Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

When the noble savage finds himself a little unwell, and mentions

the circumstance to his friends, it is immediately perceived that

he is under the influence of witchcraft. A learned personage,

called an Imyanger or Witch Doctor, is immediately sent for to

Nooker the Umtargartie, or smell out the witch. The male

inhabitants of the kraal being seated on the ground, the learned

doctor, got up like a grizzly bear, appears, and administers a

dance of a most terrific nature, during the exhibition of which

remedy he incessantly gnashes his teeth, and howls:- ‘I am the

original physician to Nooker the Umtargartie. Yow yow yow! No

connexion with any other establishment. Till till till! All other

Umtargarties are feigned Umtargarties, Boroo Boroo! but I perceive

here a genuine and real Umtargartie, Hoosh Hoosh Hoosh! in whose

blood I, the original Imyanger and Nookerer, Blizzerum Boo! will

wash these bear’s claws of mine. O yow yow yow!’ All this time

the learned physician is looking out among the attentive faces for

some unfortunate man who owes him a cow, or who has given him any

small offence, or against whom, without offence, he has conceived a

spite. Him he never fails to Nooker as the Umtargartie, and he is

instantly killed. In the absence of such an individual, the usual

practice is to Nooker the quietest and most gentlemanly person in

company. But the nookering is invariably followed on the spot by

the butchering.

Some of the noble savages in whom Mr. Catlin was so strongly

interested, and the diminution of whose numbers, by rum and

smallpox, greatly affected him, had a custom not unlike this,

though much more appalling and disgusting in its odious details.

The women being at work in the fields, hoeing the Indian corn, and

the noble savage being asleep in the shade, the chief has sometimes

the condescension to come forth, and lighten the labour by looking

at it. On these occasions, he seats himself in his own savage

chair, and is attended by his shield-bearer: who holds over his

head a shield of cowhide – in shape like an immense mussel shell –

fearfully and wonderfully, after the manner of a theatrical

supernumerary. But lest the great man should forget his greatness

in the contemplation of the humble works of agriculture, there

suddenly rushes in a poet, retained for the purpose, called a

Praiser. This literary gentleman wears a leopard’s head over his

own, and a dress of tigers’ tails; he has the appearance of having

come express on his hind legs from the Zoological Gardens; and he

incontinently strikes up the chief’s praises, plunging and tearing

all the while. There is a frantic wickedness in this brute’s

manner of worrying the air, and gnashing out, ‘O what a delightful

chief he is! O what a delicious quantity of blood he sheds! O how

majestically he laps it up! O how charmingly cruel he is! O how

he tears the flesh of his enemies and crunches the bones! O how

like the tiger and the leopard and the wolf and the bear he is! O,

row row row row, how fond I am of him!’ which might tempt the

Society of Friends to charge at a hand-gallop into the Swartz-Kop

location and exterminate the whole kraal.

When war is afoot among the noble savages – which is always – the

chief holds a council to ascertain whether it is the opinion of his

brothers and friends in general that the enemy shall be

exterminated. On this occasion, after the performance of an

Umsebeuza, or war song, – which is exactly like all the other

songs, – the chief makes a speech to his brothers and friends,

arranged in single file. No particular order is observed during

the delivery of this address, but every gentleman who finds himself

excited by the subject, instead of crying ‘Hear, hear!’ as is the

custom with us, darts from the rank and tramples out the life, or

crushes the skull, or mashes the face, or scoops out the eyes, or

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

breaks the limbs, or performs a whirlwind of atrocities on the

body, of an imaginary enemy. Several gentlemen becoming thus

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