Enid Blyton: The Valley of Adventure (Adventure #3)

“I expect the men will strip the statues of their jewellery, and take only that, leaving the figures behind,” said Jack. “They will crate the pictures and books.”

“Why couldn’t we strip the jewels off and hide them away somewhere so that the men wouldn’t get them?” suddenly said Dinah. “I don’t see why wicked men like that should have them.”

“Good idea!” said Jack. “Come on — we’ll take the jewellery now and hide it somewhere!”

But as soon as they began to remove it, the old couple flew at them in horror.

“Not do that! Ah, bad boy!” cried the old man, removing a brooch from Jack’s hand.

“We only want to hide the things from those men,” protested Jack. “They’ll be back and steal these things soon.”

“They belong to these,” said the old man, waving his hand towards the statues. “They must not be removed by anyone. It is against the law of the Church.”

The children did not try again. It was plain that Elsa and the old man would fly into a rage if they attempted to. They seemed to think that it was a very wicked and unholy act to take away any of the adornments belonging to the figures.

The long day passed at last. Nobody slept very well that night. They were worried about what was going to happen. It was horrid to feel they were at the mercy of rogues like Juan.

They were all out on the sunny ledge the next morning, early, having breakfast there. They had no meals in the caves now, if they could help it.

“Listen,” said Dinah suddenly. “I can hear the plane coming back.”

They all listened, the old couple too. The noise grew louder. It became very loud indeed. Then Jack leapt to his feet.

“It’s not just one plane! It’s many! Look, there’s one! — circling down — and another over there! — and here comes another! Gracious! Juan’s got quite a fleet of planes!”

There were four altogether. Evidently Juan meant to do the job properly now. The children pictured the planes landing one by one on the long wide strip of grass at the bottom of the valley.

“Now we can expect things to happen,” said Jack. “The whole of the treasure will be gone soon.”

“What a shame!” said Dinah. “And we can’t do a thing to stop it!”

“If only we could get word to Bill!” said Jack desperately. “But there’s no way out of the valley except in one of those planes.”

Philip stared at Jack a moment. Then he said something so exciting that the others could hardly believe their ears.

“Yes — that’s the only way out. And I’m going to take it.”

There was a silence. Then Jack spoke, astonished. “Whatever do you mean? You can’t fly a plane.”

“Of course not. But I can hide in one!” said Philip. “Didn’t we hide, all of us, in a plane, coming here? Well, why shouldn’t I hide in one leaving here? I bet I could hide unseen — and slip out when I had a chance, and get word to Bill about everything.”

“Philip! It’s a grand idea!” said Jack. “But I’ll go, not you.”

“You jolly well won’t!” said Philip. “It’s my idea! Nobody else is going to pinch such a gorgeous idea. I’m going, see?”

“I don’t want either of you to go,” said Lucy-Ann, her lips trembling. “You might be seen. Something awful might happen to you. Don’t leave us.”

“Jack will be with you,” said Philip. “And the old couple. You’ll be all right. I tell you, it’s the only way to get help — to fly off in one of the planes, when the men go on their next trip. They’ll have to come back two or three times to take all these things — and, if only I can get word to Bill, he can catch the men actually doing the stealing!”

“It sounds too good to be true,” said Dinah. “I don’t believe you can do it. Anyway — how are you even going to get to the plane? You know we’re bolted in. Nobody can get out.”

“I shall watch my chance and slip out through that door when the men are going to and fro,” said Philip, enjoying his planning. “Then I shall hide in the cave of stalactites and go up the passage to the hole as soon as I can. Then I’ll get along back to the planes, and choose one to hop into. I don’t reckon they will have left anyone on guard there, as they think we’re all well and truly imprisoned.”

“It sounds easy, but it won’t be,” said Jack. “Better let me do it, Tufty.”

“Think again!” said Philip. “This is my own pet adventure, see?”

“You might even be able to squeeze into a crate,” said Dinah thoughtfully. “Nobody would think of looking into a packed crate.”

“Good idea!” said Philip. “In fact, jolly good!”

“Well, we can expect quite a horde of men here today,” said Jack. “It will surprise the poor old couple. They will be in a dreadful state when they see their well-guarded treasure going.”

“Philip, we won’t pretend that we are any of the statues today when the men come,” said Dinah. “Only you. The men are sure to have a hunt round for us if they can’t find us today, so we’d better all be found, except you. You can be a statue again, and wait your chance to rush out of that door.”

“Yes. I think I will,” said Philip. “It may not work, but it’s the only thing to do. Now — when will those men be along? It will take them about an hour and a half to get here. It’s half an hour since we saw the planes. I mustn’t leave it to the last minute to put myself in place.”

“Better go now,” said Lucy-Ann, who was on pins and needles about the whole thing. “We’ll come with you and see that you’re in a good place and really look like a statue.”

They all went down the passage, and made their way through the various caves to the one in which the statues stood. Martha the hen came too. She had attached herself to Jack now, and followed him wherever he went. She had laid an egg that morning, and the old woman had made Lucy-Ann have it for breakfast.

“Look! — there’s a half-hidden ledge here not far from the door,” said Dinah eagerly. “If you stood there you would hardly be seen, it’s so dark there. And you would be near the door to creep out if you got a chance.”

“Yes, that does seem the best place,” said Philip. “It really does. Now what about a shawl or something to drape over my head? I don’t want my short hair to give me away.”

They found a very big shawl and draped it carefully round him. He went to stand on the little ledge, and everyone agreed that it was a splendid place.

“You can hardly be seen,” said Jack. “Well, good luck, Tufty. We’ll go now, and we shan’t hide. We shall let the men see us and hope they’ll think there’s nobody else in the caves at all. If you can’t escape we shall know, because you’ll still be about tonight.”

“Good-bye,” said Philip, looking exactly like a statue. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be off and away soon, and I’ll get word to Bill and Mother. We’ll soon rescue you, don’t you worry!”

Chapter 26


IN about an hour’s time Philip heard the sound of footsteps and then the bolts of the door were shot back. Juan’s revolver appeared round the opening door again. But this time there was no Kiki to talk to him — nobody to be seen or heard except the silent company of statues.

Juan came down into the cave. Other men followed him. Philip watched them through a fold of the shawl. He hoped they wouldn’t start stripping the jewels off the statues at once, or they might discover him.

The men exclaimed in wonder at the statues. They had powerful torches with them which they switched on at once. Philip was not prepared for that. He shrank back into his corner, glad of the draping shawl.

The men were a rough-looking lot, and they called out to one another in surprise as they saw the gleaming jewels on the necks and arms of the statues. Some of them grabbed brooches and necklaces at once. Juan gave a sharp order and the men replaced them sulkily.

Philip counted the men. There were eight. Otto was not among them, but that was not surprising. Juan, Pepi and Luis were there. There were two men for each aeroplane, apparently.

Juan led the way to the next cave, through the tunnel. Their footsteps echoed hollowly as they passed through. Philip wondered if they would all go on to the next cave — and the next. If so, he could slip out of the open door straightaway, and make his way down the hillside at once.

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