of nearly all the

participators in this once famous shipwreck (a mere handful being

recovered at last), and the legends that were long afterwards

revived from time to time among the English officers at the Cape,

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