Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

purpose for which he had paused. Again he stretched forth

his gauntleted hand. The water might rust the metal, but the

parched knight did not care. All that existed was the hope

that this once – just this once – he might be allowed a sip.

His fingertips reached the surface of the tiny river,

passed through it without even touching.

He cursed, cursed the gods who had doomed him to this

wretched life. In frustration, he thrust his hand as deep into

the water as he could. The stream flowed on. He didn’t

create so much as a ripple.

Growing more desperate, the knight thrust his other

hand into the water. He tried to cup some of the liquid, but

each time his hands came free of the stream, they held

nothing. This land might have been a desert for all he could


His head lowered. The sound of mocking laughter came

to him, but he did not know if it was real or his imagination.

He had never known.

“How long must I pay?” the knight demanded of his

unseen tormentor. “What must I do to earn a sip of water?”

He pounded his fist against the ground, but even that

much comfort was denied him. His hand could not touch the

soil. There was always a small distance between the world

and him. The ground, like everything else, refused to accept

his touch, refused him peace.

“I am dead!” he roared at no one. “Let me rest!”

Dead. He was nothing more than a ghost now, a ghost

sentenced to pay in death for the darksome deeds he had

performed in life. Now and forever, the Abyss was his

home, his reward for living that life.

How long since his death? He had no idea. Time meant

nothing here. But he thought the Dragon War must be long

over. What was happening now in the world of his birth,

Krynn? Had centuries passed since his spirit had been

exiled to this phantom plain where no one existed but

himself and those who sought vengeance? Or had it been

only days?

The clink of armor warned him that he was no longer

alone. His pursuers had found him again. The knight

reached for his sword, but it was flight that was on his

mind. Combat was a last, desperate effort; it was

predestined that he would lose any battle.

Then the whispers began.


His name. After so long, he often forgot. They were

always there to remind him, however. They could never

forget the name of the one responsible.




Rennard may not have remembered his name, but now

the other memories were too terrible to forget.

His pursuers could not be far behind. Despite his

danger, the cursed knight could not help but take one last

desperate glance at the cool, sparkling stream.

“One sip,” he prayed, reaching his hand a last time

toward the water. “Is that so much to ask?”

And then … it was as if the world, ALL worlds, shrieked

in agony, began to shake.

Rennard found himself cast out into an invisible

maelstrom, caught up in some new, inventive torment of

the gods.

The whispers died. He wondered if his pursuers, too,

had been caught up by this chaos. Rennard stood. The

desolate realm that was his home, his prison, began to fade

before his eyes. He caught a glimpse of shadowy forms,

swords, and bitter eyes, then they dwindled away to

nothing. He heard a sound – one so out of place that he

could not believe he heard it.

“The Honor of Huma survives

The Glory of Huma survives

Dragons, hear!

Solamnic breath is taken

Life; hear!

My sword is broken of Dragons”

It was a human voice singing. And he heard a name . . .

Huma? How could such a thing be? What did it mean? The

melody drew the knight. Without thinking, Rennard moved

toward it, followed it. …

He found himself standing in a fogbound, desolate land.

Something is different, Rennard thought. This is not the


The song faded away, but Rennard barely noticed. He

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