Dinosaur Planet by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 11, 12

It didn’t take long but everyone was relieved to be inside the shuttle, with the iris closed behind them. Then the others settled themselves with what comfort they could find.

“You are going to rest, aren’t you, Lunzie,” asked Kai, hunkering down by her side as she tended Trizein.

She gave a snort. “I’ll have no option as soon as Discipline releases. But Trizein should be all right. It’s natural for his system to seek repair in rest. And there won’t be anything to disturb him. How’re you?” she asked bluntly, glancing at sealed wrist and then more intently at his eyes.

“I’m still under Discipline, but not for much longer.”

She filled her spray gun. “I’ll give everyone else slightly more sedation than necessary. That’ll give us a chance for enough rest.”

She moved about the cabin then, administering the spray.

Varian tapped Kai on the shoulder.

“We’ve accommodation forward, Kai.”

He glanced round the recumbent forms and then followed her, gratefully lowering himself on the deck on the padding. Thin but thermal lined sheets had been fashioned and ought, he thought, to suffice. The ship would keep the interior temperature at a comfortable level for sleepers. Lunzie and Triv joined them and settled down, too.

“It could be worse, Kai,” said the physician, as if she read his thoughts as he stared down the bare cabin at the other sleepers. “We only lost Gaber and that fool asked for it with his tardy heroics.”

“Terilla and Cleiti?” asked Varian.

“Were mauled about, but no more. Worse for the psyche and the body. One doesn’t wish that sort of treatment for anyone …” Lunzie grimaced.

“I’m more concerned about their reaction towards Kai and myself when we seemed not to defend or protect them …”

Lunzie smiled. “They understand that! I know Cleiti’s parents are Disciples and I suspect Terilla’s mother is. What they can’t understand is the heavy-worlders’ metamorphosis into brutal, cruel temperaments.” Lunzie sighed. “All in all, I think we comported ourselves rather well, considering the odds against us and the unexpectedness of that mutiny.”

Suddenly her body sagged and she sighed again, with relief.

“I’m off,” she said, fumbling with shaking hands for the sedative gun. “Are you two ready for it?”

“Leave it,” said Kai. “We can do ourselves.”

Triv offered his arm to the physician. “I’m off it, too, Lunzie.”

The release of Discipline was obvious in the grey that seeped into his complexion. He was nearly asleep before Lunzie had fully administered the drug. “I’ll wake first,” he mumbled, and his head dropped to one side.

Lunzie snorted as she turned the spray on herself. “Not if I beat you to it, my friend. That’s the marvel of Discipline, or is it the bane, working even when you don’t want it to.” She exhaled raggedly and closed her eyes. “you’ve done well, leaders! You can rest easy on that score. Never met a … bet … ter …”

Varian chuckled. “You might know Lunzie would leave a compliment unspoken.” She kept her voice low though not even a repeat stampede would have wakened the physician or the other sleepers. “Kai? Will Tor respond?”

“He’s more likely to than any other Thek.”


Discipline must be leaving her, Kai thought, hearing the anxiety in her roughened voice. He took her good hand in his and carried it to his lips. She smiled, despite her worry, at the caress.

“I’d say it will be a week before he could possibly arrive. I think we can hold them together that long, don’t you?”

“After today, yes, I think we can. But, Kai, they don’t know we’ve no contact with EV Thek help is grand but pretty poor consolation because it’s debatable.”

“I know. It is, however, contact.” He felt Discipline leaving him, felt the massive fatigue, like an intolerable weight, press down on his abused body. Muhlah, but he’d be almighty stiff when he woke.

“Are you released, Kai? You look it.”

He laughed softly, noting the drain of colour from her face. He lifted the spray gun.

“Wait.” She raised herself on her good elbow and kissed him on the lips, a gentle kiss but nonetheless an accolade. I don’t want to fall asleep kissing you.”

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