Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

us incarcera … in custo … got us locked in for sell.”

“Oh.” Bipp studied the bars, shrugged, and turned away.

“Okay,” he said. “Have nice evenin’. I go tell Lady Drule.”

In a moment he was gone, but behind him a babble of

voices echoed, and a guard roared, “You slaves heard what I


A torch flared. A guard with a patch on one eye drew a

sword and thrust it viciously between the bars. A human

screamed, and the scream became a whimper as the guard

withdrew the sword, bloody.

The man put away his sword, grinned at another guard.

“That ought to quiet them,” he said. “Slaves don’t need two

ears, anyway.”


Atop the ridge, the Lady Drule and the others listened

wide-eyed as Bipp made his report. He told them what he

had seen and what he had heard, and there was no doubt

what it all meant. Most of the males of the Bulp clan were

prisoners of heavily armed Talls, and would be sold into


Drule scratched her head, wondering what to do about

that, then gave up and went to find Hunch. “You Grand Notioner,”

she reminded him. “Time for Grand Notion.”

The Grand Notioner was preoccupied, trying to repair

the bindings on his feet after a long day’s walk. “What

about?” he grumbled.

” ‘Bout how get Highbulp an’ all away from Talls! Pay


“Oh.” He thought about it for a while, then shrugged

and pointed at the stick in her hand. “Use bashin’ tool, I


“For what?” Drule looked at the stick.

“For bash Talls,” he explained.

To the Lady Drule, that didn’t sound like much of an

idea, but when several long minutes of fierce concentration

didn’t produce a better one, she resigned herself to it.

Bashing Talls, in her opinion, was a very good way to get

into a lot of trouble, but maybe it was worth a try.

“Anybody wanna bash Talls?” she asked around,

hoping for volunteers. There were none. She would just

have to do it herself, then.

Nearing the foot of the ridge, Drule suddenly was aware

that Krog was right behind her, mimicking her stealthy

approach. She turned and raised a hand. “Krog wait,” she

whispered. “I got somethin’ to do.”

In a rumbling whisper, the big creature asked, “What

Mama do?”

She pointed toward the pen, where a guard was sitting

on a rock. “See Tall there? Gotta bash him. Now be quiet.”

“Oh,” Krog said. “Okay.”

With Krog silenced, the Lady Drule crept on down the

slope toward the guard. Even sitting on a rock, the man was

taller than she was, and his ready sword glinted in the


Trembling with dread, Drule crept up behind him,

raised her rat-bashing stick, and brought it down on the

back of the man’s head as hard as she could.

“Owl” the man said. His hand went to his head. “What

th’ – ” He reached for his sword.

The Lady Drule tried to run, but tripped over her own

feet and fell.

The raider guard spied her, spat. “Gully dwarf!” He

grasped the hilt of his sword . . . then raised his eyes to see

the last sight of his life – a massive club descending on his


The Lady Drule got her feet under her, started to run

again, then saw the squashed body of the man sprawled

across the rock. Krog stood to one side, disinterestedly

gazing out over the fire-lit camp.

“Wow!” Drule breathed. Raising her rat-stick, she stared

at it in amazement. “Pretty good bash!”

Quietly, then, she crept toward the pen, bright eyes

looking for other Talls to bash. Somewhere nearby, a

rumbling whisper said, “Ones with weapons first,D Mama.”

That, she realized, made pretty good sense. She

wondered how Krog came to know such sound strategy. At

the bottom of the slope, she began to circle the slave pen.

The gully dwarves were all crowded into one comer of the

wooden cage enclosure, spumed by the humans inside.

As Drule neared that comer, a voice whispered, “There

Lady Drule! Hi there, Lady Drule.” Another voice

whispered, “Highbulp! Wake up! Lady Drule here . . .

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