Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

Page 77

Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

at it. I found it what it had been described, and sauntered in, to

look about me. The landlady was in the bar, and I was trying to

get into conversation with her; asked her how business was, and

spoke about the wet weather, and so on; when I saw, through an open

door, three men sitting by the fire in a sort of parlour, or

kitchen; and one of those men, according to the description I had

of him, was Tally-ho Thompson!

‘I went and sat down among ’em, and tried to make things agreeable;

but they were very shy – wouldn’t talk at all – looked at me, and

at one another, in a way quite the reverse of sociable. I reckoned

’em up, and finding that they were all three bigger men than me,

and considering that their looks were ugly – that it was a lonely

place – railroad station two miles off – and night coming on –

thought I couldn’t do better than have a drop of brandy-and-water

to keep my courage up. So I called for my brandy-and-water; and as

I was sitting drinking it by the fire, Thompson got up and went


‘Now the difficulty of it was, that I wasn’t sure it WAS Thompson,

because I had never set eyes on him before; and what I had wanted

was to be quite certain of him. However, there was nothing for it

now, but to follow, and put a bold face upon it. I found him

talking, outside in the yard, with the landlady. It turned out

afterwards that he was wanted by a Northampton officer for

something else, and that, knowing that officer to be pock-marked

(as I am myself), he mistook me for him. As I have observed, I

found him talking to the landlady, outside. I put my hand upon his

shoulder – this way – and said, “Tally-ho Thompson, it’s no use. I

know you. I’m an officer from London, and I take you into custody

for felony!” “That be d-d!” says Tally-ho Thompson.

‘We went back into the house, and the two friends began to cut up

rough, and their looks didn’t please me at all, I assure you. “Let

the man go. What are you going to do with him?” “I’ll tell you

what I’m going to do with him. I’m going to take him to London tonight,

as sure as I’m alive. I’m not alone here, whatever you may

think. You mind your own business, and keep yourselves to

yourselves. It’ll be better for you, for I know you both very

well.” I’D never seen or heard of ’em in all my life, but my

bouncing cowed ’em a bit, and they kept off, while Thompson was

making ready to go. I thought to myself, however, that they might

be coming after me on the dark road, to rescue Thompson; so I said

to the landlady, “What men have you got in the house, Missis?” “We

haven’t got no men here,” she says, sulkily. “You have got an

ostler, I suppose?” “Yes, we’ve got an ostler.” “Let me see him.”

Presently he came, and a shaggy-headed young fellow he was. “Now

attend to me, young man,” says I; “I’m a Detective Officer from

London. This man’s name is Thompson. I have taken him into

custody for felony. I am going to take him to the railroad

station. I call upon you in the Queen’s name to assist me; and

mind you, my friend, you’ll get yourself into more trouble than you

know of, if you don’t!’ You never saw a person open his eyes so

wide. “Now, Thompson, come along!” says I. But when I took out

the handcuffs, Thompson cries, “No! None of that! I won’t stand

THEM! I’ll go along with you quiet, but I won’t bear none of

that!” “Tally-ho Thompson,” I said, “I’m willing to behave as a

man to you, if you are willing to behave as a man to me. Give me

your word that you’ll come peaceably along, and I don’t want to

handcuff you.” “I will,” says Thompson, “but I’ll have a glass of

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