Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

I daresay that it was stricken from the rolls when the truth

of my betrayal was known. I had, after all, murdered one

grand master and attempted to kill his successor. Although

many servants of the Dark Queen fell by my sword, I

betrayed the plans of the knighthood whenever possible and

caused the deaths of many men by my actions, all in the

name of Morgion, dread Lord of Disease and Decay.”

Dornay gasped. “I know YOU! I know the tales that

they whisper, even now!” His handsome face twisted.

“Rennard the Oathbreaker!”

Bowing, mocking, the ghost replied, “I thought myself

forgotten. Yes, I have the dishonor of being him.”

Erik snatched his sword from the ground, held it before

him. His eyes were narrow slits, his breathing rapid. He

began muttering under his breath.

Rennard recognized the litany and was amused.

“Exorcising demons? You are not so well-versed for one of

your rank. I doubt I will be so easily dismissed, even if you

should happen upon the proper chant.”

“Why does the ghost of a traitor and murderer visit me?

Do the gods think you will stop me in my chosen course?

Lucien’s death demands justice! He was murdered

needlessly, and I will see that his killers pay! Now begone!”

Rennard turned his horrific face toward the mortal. “I

would very much like to be gone, Erik Dornay, but not to

where I have been since my death. Peace is what I ask . . .

peace and a sip of water.” He stared into the flame, recalling

the past. “I want nothing to do with you, but something has

drawn me here. This is not the first time I have heard the

song you sang tonight, a song about him. Huma never

would have believed it. He would have shaken his head – ”

“Do not speak his name!” Erik pointed the useless

sword at the ghost as if he still intended somehow to run

Rennard through. “He was everything that you were not,

traitor! He was everything that I wanted to be!”

Wanted to be? thought the ghost. “And so you no

longer desire to be like him?”

The young knight stiffened, then lowered his sword. “I

cannot, not now, not after I kill them.” His gaze strayed to

the woods beyond. “So much has changed since the

Cataclysm. At first they begged for our help. Then, with a

swiftness unmatched even by the wind, the rumors began!

Some of the rumors were not without foundation, but to

blame the knighthood as a whole is unthinkable! If we were

spared the brunt of the disaster, surely it meant that we were

Paladine’s chosen! We should have been their guides on the

path of recovery. Instead, the scum we tried to protect

turned on us. ‘Look!’ they cried. ‘Ansalon shakes and

quivers, people die, and the knights are untouched!’ ”

The young Solamnian laughed harshly. “Some even

claimed we had conspired with the gods, for it was Ergoth,

our ancient tyrant, and Istar, our magnificent rival, who

suffered most. Lucien tried to reason with them – the

ignorant offal. And they dragged him down from his horse

and murdered him!”

None of this made much sense to Rennard. “And was

the knighthood responsible for this . . . this Cataclysm?”

Erik glowered. “How can you ask that? You were a


“Yes,” said Rennard dryly, “I was a knight.”

“I swear that we were not!” Dornay’s voice shook. “It

could never be!”

“I see”

After a pause, Erik asked, “Did you really know him?”

“Very well.” Rennard stood silently, his mind a

whirlpool of memories. He stared at the mortal before him

and saw Huma. The similarities were more than skin deep.

Am I supposed to turn him along the proper path?

Rennard asked whoever had sent him. I was a puppet in

life. Am I to be one in death? Better he make his own

destiny, whatever the consequences! At least the choice

will be his!

Rennard saw, to his surprise, that the young Knight of

the Rose was staring at him, not in fear and loathing, but in

desperate need. “Huma . . . What would he have done?

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