Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

horror and dismay proceeded from ’em in the dock!

‘At the Old Bailey, when their trials came on, Mr. Clarkson was

engaged for the defence, and he COULDN’T make out how it was, about

the Butcher. He thought, all along, it was a real Butcher. When

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the counsel for the prosecution said, “I will now call before you,

gentlemen, the Police-officer,” meaning myself, Mr. Clarkson says,

“Why Police-officer? Why more Police-officers? I don’t want

Police. We have had a great deal too much of the Police. I want

the Butcher!” However, sir, he had the Butcher and the Policeofficer,

both in one. Out of seven prisoners committed for trial,

five were found guilty, and some of ’em were transported. The

respectable firm at the West End got a term of imprisonment; and

that’s the Butcher’s Story!’

The story done, the chuckle-headed Butcher again resolved himself

into the smooth-faced Detective. But, he was so extremely tickled

by their having taken him about, when he was that Dragon in

disguise, to show him London, that he could not help reverting to

that point in his narrative; and gently repeating with the Butcher

snigger, ‘”Oh, dear,” I says, “is that where they hang the men?

Oh, Lor!” “THAT!” says they. “What a simple cove he is!”‘

It being now late, and the party very modest in their fear of being

too diffuse, there were some tokens of separation; when Sergeant

Dornton, the soldierly-looking man, said, looking round him with a


‘Before we break up, sir, perhaps you might have some amusement in

hearing of the Adventures of a Carpet Bag. They are very short;

and, I think, curious.’

We welcomed the Carpet Bag, as cordially as Mr. Shepherdson

welcomed the false Butcher at the Setting Moon. Sergeant Dornton


‘In 1847, I was despatched to Chatham, in search of one Mesheck, a

Jew. He had been carrying on, pretty heavily, in the bill-stealing

way, getting acceptances from young men of good connexions (in the

army chiefly), on pretence of discount, and bolting with the same.

‘Mesheck was off, before I got to Chatham. All I could learn about

him was, that he had gone, probably to London, and had with him – a

Carpet Bag.

‘I came back to town, by the last train from Blackwall, and made

inquiries concerning a Jew passenger with – a Carpet Bag.

‘The office was shut up, it being the last train. There were only

two or three porters left. Looking after a Jew with a Carpet Bag,

on the Blackwall Railway, which was then the high road to a great

Military Depot, was worse than looking after a needle in a hayrick.

But it happened that one of these porters had carried, for a

certain Jew, to a certain public-house, a certain – Carpet Bag.

‘I went to the public-house, but the Jew had only left his luggage

there for a few hours, and had called for it in a cab, and taken it

away. I put such questions there, and to the porter, as I thought

prudent, and got at this description of – the Carpet Bag.

‘It was a bag which had, on one side of it, worked in worsted, a

green parrot on a stand. A green parrot on a stand was the means

by which to identify that – Carpet Bag.

‘I traced Mesheck, by means of this green parrot on a stand, to

Cheltenham, to Birmingham, to Liverpool, to the Atlantic Ocean. At

Liverpool he was too many for me. He had gone to the United

States, and I gave up all thoughts of Mesheck, and likewise of his

– Carpet Bag.

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‘Many months afterwards – near a year afterwards – there was a bank

in Ireland robbed of seven thousand pounds, by a person of the name

of Doctor Dundey, who escaped to America; from which country some

of the stolen notes came home. He was supposed to have bought a

farm in New Jersey. Under proper management, that estate could be

seized and sold, for the benefit of the parties he had defrauded.

I was sent off to America for this purpose.

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