Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 3 – Love and War

being what he was. A stocky man with slightly gray hair

and a perpetual scowl blocked his path with an open cart

drawn by two oxen. Several other villagers stood behind the


“What do you want here, oh great and noble knight?”

The venom fairly dripped from his mouth.

Garrick sighed. “I have sworn by the Measure that I will

defend my fellow men from the evil that is the Queen. I

intend to keep that pledge.”

They laughed. Laughed loudly. The laughter was

magnified a thousand times in Garrick’s mind, though he

knew it would come. It always had. The loud, bitter


The stocky leader stepped closer, his eyes shifting back

and forth between the knight and the warhorse. It was

obvious that he did not trust either of them. Closer now, he

studied Garrick’s battered armor, the chipped and bent

weapons, his pale and sweating face.

“Aye, you look like a terror that will frighten away the

dark ones. Frighten them into conquering the world, I’d


There was more laughter, though much more muted

than before. The looks the villagers gave Garrick were ugly,

full of hate. Hate for his not having been there when it

counted. The leader shifted closer, his intentions clear. Pull

the knight down into the mud where he belonged. The

knight drew his well-worn blade with a speed that belied his

weary appearance. He kept the group at bay with the

weapon, allowing no one within arm’s length.

“For your own sakes, move on.”

Muttering, they did so, much more quickly and

complacently than Garrick would have thought possible for

them. He realized why with a sadness that sank him deeper

into the darkness he had ridden in since Standel’s death. He

was nothing to them. If anything, they were disgusted with

him. Disgusted with all the knights.

It hurt Garrick that they had good reasons for their


The few huts he passed now were stripped of anything

worth carrying. Mere shells. Skeletons. It was as if the war

had already been through here. In a sense, he realized,

perhaps it had. Standel would have been stronger, more able

to cope with the shouts, the curses, the looks. Garrick could

not understand why he should live while a better knight

should die so ignominiously. Not for the first time since his

companion’s death, he wavered slightly in his belief in the


The ground reached for him. Garrick steadied himself and

wiped his brow. To collapse this close, to leave his task

unfinished, would be unforgivable. Paladine would surely

condemn him. He waited for exhaustion to overtake him,

but something held back the final fall. A warmth in his

chest, around his neck. A feeling of guidance and love.

His shaking hand tugged hard on the chain circling his

throat. The medallion given to him so long ago gleamed

despite the lack of any sunshine. On each side of the

medallion were engraved words from the Measure. More

important, the medallion carried the face of Paladine as

known by the Knights of Solamnia.

The pain in his mind eased. Paladine had not

condemned him after all. There was still some purpose to

Garrick’s life, some reason the god still watched over him.

He thanked his lord and allowed the piece to thump against

his chest again. Though his body was worn beyond the

limits of most men, he smiled gratefully. He would be

allowed the chance to fulfill his Oath.

Somewhere to the south lay his objective. Somewhere

to the south, perhaps four days, perhaps only two, lay part

of the advancing army of the Dragon Highlord – a sizable

portion commanded by one of the Highlord’s most

dangerous generals. Pushing ever closer, its only real

obstacle was the tiny garrison four days north from

Garrick’s present location.

They would be forced to travel through the woods to

obtain the pass, he realized. In the woods, they would be

vulnerable. In the woods, he stood a chance.

He came across the bodies just after crossing a stream.

They had been carelessly stacked to one side. Plague

victims. The stench nearly overwhelmed him. The knight

shivered. Better to die in battle than waste away in the end.

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