Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

Goodie Filster leaves town, that’s how long. Maybe it would

be even better if you were gone for good. Permanently.


We climbed down from the roof of the Cats & Kitties, and

he took me by the arm and ran me back to his office. I could

hear people fighting in town all the way there, and I

wondered how they could keep it up for so long and

wouldn’t they be tired of it all by now, but obviously they

weren’t yet.

Jarvis kept me inside his office long enough to give me

a blanket, a bag of bread rolls with no sugar, some cheese,

and a skin he said was full of water but which was really

only half full of ale, which I hate and have already poured

out. Then he said, “Just get out of here. It’s for your own

good as well as everyone else’s. You can’t stay here any

longer until Goodie Filster’s out of here.”

And I said, “Where can I go?” And he said, “Gods, you

idiot, anywhere! Just get out of this town. She’ll kill you if

she sees you here!” And I said, “But what about Ark? Can’t

I go see Ark?” Then Jarvis called me a name that means my

head looks like my backside and told me to leave, so I left.

I walked and walked until I was past the Dormens’

farm, which was as far as I’d ever gone away from town in

my whole life, and then I went around a hill I always used

to look at when I was small but had never visited, and I

looked back one last time at the town and felt like part of

my insides had fallen out and been left behind, and I missed

Ark terribly but didn’t know if I could ever go back, because

things were in such a mess.

There was smoke drifting over the town near the water-

front, but I couldn’t see if it was from Goodwife Filster’s

bakery or someone else’s place that was burning up. I turned

around and walked on down the road, scuffing my feet in

the dust and kicking rocks and holding my blanket and

wishing I was dead.

I thought of you, Astinus, and Ark, and I was ashamed

because I had promised to do my best to find out if anyone

understood the Cataclysm, but I had done it all wrong and

now I would never get to be a real scribe, much less an

amanuensis. Even worse, I was afraid that because I

couldn’t find out the answer to the question, then something

would go wrong someday and no one would know what to

do about it and it would be all my fault.

But even this was not as bad as missing Ark, because Ark

is my father, even if he isn’t my real father, because he took

care of me when no one else would, and I knew he would

be upset with me, and I missed him so much that I just

couldn’t feel anything at all. I was empty inside and knew I

would be empty forever. I wasn’t even hungry anymore.

I walked a long time, but I didn’t walk very fast. Part of

me wanted to keep on walking forever, but I got so numb

and tired that I found a rock under an oak tree by the road

and dropped my blanket and satchel and just sat down and

didn’t move at all. I must have sat there a long time before I

noticed that a donkey cart had stopped in front of me and

the driver had come over and was asking me something.

The driver was shorter than I am and had wrinkled leathery

skin and a snow-white beard and eyes like the deep sky. He

wore a red and brown outfit covered with belts and pockets

and tools. It was Cotterpin, the tinker gnome.

Cotterpin has been visiting all the villages in a huge

circle around the coast of northern Ergoth for years, and

everyone knows him. When I was small, he let me play with

some of the toys he had in his cart, and he was always

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