Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

They claimed to play the music for its own sake, for the

sake of the glory of song, but they all knew otherwise, for

always music serves some master.

Even Finn knew they were liars. Finn, who had held

neither harp nor flute, whose poetry was ambush and

plunder. He leaned into the eroded throne, dismissing the

pearly singer from Kalaman, the pale lad from Palanthas

and the merchant turned poet from Dargaard. Each gathered

a heel of bread for his song and turned, grumbling, eastward

toward Solamnic cities and the possibility of castles and


It was night. Bats rustled in the upper regions of the

cavern, and I remembered an old time, a winter time, a

cavern and a dry rustling sound. Two last supplicants stood

between me and the bandit: a beggar whose leg had been

damaged in a field accident, and another bard.

While the beggar begged and was given a loaf, and

while the bard sang and received a crust, I waited in the

shadow of the cave.

None of them had the song. None of them. Neither bard

nor minstrel nor poet nor troubadour. Their songs rang

thinly in the cave, echoing back to them and to us, throwing

the music into a doubling confusion.

I had come this far, and for me there was still more to

discover, more than thin music and mendicant rhymes.

When summoned, I stepped to the light, and when the

dulled eyes of the bandit king rested upon me, I threw back

my hood.


“Firebringer,” he rasped, and “Orestes the Torch.”

As all the bandits hastened to be the one to slay me, to

end the line and the curse before the approving eye of their

leader, Finn raised his hand and stayed theirs.

“No,” he rumbled. The blood of the line of Pyrrhus

should not stain the floors of this cavern. For remember the

curse. Remember the harm it might visit.”

One shaman, seated by the stone foot of the throne,

nodded in agreement, beads rattling as he fondled his bone


I followed the bandit guards into the throat of the cave,

to a confusing depth where all light had vanished except the

glow of candles wedged in rocks and later only the torch

that guided us. In a great rotunda hundreds of feet below

the surface they left me, the last of the guards covering their

tracks, candle by extinguished candle, and their footsteps

echoed over each other until the cavern resounded of a

passing, vanished army.

I sat in a darkness most absolute. After only a moment,

I heard a voice.

The language was quiet, insinuating, weaving with the

fabric of my thoughts until I could no longer tell, especially

in this darkness, what words lay outside me and what


OH, TO A WANDERING EYE … it began, a fragment

of song in the darkness.

I scrambled to my feet and lurched toward, I hoped, the

passageway. Bones clattered beneath my feet, rattled

against rotting wood and rusted strings, striking a hollow

music. Spinning blindly in the dark, I realized I had left

father’s harp behind, and knew at once that I could not find

my way back to it.

A second voice caught me standing stupidly in the same

place, huddled in my cloak, expecting the fangs, the

monster’s fatal poisons. At the new sound, I jumped,

flinging my pitiful knife away into the darkness, where it

clattered much too loudly against the rock wall.


And then, behind me, or what I thought was behind me,



And, beyond that, another voice, and yet

another, until I spun about dizzily, buffeted by voices, by

echoes, by wandering sound from centuries before. For not

only did the voices of Southlund and Coastlund mingle in

the darkness with a chorus of High Solamnic, but the

ancient ritual language seemed to change as I heard it,

traveling from voice to voice, each time its pronouncements

varying slightly until I realized that the last voices I had

heard were another language entirely and that I had

followed a passage of familiar words, familiar sounds, back

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