Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

The crowds in the streets, the lights in the shops and balconies,

the elegance, variety, and beauty of their decorations, the number

of the theatres, the brilliant cafes with their windows thrown up

high and their vivacious groups at little tables on the pavement,

the light and glitter of the houses turned as it were inside out,

soon convince me that it is no dream; that I am in Paris, howsoever

I got there. I stroll down to the sparkling Palais Royal, up the

Rue de Rivoli, to the Place Vendome. As I glance into a print-shop

window, Monied Interest, my late travelling companion, comes upon

me, laughing with the highest relish of disdain. ‘Here’s a

people!’ he says, pointing to Napoleon in the window and Napoleon

on the column. ‘Only one idea all over Paris! A monomania!’

Humph! I THINK I have seen Napoleon’s match? There was a statue,

when I came away, at Hyde Park Corner, and another in the City, and

a print or two in the shops.

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

I walk up to the Barriere de l’Etoile, sufficiently dazed by my

flight to have a pleasant doubt of the reality of everything about

me; of the lively crowd, the overhanging trees, the performing

dogs, the hobby-horses, the beautiful perspectives of shining

lamps: the hundred and one enclosures, where the singing is, in

gleaming orchestras of azure and gold, and where a star-eyed Houri

comes round with a box for voluntary offerings. So, I pass to my

hotel, enchanted; sup, enchanted; go to bed, enchanted; pushing

back this morning (if it really were this morning) into the

remoteness of time, blessing the South-Eastern Company for

realising the Arabian Nights in these prose days, murmuring, as I

wing my idle flight into the land of dreams, ‘No hurry, ladies and

gentlemen, going to Paris in eleven hours. It is so well done,

that there really is no hurry!’


WE are not by any means devout believers in the old Bow Street

Police. To say the truth, we think there was a vast amount of

humbug about those worthies. Apart from many of them being men of

very indifferent character, and far too much in the habit of

consorting with thieves and the like, they never lost a public

occasion of jobbing and trading in mystery and making the most of

themselves. Continually puffed besides by incompetent magistrates

anxious to conceal their own deficiencies, and hand-in-glove with

the penny-a-liners of that time, they became a sort of

superstition. Although as a Preventive Police they were utterly

ineffective, and as a Detective Police were very loose and

uncertain in their operations, they remain with some people a

superstition to the present day.

On the other hand, the Detective Force organised since the

establishment of the existing Police, is so well chosen and

trained, proceeds so systematically and quietly, does its business

in such a workmanlike manner, and is always so calmly and steadily

engaged in the service of the public, that the public really do not

know enough of it, to know a tithe of its usefulness. Impressed

with this conviction, and interested in the men themselves, we

represented to the authorities at Scotland Yard, that we should be

glad, if there were no official objection, to have some talk with

the Detectives. A most obliging and ready permission being given,

a certain evening was appointed with a certain Inspector for a

social conference between ourselves and the Detectives, at The

Household Words Office in Wellington Street, Strand, London. In

consequence of which appointment the party ‘came off,’ which we are

about to describe. And we beg to repeat that, avoiding such topics

as it might for obvious reasons be injurious to the public, or

disagreeable to respectable individuals, to touch upon in print,

our description is as exact as we can make it.

The reader will have the goodness to imagine the Sanctum Sanctorum

of Household Words. Anything that best suits the reader’s fancy,

will best represent that magnificent chamber. We merely stipulate

for a round table in the middle, with some glasses and cigars

arranged upon it; and the editorial sofa elegantly hemmed in

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