Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

before he could get off the back porch and catch me, and I

have to confess that it was a little exciting to tease him like

that, even though I knew I shouldn’t if I wanted to live a

long time.

Unfortunately, I had never expected to fall down in the

Wylmeens’ garden, though I had long ago figured out from

the number of close calls that I’d had with Mud that falling

down meant I would probably not get a second chance to

get out of the garden in one piece. I heard Mud coming off

the back porch, and I looked up over the vines in front of

my face to see him hurtling across the garden right at me,

moving like a wild black shadow with white moons for

eyes. I couldn’t see much of him but I saw enough, so I

wrapped my arms over my head and curled up and hoped

the Wylmeens would be able to call him off me before I

looked like that wolverine.

Mud was on me in a rush. Then he was over and past me,

and I heard a shriek that could have awakened a graveyard

full of dead people. Mud was snarling and fighting, and

someone was screaming, and I decided it was time to get

out of there no matter what had happened to my ankle. I

started to crawl away on my hands and knees as fast as I

could, but as I was trying to leave I heard Goodwife Filster

screaming “HELP ME!” at the top of her lungs, and I did

what I had never thought I would do. I crawled back to save


Humans think that because I’m a kender I am not

supposed to be afraid of anything, and I guess it’s true, but I

must admit that my stomach turned over when I saw how

big Mud was and what he was doing to Goodwife Filster on

the ground. Mud wasn’t paying any attention to me, so I

crawled over and got up on my knees and banged him twice

on his dog butt with the satchel. It was like hitting a tree

stump for all the good it did, and the satchel handle broke

right then anyway, and the facts machine fell out in the dirt

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