Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

Would he have understood? Lucien was my friend, more

than friend … he was dearer than any brother. Please,

specter, tell me, what would Huma – ?”

“Huma would have done what Huma would have

done,” Rennard interjected quickly. Thinking of Huma

stirred memories and emotions that the ghost refused to

acknowledge. “Just as you will do what you will do.”

“That is no answer!” Dornay said angrily. “Would he

have understood my need for vengeance? Tell me!”

I will not do this! Rennard told those who’d sent him.

Dornay’s path must be his own! What course his life takes

will be his choice, not that of some interfering deity!

The ghost thought he heard whispers then, but perhaps

they were only his own thoughts, speaking back to him:



A fate such as mine? Erik’s thirst for vengeance could

hardly be as great a crime as those I committed. But,

Rennard could not help wondering, once he’s done murder,

he might sink lower still. One day, he might find himself

trapped in a futile flight from those he killed and who,

because of him, would never be able to rest either.

The “Song of Huma” ran through his mind.

“Huma,” Rennard whispered. The man who was now

legend never abandoned me, he even looked up to me.

Huma – the man, not the legend – had been there in the end,

trying to save me from myself. Rather than face him, I took

the coward’s way out. I slit my own throat.

Rennard turned his eyes briefly to the murky heavens. “I

will do this for you, Huma … of the Lance. I will do it for

you, not the gods. Never them.”

Pale eyes narrowing, the ghost answered the young

knight’s question. “He would have understood VERY well

what you were doing, Erik Dornay. You have my oath on

that. Unlike you, however, Huma would have understood

the meaning and the consequences as well. And, therefore,

he would never have considered your dark course.” Rennard

shifted so as to allow the fire to illuminate his features.

“Huma would have known that such a course can lead one

only to a fate . . . like mine. Each life I took follows me,

punishes me.” Rennard shivered, the flickering shadows

caused by the fire too lifelike at that moment. “The number

still horrifies me, when they begin to gather.”

“But they killed Lucien! They don’t deserve to live! I

have to … to …” Backing away, Dornay stumbled over to his

horse. He untied the animal and wearily mounted, ignoring

the fact that his helm still lay on the ground.

“You may deny me, mortal. You may even deny Huma,

whom you claim to admire. Can you, though, deny


Erik Dornay did not respond. He turned his horse and

urged the animal on with a harsh kick to the ribs.

Rennard materialized in front of him. “Huma – the squire I

trained, the knight I fought beside and against, the legend

that led you to the Solamnic orders – watches us. He had a

way of affecting others, Erik Dornay, even me. For that

reason and that reason alone, I will not let this end. I will

haunt you day and night if I have to.”

The Knight of the Rose kicked his protesting charger

again, forcing the horse to ride through Rennard.

The ghost disappeared, made himself reappear in front

of the startled animal. The horse tried to turn away, but Erik

once more forced the terrified beast to keep to the chosen

route. Snorting in frustration and anxiety, the mount again

raced through the apparition and galloped down the path.

Rennard followed. He’d wait until the horse could go

no farther, which couldn’t be very long. What would Erik do

when he realized it was impossible to escape the ghost?

Rennard did not know. The young knight was wavering in

his desire for revenge, but it was at such an emotional

junction that the greatest danger lay. Erik might go through

with his dark plan merely to prove to himself he was not a

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