Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis


Darll leapt over the fallen man, stepping on his back.

“Officer material,” he grunted, and wrapped his dangling

manacle chain around the other man’s sword and pulled.

The sword flew out of the man’s hand.

Darll shouted back to Jarek. “Pick up his sword!”

Jarek picked it up, dropping his own sword. Graym

punched an opponent in the stomach and doubled him over,

sent him stumbling into two men behind him.

The men staggered back and raised their swords,

jumping at the Wolf brothers, who were closest.

Fanris and Fenris looked at the armored, bone-covered

sword-carrying men. Panic-stricken, the brothers both

shrieked, “We surrender!” and tossed their maces in the air.

The maces hit each man squarely in the head. Fenris

and Fanris looked at each other in relief and turned to run


The remaining men, daunted by five berserkers crazed

enough to charge an entire army, fled.

Skorm turned his skull face toward Graym. The grave-

robber charged, aiming a vicious two-handed sword straight

for Graym’s heart.

Darll yelled, “The axe!” picked it up, and threw it.

Graym caught the axe by the thong, just as it struck

Skorm’s sword and shattered the blade. Graym grabbed the

axe handle clumsily, and smacked Skorm on the head.

Skorm Bonelover, the Sorrow of Huma, the Dark

Lady’s Liege Man, the legendary Eater of Enemies, dropped

to the ground with a whimper.

The fat cooper, axe in hand, stood panting over him.

Rhael ran down the hill, spear in hand.

“We won!” she cried exultantly.

Halting, she looked down at Skorm’s shattered sword

and frowned. “That looks familiar,” she said. “That’s the

Protector’s Sword of Office!”

Graym bent and pulled the skull off Skorm’s face. He

was conscious again and looked pinched and scared, but

fairly ordinary beyond that.

“Protector!” Rhael gasped.

Darll kicked the Protector’s sword hilt away from him

and stood watching over him.

Rhael was staring admiringly at an embarrassed Graym. “I

heard the noise. I saw the whole thing. You charged an

army by yourselves!”

Darll opened his mouth to explain, but Jarek trod on his

foot. “We toppled our barrels on them. Then Graym was the

first one down. Not even Darll could outrun him.”

Rhael sighed. “What a wonderful idea. But your trade

goods – your ale – you sacrificed them for us?”

“One barrel made it,” Jarek told her. “It rolled off to

one side and didn’t hit anybody.” He shook his head. “But I

bet all those other soldiers are drinking it now.”

“There are no other soldiers, rock-brain!” Darll

growled. “This Protector and his friends built them out of

corpses, tugged on ropes to make them move, pretended to

train them. They wanted to scare everyone out of town,

then loot it, and it nearly worked.”

Jarek scratched his head. “Why didn’t the town set up a

bunch of fake soldiers to fight back?” he asked.

Darll looked at Graym, at Jarek, and at the Wolf

brothers, who, seeing the fight was over, had returned. Darll


“They did set up fake soldiers. Sort of.”

Graym cleared his throat. “Well, we’d best get on the

road.” He handed the Axe of Just Kidding back to Rhael.

“Business calls, Miss. Glad we could help, and all.”

She brushed his cheek with her finger. “You knew,” she

said wonderingly. “Even before you attacked, you knew

Skorm was a fraud.”

Graym looked uncomfortable. “Well, I had an idea.

Couldn’t be sure, of course.”

Darll rolled his eyes.

Graym, feeling awkward, said simply, “Nice meeting

you, Miss.” He turned and walked through the graves and

the shattered mock soldiers.

They collected the cart and the single surviving barrel.

Graym tried, briefly, to find the barrel taps and the rest of

their belongings, then said, “Give it up.” They dragged the

cart through the scattered armor, framework, and bones of

the open graves.

The cart rolled freely. Jarek looked at the single barrel

in it and said happily, “The price of ale must be way up


“Best thing that could happen, really,” Graym said, but he

sounded troubled. He and the Wolf brothers drew the cart

alone. Darll and Jarek walked alongside as they moved up

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