Domes of Fire by David Eddings


‘You actually killed a man at that age?’ Emban asked her incredulously.

‘Two, Emban. The one who screamed for two days also died.’ The Atana looked

at Engessa, her glistening eyes a bit doubtful. ‘May I claim that one as

well, FatherAtan?’ she asked. ‘He might have died anyway of something


‘You may claim him, my daughter,’ he judged. ‘It was your knife-thrust

that killed him.’ She sighed. ‘I’ve always wondered about that one,’ she

confessed. ‘It clouded my count, and I didn’t like that.’

‘It was a legitimate kill, Atana. Your count is unclouded. ‘

‘Thank you, Father-Atan,’ she said. ‘It’s a bad thing to ‘be uncertain

about so important a matter.’ She paused, collecting her memories. ‘I

didn’t kill again for almost half a year. The Arjuni took me south to

Tiara. I did not cry at all during the journey. It is not proper to let

your enemies see you grieve. At Tiara, my captors took me to the

slave-market and sold me to a Dacite merchant named Pelaser. He was fat and

greasy, he smelled bad, and he was fond of children.’

‘He was a kindly master then?’ Baroness Melidere asked her. ‘I didn’t say

that, Melidere. Pelaser liked little boys and girls in a rather peculiar

way. The Arjuni had warned him about me, so he wouldn’t let me near any

knives. I had to eat, however, so he gave me a spoon. He took me to his

home at Verel in Daconia, and I spent the entire journey sharpening the

handle of my spoon on my chains. It was a good metal spoon, and it took a

,very fine edge. When we got to Verel he chained me to the wall in a little

room at the back of his house. The room had a stone floor, and I spent all

my time working on my spoon. I grew very fond of it.’ She bent slightly and

slid her hand down into her boot. ‘isn’t it pretty?’ The implement she held

up was a very ordinary-looking ‘spoon with a wooden handle. She took it in

both hands, twisted the handle slightly and then pulled it off the shank of

the spoon. The shank was thin and narrow, and it came to a needle-like

point. It had been polished Until it gleamed like silver. She looked at it

critically. ‘It’s not quite long enough to reach a man’s heart,’ she

apologised for her spoon. ‘You can’t kill cleanly with it, but it’s good

for emergencies. It looks so much like an ordinary spoon that nobody ever

thinks to take it away from me.’

‘Brilliant,’ Stragen murmured, his eyes glowing with admiration. ‘Steal us

a couple of spoons, Talen, and we’ll get to work on them immediately.’

‘Pelaser came to my room one night and put his hands on me,’ Mirtai

continued. ‘I sat very still, and so he thought I wouldn’t resist. He

started to smile. I noticed that he drooled when he smiled like that. He

was still smiling – and drooling – when I stabbed both of his eyes out. Did

you know that a man’s eyes pop when you poke them with something sharp?’

Melidere made a slight gagging sound and stared at the calm-faced Atana in

open horror. ‘He tried to scream,’ Mirtai went on in a chillingly clinical

way, ‘but I looped my chain around his neck to keep him quiet. I really

wanted to cut him into little pieces, but I had to hold the chain in both

hands to keep him from screaming. He began to struggle, but I just pulled

the chain tighter about his neck.’

‘Yes.’ Rather astonishingly, it was Ehlana’s doe-eyed maid Alcan who cried

her hoarse approval, and the quick embrace she gave the startled Atana was

uncharacteristically’ fierce. Mirtai touched the ‘gentle girl’s face fondly

and then continued. ‘Pelaser struggled quite a bit at first, but after a

while, he stopped. He had knocked over the candle, and the room was dark,

so I couldn’t be sure he was dead. I kept the chain pulled tight around his

neck until morning. His face was very black when the sun came up.’

‘A fair kill, my daughter,’ Engessa said to her proudly. She smiled and

bowed her head to him. ‘I thought they would ‘ kill me when they discovered

what I had done, but the Dacites of the southern towns are peculiar people.

Pelaser wasn’t well-liked in Verel, and I think many of them were secretly

amused by the fact that one of the children he usually molested had finally

killed him. His heir was a nephew named Gelan. He was very grateful that

I’d made him rich by killing his uncle, and he spoke to the authorities on

my behalf.’ She paused and looked at the princess, who was still nestled in

her lap holding the gleaming little dagger. ‘Could you get me some water,

Danae?’ she asked. ‘i’m not used to talking so much.’ Danae obediently

slipped down and’ went over toward one of the cooking-fires. ‘She might be

a little young to hear about certain things,’ Mirtai murmured. ‘Gelan was a

rather nice young man, but he had peculiar tastes. He gave his love to

other young men instead of women.’ Sir Bevier gasped. ‘Oh, dear,’ Mirtai

said. ‘Are you truly that unworldly, Bevier? It’s not uncommon, you know.

Anyway, I got on quite well with Gelan. At least he didn’t try to take

advantage of me. He loved to talk, so he taught me to speak Elenic and even

to read a bit. People in his circumstances lead rather tentative lives, and

he needed a permanent friend. I had been taught that it was polite to

listen when my elders spoke, and after a time he would pour out his heart

to me. When I grew a little older, he bought me pretty gowns to wear, and

sometimes he’d even wear them himself, although I think he was only joking.

Some of his friends wore women’s clothes, but nobody was really very

serious about it. It’s something they laughed about. It was about then that

I started to go through that difficult time in a girl’s life when she

starts to become a woman. He was very gentle and understanding, and he

explained what was happening so that I wasn’t afraid. He used to have me

wear my prettiest gowns, and he’d take me with him when he was doing

business with people who didn’t know his preferences. Daconia is an Elene

Kingdom, and Elenes have some peculiar ideas about that sort of thing. They

try to mix religion into it for some reason. Anyway, the fact that Gelan

always had a young slave-girl with him quieted suspicions.’ Bevier’s eyes

had a stunned look in them. ‘Maybe you should go help the princess look for

that water, Bevier,’ Mirtai suggested to him almost gently. ‘This was a

part of my childhood, so I have to talk about it at this time. You don’t

have to listen if it bothers you, though. I’ll understand.’ His face grew

troubled. ‘i’m your friend, Mirtai,’ he declared. ‘I’ll stay.’ She smiled.

‘He’s such a nice boy.’ She said it in almost the same tone of voice

Sephrenia had always used when saying exactly the same thing. Sparhawk was

a bit startled at how shrewdly perceptive the Atan girl really was. Mirtai

sighed. ‘Gelan and I loved each other, but not in the way that people

usually think of when they’re talking about a man and a woman. There are as


different kinds of love as there are people, I think. He had enemies,

though – many enemies. He was a very sharp trader, and he almost always got

the best of every bargain. There are small people in the world who take

that sort of thing personally. Once an Edomish merchant became so enraged

that he tried to kill Gelan, and I had to use my spoon to protect him. As I

said before, the blade’s not quite long enough to kill cleanly, so the

incident was very messy. I ruined a very nice silk gown that evening. I

told Gelan that he really ought to buy me some proper knives so that I

could kill people without spoiling my clothes. The idea of having a

twelve-yearold girl for a body-guard startled him at first, but then he saw

the advantages of it. He bought me these.’ She touched one of the

silver-hilted daggers at her waist. ‘I’ve always treasured them. I devised

a way to conceal them under my clothes when we went out into the city.

After I’d used them on a few people, the word got around, and his enemies

quit trying to kill him. ‘There were other young men like Gelan in Verel,

and they used to visit each other in their homes where they didn’t have to

hide their feelings. They were all very kind to me. They used to give me

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Categories: Eddings, David