Domes of Fire by David Eddings

advice and buy me pretty gifts. I was quite fond of them. They were all

polite and intelligent, and they’always smelled clean. I can’t abide smelly

men.’ She gave Kring a meaningful look. ‘I bathe,’ he protested.

‘Now and then,’ she added a bit critically. ‘You ride horses a great deal,

Kring, and horses have a peculiar odour. We’ll talk about regular bathing

after I’ve put my brand on you.’ She laughed. ‘I wouldn’t want to frighten

you until I’m sure of you.’ Her smile was genuinely affectionate. Sparhawk

realised that what she was telling them was a part of the Rite of Passage,

and that she would very likely never be this open again. Her tyPically Atan

defences had all been lowered for this one night. He felt profoundly

honoured to have been invited to be present. She sighed then, and her face

grew sad. ‘Gelan had one very special friend whom he loved very much – a

pretty Young fellow named Majen. I didn’t like Majen. He used to take

advantage of Gelan, and he’d deliberately say and do things to hurt him. He

was frivolous and selfish and very, very vain about his appearance. He was

also unfaithful, and that’s contemptible. In time he grew tired of Gelan

and fell in love with another meaningless pretty-boy. I probably should

have killed them both as soon as I found out about it. I’ve always

regretted the fact that I didn’t. Gelan had foolishly given Majen the use

of a rather splendid house on the outskirts of Verel and had told him that

he’d made provisions in his will so that Majen would own the house if

anything ever happened to him. Majen and his new friend wanted that house,

and they plotted against Gelan. They lured him to the house one night and

insisted that he come to them alone. When he got there, they killed him and

dropped his body in the river. I cried for days after it happened, because

I was really very fond of Gelan. One of his other friends told me what had

really happened, but I didn’t say anything or do anything right away. I

wanted the two of them to feel safe and to think that they’d got away with

the murder. Gelan’s sister inherited me – along with all his other

property. She was a nice enough lady, but awfully religious. She didn’t

really know how to deal with the fact that she owned me. She said she

wanted to be my friend, but I advised her to sell me instead. I told her

that I’d found out who had murdered Gelan and that I was going to kill

them. I said that I thought it would probably be better if I belonged to

somebody who was leaving Verel in order to avoid all the tedious business

about unexplained bodies and the like. I thought she’d be tiresome about

it, but she took it rather well. She was really quite fond of her brother,

and she approved of what I was planning. She sold me to an Elenian merchant

who was going to sail to Vardenais and told him that she’d deliver me to

him on the morning of his departure. She’d made him a very good price, so

he didn’t argue with her. ‘Anyway, on the night before my new owner was

planning to sail, I dressed myself as a boy and went to the house where

Majen and the other one were living. I waited until Majen left the house

and went to the door and knocked. Majen’s new friend came to the door, and

I told him that I loved him. I’d lived with Gelan for six years, so I knew

exactly how to ‘behave to make the pretty fool believe me. He grew excited

when I told him that, and he kissed me several times.’ She sneered with the

profoundest contempt. ‘Some people simply cannot be faithful. Anyway, after

he began to get very, very excited with the kissing, he started exploring.

He discovered some things that surprised him very much. He was even more

surprised when I sliced him across the belly just above his hips.’

‘I like this part,’ Talen said, his eyes very bright. ‘You would,’ Mirtai

told him. ‘You never like a story unless there’s a lot of blood in it.

Anyway, after I sliced the pretty boy open, all sorts of things fell out.

He stumbled back into a chair and tried to stuff ‘them back in again..

People’s insides are very slippery, though, and he was having a great deal

of trouble.’ Ehlana made a choking sound. ‘Didn’t you know’ about insides?’

Mirtai asked her. ‘Get Sparhawk to tell you about it sometime. He’s

probably seen lots of insides. I left the young man sitting there and hid

behind a door. Majen came home a while later, and he was dreadfully upset

about his friend’s ‘ condition.’

‘I can imagine,’ Talen laughed. ‘He was even more upset, though, when I

reached around from behind him and opened him up in exactly the same way.’

‘Those are not fatal injuries, Atana,’ Engessa said critically. ‘I didn’t

intend for them to be, Father-Atan,’ she replied. ‘I wasn’t done with the

two of them yet. I told them who I was and that what I’d just done to them

was a farewell gift from Gelan. That was about the best part of the whole

evening. I put Majen in a chair facing the chair of his friend so that they

could watch each other die. Then I stuck my hands into them and jerked out

several yards of those slippery things I told you about.’

‘And then you just left them there?’ Talen asked eagerly. She nodded.

‘Yes, but I set fire to the house first. Neither Majen or his friend

managed to get enough of themselves put back inside to be able to escape.

They screamed a great deal, though.’

‘Good God!’ Emban choked. ‘A fitting revenge, Atana,’ Engessa said to her.

‘We will describe it to the children in the training-camps to provide them

with an example of suitable behaviour.’ Mirtai bowed her head to him, then

looked up. ‘Well, Bevier?’ she said. He struggled with it. ‘Your owner’s

sins were his own. That’s a matter between him and God. What you did was

the proper act of a friend.’ I find no sin in what you did.’

‘i’m so glad,’ she murmured. Bevier laughed a bit sheepishly. ‘That was a

bit pompous, wasn’t it?’

‘That’s all right, Bevier,’ she assured him. ‘I love you anyway – although

you should keep in mind the fact that I have a history of loving some very

strange people.’

‘Well said,’ Ulath approved. Danae returned with a cup of water and

offered it to Mirtai. ‘Did you finish telling them the things you didn’t

want me to hear about?’ she asked. ‘I think I covered most of it. Thank you

for being so understanding – and for the water.’ Nothing rattled Mirtai.

Ehlana, however, blushed furiously. ‘It’s getting late,’ Mirtai told them,

‘so I’ll keep this short. The Elenian merchant who owned me took me to

Vardenais and sold me to Platime. I pretended not to speak Elenic, and

Platime misjudged my age because I was very tall. Platime’s quite shrewd in

some ways and ignorant in others. He simply couldn’t understand the fact

that an Atan woman can’t be forced, and he tried to put me to work in one

of his brothels. He took my daggers away from me, but I still had my spoon.

I didn’t kill too many of the men who approached me, but I did hurt them

all quite seriously. Word got around, and the business in that brothel fell

off. Platime took me out of there, but he didn’t really know what to do

with me. I wouldn’t beg and I wouldn’t steal, and he was really very

disappointed when he found out that I’d only kill people for personal

reasons. I won’t be a paid assassin. Then the situation came up in the

palace, and he gave me to Ehlana – probably with a great sigh of relief.’

She frowned and looked at Engessa. ‘That was the first time I’d ever been

given away instead of sold, Father-Atan. Did Platime insult me? Should I

‘go back to Cimmura and kill him?’ Engessa considered it. ‘I don’t think

so, my daughter. It was a special case. You might even look upon it as a

compliment. ‘ Mirtai smiled. ‘i’m glad of that, Father-Atan. I sort of like

Platime. He’s very funny sometimes.’

‘And how do you feel about Ehlana-Queen?’

‘I love her. She’s ignorant, and she can’t speak a proper language, but

most of the time she does what I tell her to do. She’s pretty, and she

smells nice and she’s very kind to me. She’s the best owner I’ve ever had.

Yes. I love her.’ Ehlana gave a low cry and threw her arms around the

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Categories: Eddings, David