Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

train comes in; but after that, we will with pleasure.” Mr. Tatt

waits, and the train comes in, and then Witchem and me go off with

him to the Hotel. Mr. Tatt he’s got up quite regardless of

expense, for the occasion; and in his shirt-front there’s a

beautiful diamond prop, cost him fifteen or twenty pound – a very

handsome pin indeed. We drink our sherry at the bar, and have had

our three or four glasses, when Witchem cries suddenly, “Look out,

Mr. Wield! stand fast!” and a dash is made into the place by the

Swell Mob – four of ’em – that have come down as I tell you, and in

a moment Mr. Tatt’s prop is gone! Witchem, he cuts ’em off at the

door, I lay about me as hard as I can, Mr. Tatt shows fight like a

good ‘un, and there we are, all down together, heads and heels,

knocking about on the floor of the bar – perhaps you never see such

a scene of confusion! However, we stick to our men (Mr. Tatt being

as good as any officer), and we take ’em all, and carry ’em off to

the station.’ The station’s full of people, who have been took on

the course; and it’s a precious piece of work to get ’em secured.

However, we do it at last, and we search ’em; but nothing’s found

upon ’em, and they’re locked up; and a pretty state of heat we are

in by that time, I assure you!

‘I was very blank over it, myself, to think that the prop had been

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

passed away; and I said to Witchem, when we had set ’em to rights,

and were cooling ourselves along with Mr. Tatt, “we don’t take much

by THIS move, anyway, for nothing’s found upon ’em, and it’s only

the braggadocia, (2) after all.” “What do you mean, Mr. Wield?”

says Witchem. “Here’s the diamond pin!” and in the palm of his

hand there it was, safe and sound! “Why, in the name of wonder,”

says me and Mr. Tatt, in astonishment, “how did you come by that?”

“I’ll tell you how I come by it,” says he. “I saw which of ’em

took it; and when we were all down on the floor together, knocking

about, I just gave him a little touch on the back of his hand, as I

knew his pal would; and he thought it WAS his pal; and gave it me!”

It was beautiful, beau-ti-ful!

‘Even that was hardly the best of the case, for that chap was tried

at the Quarter Sessions at Guildford. You know what Quarter

Sessions are, sir. Well, if you’ll believe me, while them slow

justices were looking over the Acts of Parliament, to see what they

could do to him, I’m blowed if he didn’t cut out of the dock before

their faces! He cut out of the dock, sir, then and there; swam

across a river; and got up into a tree to dry himself. In the tree

he was took – an old woman having seen him climb up – and Witchem’s

artful touch transported him!’


“What young men will do, sometimes, to ruin themselves and break

their friends’ hearts,’ said Sergeant Dornton, ‘it’s surprising! I

had a case at Saint Blank’s Hospital which was of this sort. A bad

case, indeed, with a bad end!

‘The Secretary, and the House-Surgeon, and the Treasurer, of Saint

Blank’s Hospital, came to Scotland Yard to give information of

numerous robberies having been committed on the students. The

students could leave nothing in the pockets of their great-coats,

while the great-coats were hanging at the hospital, but it was

almost certain to be stolen. Property of various descriptions was

constantly being lost; and the gentlemen were naturally uneasy

about it, and anxious, for the credit of the institution, that the

thief or thieves should be discovered. The case was entrusted to

me, and I went to the hospital.

‘”Now, gentlemen,” said I, after we had talked it over; “I

understand this property is usually lost from one room.”

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