Drowning World by Alan Dean Foster

She ordered Poutukaa’s confidential financial records accessed. With a look of reluctance and a sigh of distress, Pandusky went to work.

Geladu-tiv arrived in her office later that afternoon, escorted by two peaceforcers. She had the heavily armed soldiers remain, flanking the door to her outer office. The Sakuntala elder did not look happy. His tongue kept lolling out of one side of his mouth, and his tail would not be still. The strappings he wore were among the fanciest she had seen, an opulent mix of traditional weave, embossing, and engraving work that alternated with contemporary highlights.

She said as much. “Poutukaa must be doing well for its Hata to afford such costly raiment. I applaud your enterprise. You are proof that the Deyzara are not the only ones who can succeed in doing commerce with the business entities of the Commonwealth.”

Hauled off under armed guard to the office of the Authority administrator, the last thing the senior Sakuntala had expected was to be greeted with a compliment.

“Hauea, we do well enough.” He was trying very hard not to turn to look at the guards, who had their protective face shields down and their weapons at the ready. “Administrator Matthias, why have I been brought here? I a simple businessperson, just as you have declared.”

“Businessperson I have no doubt. Simple—that is another matter.” She indicated a thick pile of hard copy on her desk. “I have been reviewing your company records for the past year.”

Geladu-tiv looked startled. “You not permitted to do such a thing.”

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Categories: Alan Dean Foster