Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

Highbulp? Highbulp sleepy oaf. Wake up, Highbulp!”

Drule said, “Sh!” and went on. Behind her, a giant

shadow moved, but those inside were too busy watching her

to notice it.

Just beyond the comer of the stockade, a man stood

leaning on a spear staff. He yawned, and a stick smacked

him sharply across the buttocks. “Here now!” he started to

say, but only part of it was ever said. The club that smashed

into his skull put an end to it.

“Wow,” the Lady Drule muttered.

Another guard stood at the next comer, and just beyond

him burned the coals of a cook-fire. Other men lay in sleep,

their weapons at hand. Quietly, Drule approached the guard,

raised her stick, and whacked him on the back. The man

said, “Ow!” and spun around, raising his spear. “Gully

dwarf,” he said. “And a female one. Where did you come


“Woop,” Drule shouted. She raised her stick and struck


The stick whacked across the man’s knuckles, and he

dropped his spear. His eyes narrowed. “Why, you little

snake,” he hissed. “You’ll pay for that.” He drew a long

knife from his boot and lunged at the gully dwarf, who

dodged aside, tripped, and fell.

The slaver aimed another thrust, then stopped. A chorus

of shrieks sounded from inside the pen. Some of the slaves

had just noticed Krog stepping into the light of the fires.

Crashing, thudding sounds erupted. Thuds, rending snaps,

and a high-pitched scream abruptly silenced.

The guard turned, gaped, screamed, “Ogre!”

He started to run, tripped over the Lady Drule, and

sprawled facedown.

A stick whacked him on the back of his head, and a

voice said, “Take that!” Then, “Don’ know what wrong with

this bashin’ tool. Used to work real good.”

As the man got to his knees, Drule decided she had

done enough bashing, and ducked away. The area around

the nearby campfire was a shambles – sprawled bodies

everywhere, dropped weapons lying here and there . . . and

blood, lots of blood. Krog had finished there and gone on to

the next fire, unleashing havoc. There were screams of fear,

screams of agony, the rhythmic thudding of a huge club

against flesh and bone.

Like huge death, Krog strode around and through the

sleeping-fire, a growling, implacable horror with rending

fingers, ripping teeth, and a great club as tireless and

relentless as a harvester’s scythe. Wide-eyed, terrified

slavers came out of their blankets, grabbing up weapons to

confront him. Some never even got to their feet before the

heavy club flattened them and great feet trod across their

bodies. Others tried to regroup and fight, and were

splattered with their companions’ blood even as their own

blood splattered others.

A man with an eye-patch rolled aside, hid for a second

in shadows, then sprang to his feet, aiming a heavy sword at

the marauder’s backside. He swung – and the sword thudded

into hard wood, embedded itself, and was torn from his

grasp. A huge hand closed around his helmed head and

squeezed, and the iron helm collapsed, crushing the skull

within. Krog flung him aside and went on, growling his


Somewhere, deep in Krog’s mind, a glimmer of memory

awakened – memory triggered by the violence and the smell

of fresh blood. Rampant and towering in the remains of the

sleeping camp, Krog raised his club toward the sky, and a

growl sounded in his throat – a growl that became a roar that

echoed from the hillsides, a roar of challenge and of

pleasure, the cry of a rampaging ogre.

Ahead of him were other fires, where men with

weapons scrambled in all directions, and his eyes lit with


But then, behind him somewhere, a voice called, “Krog!

‘Nough foolin’ ’round! Got better things to do!”

The glimmer of memory held for a moment, urging him

on, then became tenuous and faded. Feeling a

disappointment he didn’t understand, Krog turned and

headed back, pausing only for a casual swat that brained a

panicked, fleeing slaver. “All right, Mama!” he thundered,

his lower lip jutting in a huge pout. “Comin’!”

The ladies of Lady Drule’s retinue, and the few males

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