Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

Griffort was wiping down the bar, looked up to see him.

“Morning, sir,” he said. “Breakfast for you today? I

might be able to scrape together some eggs, if you’ve the

wealth for ’em.”

“No. I’m leaving.”

Griffort nodded. “Which way you headed?”


Griffort’s face darkened, and he motioned Marakion

closer. The innkeeper spoke in a low voice, “You want a

copper’s worth of free advice?”

Marakion nodded for him to continue.

“Don’t go west, at least not straight west. Skirt Mount

Phineous if you can. Evil things going on up there.”

Marakion was interested. “How so?”

“Lader’s Knoll.” The innkeeper shook his head. “We

used to have an arrangement with a farmer up there in

Lader’s Knoll. Taters don’t grow down here, as well as

other stuff Bartus likes for his cooking, so we’d swap bread

and the like for vegetables and such – but I can see you’re

not into long stories, so I’ll cut it short. One day, the farmer

stopped bringing his wagon down. I sent one of the town

boys to Lader’s Knoll to see what had happened. The kid

never came back. Something bad’s going on up there,

stranger – ” Griffort stopped at the sight of Marakion’s


“Perfect,” Marakion said. “Does the name ‘Knightsbane

Marauders’ mean anything to you? Have you heard of


The disconcerted innkeeper shook his head slowly.


Marakion stared at him hard, then turned and left the

inn. Behind him he heard the innkeeper’s comment to the

barmaid: “Must’a got his noggin cracked somewhere.

World’s full of crazies nowadays.”


Gylar awoke the next morning in a better mood. He’d

slept all the previous day and all night. His confusion and

fear were replaced by purpose. He wanted to know why the

gods killed everyone, why they allowed people like his

mother, and like Lutha, to die needlessly. Well, he would

ask them.

The question turned over again and again in his head as he

buried his mother next to the rest of his family. The snow

fell lightly on him and the ground at which he worked. It

was almost as though the skies knew Gylar didn’t want to

look at the village anymore.

When his mother was resting with his little brother and

father, Gylar went back inside the house.

He closed the door on the storm outside, went to his

father’s room, and pulled down the pack he’d kept on the

wall, the pack Gylar had seen his father use countless times

when they’d gone hunting together. A brief wash of

memories splashed over Gylar. He sniffled and ran a sleeve

across his nose.

Turning his thoughts to more immediate tasks, Gylar

took the pack into the kitchen. He collected some food

suited to traveling, a good kitchen knife, a spoon, and a

small pot. Gylar looked about for anything else he might

need. A bedroll, he thought. He went to his room, stripped

the woolen blanket off the bed, and rolled it up, tied it onto

his father’s already laden pack.

He put on a thick cloak and pulled the pack to the door.

The snowfall had sheathed the ground in white. Mount Phineous

was hidden in the distance, but its presence still

loomed in Gylar’s mind. What better place to contact the

gods than from the top of their latest creation?

He adjusted his cloak more snugly, threw the heavy

pack over his shoulder. It unsteadied him for a moment, but

he regained his balance and thrust an arm through the

remaining strap, securing the burden. He turned and looked

one last time at what once had been his home. Gylar said

nothing, bowed his head, and began walking toward the

great mountain.


Marakion watched as the young boy, bundled to the

teeth, left Lader’s Knoll.

“Off on a journey, are we?” he said quietly from the

shadow of a wall. “And just where are you going, little


Marakion had been in the small village for about half an

hour, and he hadn’t seen a living being. His disappointment

was acute. He’d assumed that Lader’s Knoll was the

marauders’ camp. It was perfect, a desolate place; all those

within traveling distance were scared to visit.

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