Then he turned his mind to Ammon. The king was in the apartments chosen for him on the second level of the Council Building. Soon Rael would have to meet with him. His 5,000 men could help turn the tide, but how sensible would it be to invite 5,000 essentially hostile warriors into the cities? If, by some miracle, the Almecs could be massively defeated Ammon would find himself in a position he had longed for. In control of the Avatar Empire.


What empire? The thought depressed Rael. There was no empire any more.

The door opened and Viruk stepped inside. ‘What do you want, cousin?’ he asked, irritated by the sudden intrusion.

‘Don’t cousin me, you whoreson!’ thundered Viruk. ‘You send me from an Avatar city to rescue an androgyn­ous sub-human and what do I find when I return? The city being run by Vagar dogs. I ought to cut your throat, you treacherous bastard!’

Coldly angry, Rael rose from his desk and moved to stand in front of the outraged warrior. ‘If anyone is guilty of treachery it is you, you arrogant fool,’ he said. ‘The village woman you bedded is the real power in the cities now. And do you know why? Because you broke the law and healed her, Viruk. She is crystal-joined. Surely even you will understand what that means. We tried to kill her. We failed.’

‘I could kill her,’ said Viruk. ‘There is nothing that lives or breathes that I cannot kill.’

‘It is not – at this time – an option. Her powers give us at least a fighting chance against the Almecs. But once Anu’s pyramid is complete we may have a better chance.’

‘What then? Do we seize back power?’

‘Of course,’ lied Rael, smoothly.

Viruk smiled broadly. ‘That is more like it.’

‘Now I must greet my guests.’ Rael looked at Viruk’s travel-stained clothes. ‘I suggest you go to your home and bathe.’

‘You wouldn’t happen to know if my marsh marigolds arrived safely?’ asked Viruk.

‘No, I wouldn’t,’ the Questor General told him.

After Viruk had left, Rael walked down to the Council Chamber and sent a servant to request the presence of the Lady Mejana and Ammon.

Mejana arrived first, dressed in a voluminous blue robe. She nodded curtly at Rael, then sat down on his right without speaking. They sat in silence for several minutes before a servant announced the arrival of the king.

Ammon entered, dressed in a borrowed tunic of pearl-grey silk and silver-thonged sandals. His dark hair had been washed and perfumed and hung low to his shoulders, and his movements were languid and graceful. Moving around the table he drew up a seat close to Rael. ‘Charming apartments you offered me,’ he said, ‘but I would appreciate the talents of a tailor.’

‘I shall have one sent to you as soon as we are finished here,’ said Rael. ‘But first let me welcome you to Egaru. It pleases me to have been helpful in your rescue.’

‘No doubt there will be a price to pay,’ said Ammon. His violet eyes flickered towards Mejana. ‘And you are, lady?’

Rael cut in swiftly. ‘Allow me to present the Lady Mejana, my First Councillor.’

Ammon bowed his head briefly. ‘Is this a new fashion among the Avatar, lady, to eschew blue hair?’ he asked, mischievously.

‘I am not an Avatar, sire.’

Ammon assumed an expression of mock surprise. ‘Indeed? Then how, one wonders, have you achieved such remarkable status?’

‘As you are well aware,’ said Rael, keeping his tone even, ‘Mejana is the head of the Pajists, an organization funded by yourself and your minister Anwar. However, that is of small consequence now. We are all facing a terrible enemy. What we must decide here is how best to combat them.’

‘My army should be here within a few days,’ said Ammon. ‘I would suggest we then defend the walls.’

‘Certain assurances must first be given,’ said Mejana.

‘Such as?’

‘Your promise that the soldiers will leave once the war is won.’

‘I do not need to offer assurances, lady. This land was once under the direct rule of the Erek-jhip-zhonad. It will be again. It seems to me that it is I who should be making demands.’

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