Excession by Iain M. Banks


x Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class):

With immense respect to our highly esteemed colleague Limivorous and with full cognizance of its most illustrious career and near-legendary reputation, we have to say we were also not aware that our humble group was graced with its exalted regard! GSV Anticipation Of A New Lover’s Arrival, The; as relayer, you should have informed us you were in contact with the Limivorous!


x Not Invented Here (MSV, Desert Class):

Read. Also henotic?


x Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class):

But the Not Invented Here was reported destroyed in 2.31! Identify yourself, you liar! Security breach! What is going on here?


x Shoot Them Later (Eccentric, Culture Ulterior, AhForgetlt tendency [t. rated Integration Factor 73%, vessel rated 99%]):

Tee hee.


x Full Refund (Homomdan ‘Empire’ Class Main Battle Unit [original name MBU 604] Convertcraft [vessel rated Integration Factor 80% {nb; self-assessed}]):

Add delitescent.


x Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class):

What! We can’t have a self-assessed ex-enemy craft privy to M32-level matters! What is going on here? Security breach! I invoke my authority as convener of this Group to suspend all M32 level discussion immediately and until further notice while a full security review is carried out.


x Different Tan (GCU, Mountain Class):

Indeed so, perhaps. Even – whisper it – an outrance?


x Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class):

The Different Tan is also not an accredited member of this Core Group! This has gone far enough! We hereby-


Switching document/comments track.]

[New M32-level Core Group formed.

Name: Interesting Times Gang (Act IV).

Group initially comprises all previously mentioned craft except Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class).]


x Star Turn (Rock, First Era):

Filing name change.

From: Star Turn

To: End In Tears.


x No Fixed Abode (GSV, Sabbaticaler, ex Equator Class):

I suggest firstly that we rid ourselves of this ridiculous ‘Taussig’ nonsense and call the matter after Esperi, the nearest star; I also propose that between eight and sixteen days from now – depending on the availability of more noteworthy news from elsewhere – we move to an information release at M16-level, simply saying that we have discovered an excession of an ambiguous nature, which we are investigating and which we are asking others to stay away from. Assuming that they will not, we should request the Steely Glint to instigate a measured and localised military mobilisation, immediately. Beyond that, the normal democratic processes will doubtless apply.


x Tactical Grace (GCU, Escarpment Class):

A subtle cannon up, then.


x Steely Glint (GCV, Plains Class):

Indeed. An honour; I accept.


x Serious Callers Only (LSV, Tundra Class):

And let the Wisdom Like Silence be the agent of information release?


x Shoot Them Later (Eccentric, Culture Ulterior, AhForgetlt tendency [t. rated Integration Factor 73%, vessel rated 99%]):

Oh, witty. Well, if it isn’t in the huff…


x Anticipation Of A New Lover’s Arrival, The (GSV, Plate class):

I think we ought to release immediately.


x No Fixed Abode (GSV, Sabbaticaler, ex Equator Class):

Abhorrent as I’m sure we all find such ploys, I suspect that the extra week or two’s additional start on everybody else this delay ought to give us will prove significant in preparing for the fray which may result from this becoming public.


x Different Tan (GCU, Mountain Class):

As the Not Invented Here is the closest major unit to the matter I suggest it makes all speed for the location of the Excession and acts as incident coordinator. I myself am not too far away from the Esperi system; I shall make my way there and rendezvous with the Not Invented Here.


x Not Invented Here (MSV, Desert Class):

My pleasure.


x Different Tan (GCU, Mountain Class):

I also submit that the GSV Ethics Gradient and the GCU Fate Amenable To Change ought to be invited into the Interesting Times Gang (Act IV) for the duration of the crisis, and both craft instructed to hold back from full investigation of the Excession until further notice. Relayed character assessments of the two craft attached; they look reliable.


x Woetra (Orbital Hub, Schiparse-Oevyli system, [solo]):

And call our mutual friend.


x No Fixed Abode (GSV, Sabbaticaler, ex Equator Class):

Of course. So, are we all agreed on all the above?


x Anticipation Of A New Lover’s Arrival, The (GSV, Plate class):



x Tactical Grace (GCU, Escarpment Class):



x Woetra (Orbital Hub, Schiparse-Oevyli system, [solo]):



x Steely Glint (GCV, Plains Class):



x Serious Callers Only (LSV, Tundra Class):


… Na, just kidding:



x Shoot Them Later (Eccentric, Culture Ulterior, AhForgetlt tendency [t. rated Integration Factor 73%, vessel rated 99%]):



x Limivorous (GSV, Ocean Class):



x Not Invented Here (MSV, Desert Class):



x Full Refund (Homomdan ‘Empire’ Class Main Battle Unit [original name MBU 604] Convertcraft vessel rated Integration Factor 80% {nb; self-assessed}):



x Different Tan (GCU, Mountain Class):



x End In Tears (Rock, First Era, previously Star Turn):

Agreed. Doing my bit. Done.


x No Fixed Abode (GSV, Sabbaticaler, ex Equator Class):



x Limivorous (GSV, Ocean Class):

Good talking to you all again, by the way. So; now we wait.


x Serious Callers Only (LSV, Tundra Class):

And see…


(End of comments.)

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The holo screen disappeared. ‘So what does all that mean?’ she asked.

‘… Good grief, Ulver,’ the drone said, giving a fair impression of spluttering. ‘It’s the Heavy Crew! It’s the Ghosts!’

‘What? The who?’ She swivelled in the seat to face the drone.

‘Child, there were names appearing there I hadn’t seen for five centuries. Some of those Minds are legends!’

‘This is the Interesting Times Gang we’re talking about, I take it?’

‘That’s obviously what they call themselves.’

‘Well, good for them, but I still want to know what all that was about.’

‘Well, a normal enough but pretty high-power Mind Incident Group gets together to discuss what’s going on, then – allowing for signal travel duration – within real-time seconds it’s taken over by probably the most respected not to mention enigmatic group of Minds ever assembled together in the same signal sequence since the end of the Idiran War.’

‘You don’t say,’ Ulver said, yawning a little and putting one black-gloved hand over her mouth.

‘Yes; in the case of the Not Invented Here, everybody I know thought the thing had been lost half a millennium ago! Then they dump the boring, pedantic GSV that happened to be on the Incident Coordinating Rota, agree to wait-and-see with the Excession itself while sending investigatory reinforcements, start a localised mobilisation – mobilisation! – and release a half-truth about the Excession when there’s some more exciting news breaking.’

Ulver frowned. ‘When did all this happen?’

‘Well, if you hadn’t turned off the date/time function…’ muttered the drone, colouring frosty blue. Ulver rolled her eyes again. ‘The Excession was discovered and that signal sequence plus comments dates from twelve days ago. The Excession’s discovery was announced through the standard channels the day before yesterday.’

The human shrugged. ‘I missed it.’

‘The headlines concerned the resolution of the Blitteringueh situation.’

‘Ah-hah. That would do it, I suppose.’

Most of the developed galaxy had been following that story for the past hundred days, as the aftermath of the short but bitter Blitteringueh-Deluger War played itself out on the CAM-bomb-mined Blitteringueh home planets and the Deluger fleets fleeing with their precious holy relics and Grand House captives. It had ended with relatively little loss of life, but in high drama, and with continuing, developing repercussions; little wonder anything else announced that day had slipped by almost unnoticed and stayed that way.

‘And what was that thing towards the end there, about “Calling our mutual friend”?’

‘That’ll probably turn out to be something to do with inviting some other Mind onto the group.’ The drone was silent for a moment. ‘Though of course it could be some pre-agreed form of words, a secret signal amongst the group.’

Seich stared at the drone. ‘A secret signal?’ she said. ‘In an M32-level transmission?’

‘It’s possible; no more.’

Seich continued to stare at the machine for a moment. ‘You’re saying that these Minds are discussing something… agreeing to something that’s so sensitive, so secret they won’t even talk about it in Special Circumstances’ top-end code, the fucking holy of holies, the unbreakable, inviolable, totally secure M32?’

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Categories: Banks, Iain