Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

them bringing captives, and now there were at least thirty in

the camp, and dozens of slaves in the pen.

A guard passed near the wood-barred enclosure, and a

human voice inside said, “If only I could get my hands on a

sword, I’d . . .”

The guard laughed. “You’d what, slave? Fight? By the

time we sell you, we’ll have beaten all the fight out of you.

Now shut up.”

Another guard strolled past on the gully dwarves’ side,

and the Highbulp and his followers cringed away from the

bars. They didn’t like the way these Talls talked, at all.


At first dawn, the ladies packed as much bear meat as

they could carry, while the Lady Drule went looking for

tracks to follow. Krog tagged along, happy as a duckling

following its mother.

Drule searched northward, then stopped and scratched

her head. There had been tracks before, she was certain, but

now there were none. “Where they all go?” she wondered.

Krog squatted beside her, scratching his head in

imitation. “Who?” he asked.

“Highbulp an’ th’ rest,” she reminded him. “Ones we

been tryin’ to find.”

He scowled – a frightening and fierce expression, on his

face. “Mama want find those ones?”

“Sure,” the Lady Drule said. “Don’t know where to look,


“No problem,” Krog said, standing and pointing

northward. “They over there.”


“There. See smoke? That where other others go.”

He seemed certain of it, so Drule said, “Fine. We go

there, too. Highbulp prob’ly need ‘tendin’ to ’bout now.”

She called to the rest, and they set off northward – a

nine-foot creature guiding, a long line of three- to four-foot

creatures tagging after. In the distance, far across a wide,

sundered valley littered with the debris of nameless

catastrophe, was a ridge. Beyond the ridge, Krog said, were

their lost people. It would take all day to get there, Drule

guessed, but they had nowhere else to go.

It was midday when Drule and Krog rounded a spire of

rock that might once have been a mountaintop, and came

face-to-face with a stranger, a human, carrying an axe.

As any good gully dwarf would do, faced with an

armed Tall, the Lady Drule shrieked, turned and ran.

Behind her, gully dwarves scattered in all directions.

Krog looked after Drule for a second, thoroughly

puzzled, then looked again at the bug-eyed man standing

there, gawking up at him in terror. Krog shrugged

eloquently, then voiced a mighty shriek, flung up his hands

just as Drule had done, and pounded away after her. His

shriek drowned out the screams of the man, who was now

bounding away in the other direction, shouting, “Ogre!


Some distance away, Krog found the Lady Drule hiding

behind a clump of grass. Krog did the same, though his

clump of grass covered no more than the lower part of his

face and maybe one shoulder. He stayed there until Drule

rose. Deciding the danger was gone, she went to regather

her followers. Krog didn’t know why they had been hiding,

but whatever suited Mama was all right with him.


It was late evening. Hazy dusk lay in the long shadows of

the Khalkists, and the smoke of campfires hung in the air

when a gully dwarf named Bipp crept through the brush to

the shadowed slave pen and looked inside. He squinted.


Several faces turned toward him. “Hey,” someone said.

“That Bipp.”

“What you doin’ out there, Bipp?” another asked.

Bipp put a finger to his lips. “Sh!”



“Oh. Okay.”

“Where Highbulp?” Bipp whispered.

“Right here, somewhere. Highbulp? Highbulp, wake

up. Bipp here.” A pause, then, “Highbulp! Wake up!

Highbulp sleepy oaf. Wake up, Highbulp! Bipp here.”



“Shut up over there!” a human voice shouted. “Can’t

you little dimwits ever be quiet?”

At the sound, an armed guard at the far comer of the

pen looked around, and Bipp flattened himself in the

shadows. “Shut up in there, or you’ll wish you had,” the

guard ordered.

Then Gorge was there, peering through the lashed-post

bars. “What Bipp want?”

“Lady Drule send me. She lookin’ for you. Why ever’-

body here?”

“Can’t get out,” the Highbulp said, peevishly. “Talls got

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