‘Ammon is training a regular army. My spies tell me that they are well disciplined and hardy.’

‘How many men in this army?’

‘Five thousand, split into fifty groups of one hundred each. Every man has a bronze breastplate and helm, and a bronze-reinforced shield of hard wood. Most are armed with short swords, though the front rankers use twelve-foot spears.’

‘An interesting development,’ said Viruk. ‘You want me to kill Ammon?’

‘No. We may need this army.’

Viruk laughed. ‘You think the Mud People will fight alongside us?’

‘If they don’t they will be either assimilated or annihil­ated by the newcomers.’

‘You fear they will be that strong?’

Rael leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tired eyes. ‘We have maintained control with a mere five hundred. The newcomers – and their major cities – have survived. There will be thousands of them, Viruk. The Source alone knows what kind of weaponry they possess.’

‘What would you have me do?’

‘Go to Ammon. Tell him what has happened. Assure him that if the Erek-jhip-zhonad are attacked we will support him in any way we can. But do not ask for his help. There must be no show of weakness. If he offers it, accept graciously.’

‘Would this … embassy … not be better undertaken by a Questor, cousin? I am no diplomat. I would as soon cut the savage’s throat as dine with him.’

‘That is why you are the best man for the role, Viruk. Ammon knows of you and your skills. He will be wary, but he will listen. I have watched him closely since he became king. He is a stronger man than his father, and wiser than any chieftain we have dealt with so far. He could be a strong ally.’

‘Or a deadly enemy.’

‘Indeed so. Remain in his capital as my ambassador. I have sent him a message that you are coming.’

‘I would prefer to be here when the newcomers arrive,’ objected Viruk.

‘I am sure that you would.’

‘This means you have turned down my request to join Talaban on the Serpent?’

‘There will be battles enough, I fear. When they come I want you to support Ammon.’

Viruk rose and filled a goblet with cool water from a stone jug. ‘The five cities could soon be under attack, cousin. You have no-one who fights as well as I. It is folly to send me away at such a time.’

‘You may be right, Viruk. But what if their ships sail past us and into the mouth of the Luan? What if their first assault is into the lands of the Mud People? Then they would be both before and behind us. If I were attacking this coast that is what I would do. The five cities are strong, the Mud People less so. It would be hard for us to fight on two fronts, Viruk. And since this is my greatest fear I am sending my greatest warrior. Take ten Avatars with you. The very best.’

Viruk chuckled. ‘You seek to win me over by flattery. And damn my soul if it hasn’t succeeded. Very well, cousin, I will do this for you.’

Rael nodded and rose. ‘If they come, Viruk, defend Ammon as if he was your own blood. If they attack they will seek to kill the king. They must not succeed. And if they break through get him here, with as many of his men as you can.’

Viruk laughed. ‘Only a few days ago I sent him a promise to rip out his entrails. Now I am to defend him? Life is never dull with you, Rael. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do in my garden.’

Rael smiled. ‘I notice your gardener is looking well. I could have sworn the last time I saw him he looked older.’

‘Working with me obviously agrees with him,’ said Viruk.

Rael shook his head. ‘You break too many rules, cousin. Be careful.’

‘Kale is very valuable to me. He saved my pulsatillas by improving the drainage and cutting back surrounding growth to allow them more light. They would have died without him. And what would a garden be without pulsatillas?’

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