Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

as they came in and out, say softly to the landlord, “Who’s that?

What does HE do here?” “Bless your soul,” says the landlord, “he’s

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

only a” – ha, ha, ha! – “he’s only a green young fellow from the

country, as is looking for a butcher’s sitiwation. Don’t mind

HIM!” So, in course of time, they were so convinced of my being

green, and got to be so accustomed to me, that I was as free of the

parlour as any of ’em, and I have seen as much as Seventy Pounds’

Worth of fine lawn sold there, in one night, that was stolen from a

warehouse in Friday Street. After the sale the buyers always stood

treat – hot supper, or dinner, or what not – and they’d say on

those occasions, “Come on, Butcher! Put your best leg foremost,

young ‘un, and walk into it!” Which I used to do – and hear, at

table, all manner of particulars that it was very important for us

Detectives to know.

‘This went on for ten weeks. I lived in the public-house all the

time, and never was out of the Butcher’s dress – except in bed. At

last, when I had followed seven of the thieves, and set ’em to

rights – that’s an expression of ours, don’t you see, by which I

mean to say that I traced ’em, and found out where the robberies

were done, and all about ’em – Straw, and Fendall, and I, gave one

another the office, and at a time agreed upon, a descent was made

upon the public-house, and the apprehensions effected. One of the

first things the officers did, was to collar me – for the parties

to the robbery weren’t to suppose yet, that I was anything but a

Butcher – on which the landlord cries out, “Don’t take HIM,” he

says, “whatever you do! He’s only a poor young chap from the

country, and butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth!” However, they –

ha, ha, ha! – they took me, and pretended to search my bedroom,

where nothing was found but an old fiddle belonging to the

landlord, that had got there somehow or another. But, it entirely

changed the landlord’s opinion, for when it was produced, he says,

“My fiddle! The Butcher’s a purloiner! I give him into custody

for the robbery of a musical instrument!”

‘The man that had stolen the goods in Friday Street was not taken

yet. He had told me, in confidence, that he had his suspicions

there was something wrong (on account of the City Police having

captured one of the party), and that he was going to make himself

scarce. I asked him, “Where do you mean to go, Mr. Shepherdson?”

“Why, Butcher,” says he, “the Setting Moon, in the Commercial Road,

is a snug house, and I shall bang out there for a time. I shall

call myself Simpson, which appears to me to be a modest sort of a

name. Perhaps you’ll give us a look in, Butcher?” “Well,” says I,

“I think I WILL give you a call” – which I fully intended, don’t

you see, because, of course, he was to be taken! I went over to

the Setting Moon next day, with a brother officer, and asked at the

bar for Simpson. They pointed out his room, up-stairs. As we were

going up, he looks down over the banister, and calls out, “Halloa,

Butcher! is that you?” “Yes, it’s me. How do you find yourself?”

“Bobbish,” he says; “but who’s that with you?” “It’s only a young

man, that’s a friend of mine,” I says. “Come along, then,” says

he; “any friend of the Butcher’s is as welcome as the Butcher!”

So, I made my friend acquainted with him, and we took him into


‘You have no idea, sir, what a sight it was, in Court, when they

first knew that I wasn’t a Butcher, after all! I wasn’t produced

at the first examination, when there was a remand; but I was at the

second. And when I stepped into the box, in full police uniform,

and the whole party saw how they had been done, actually a groan of

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