Double Barrelled Detective by Mark Twain

likes; it is in his line; the camp is not interested.


Ten days later.

“James Walker” is all right in body now, and his mind shows improvement

too. I start with him for Denver to-morrow morning.

Next night. Brief note, mailed at a way-station.

As we were starting, this morning, Hillyer whispered to me: “Keep this

news from Walker until you think it safe and not likely to disturb his

mind and check his improvement: the ancient crime he spoke of was really

committed–and by his cousin, as he said. We buried the real criminal

the other day–the unhappiest man that has lived in a century–Flint

Buckner. His real name was Jacob Fuller!” There, mother, by help of me,

an unwitting mourner, your husband and my father is in his grave. Let

him rest.

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Categories: Twain, Mark