Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

and clothe them! You’re to blame for this even more than

he is. You brought him among us, and you blinded

everyone to his evil nature. You let him work his evil on us,

and now he’s had his way, and good people like myself are

destroyed! I’m ruined!” And then she called Ark some

names that I’m not going to write down here, because they

were awful and I don’t think I could spell them correctly

anyway. I might ask Ark about them tomorrow.

When Goodwife Filster stopped for breath, I heard

Widow Muffin say, “Goodie Filster, please, listen to us.

You need to go back to the inn and rest for a while. If you

do anything to hurt us, you’ll feel terrible about it. You’ve

had some terrible things happen to – ”


The wall I was leaning against vibrated when Goodwife

Filster yelled, and among other things she called Widow

Muffin a prostitute, only she didn’t use that word.

“You can’t talk to me!” Goodwife Filster finished. “You

have no right to say anything to me! You deserve the same

fate that the kender should have had years ago! He should

have died out there, eaten by rats and wolves. It’s your fault,

Arskin, for dragging that demon child in among good folk.”

“He’s not a demon,” Ark said, his voice shaky. “You’re

just upset, now. He’s a kender, and they’re just like you and

me, even if they cause a little more – ”

“The Abyss take you!” screamed Goodwife Filster.

“The evil gods delivered him into your hands to destroy


“Goodie, he was just a little baby, and his mother was

dead. She’d been wounded by goblins or bandits, and she’d

carried him all the way through the wilderness to get him to

safety. I couldn’t leave him there after I buried her. If you

had been me, you would have done the same. You know it!”

Ark sounded like he was trying to reason with a swamp

viper he’d almost stepped on.

I was shocked to hear about my mother, because Ark

had never said a word to me about her, and for a moment I

couldn’t think of anything else until Goodwife Filster


“I would have known what to do to the little bastard,”

she said, and my insides went cold when she said it. “I

would have spared us all this torment. But because of you

and that kender, I lost everything I ever owned. It’s only

right that you should suffer as I have, just exactly as I


I slowly moved around the door frame. No one was by

the door, but I could look into the wall mirror nearby and

see part of Goodwife Filster’s back and one of her arms. She

was holding a torch in one hand and had a meat-cutting

knife stuck in her belt. That was bad enough, but, being so

close to the door, I could also smell something like lamp oil,

only it couldn’t have been – or so I thought – because Ark

doesn’t own any oil lamps, because he says the local oil

burns too fast and smells awful, like burned fish, which is

what it comes from (we call them greasegills).

Of course, my next thought was that Goodwife Filster had

brought her own lamp oil, and that she meant what she said

about Ark suffering exactly as she had, and suddenly all I

could think about was my growing up in the shoe shop and

how it was the only home I had ever known and how Ark

and I, and later Widow Muffin, had always had so much fun

here. I realized I had no idea how much lamp oil Goodwife

Filster had brought in with her, but it smelled like enough to

burn up my memories and the shoe shop and maybe some

people with it.

I stopped listening then so I’d have a chance to think.

Think first, Ark always tells me, even if it’s just for a

moment. At first I thought I should run for help, but I didn’t

know if Goodwife Filster would behave herself long enough

for me to find Magistrate Jarvis and get back without

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