Executive Orders by Tom Clancy

“You left out Gallic,” Ed grumped, still watching the speech, listening to the content and paying close attention


to the delivery–academic, he thought, fitting for an audience mainly of students, who cheered this Ryan as though he were a football coach or someone of similar irrelevance.

“One of her speeches could make Pee-Wee Herman look presidential,” the chief of staff agreed. And that was the greatest danger of all. To win, Ryan just had to appear presidential, whether he really was or not–and he wasn’t, of course, as Kealty kept reminding himself. How could he be?

“I never said he was stupid,” Kealty admitted. He had to be objective. This wasn’t a game anymore. It was even more than life.

“It’s gotta happen soon, Ed.”

“I know.” But he had to have something bigger to shoot, Kealty told himself. It was a curious metaphor for someone who’d advocated gun control all of his political life.



THE FARM HAD COME with a barn. It mainly served as a garage now. Ernie Brown had been in the construction business, and had earned a good deal of money, first in the late 1970s as a union plumber, then he’d established his own business in the 1980s to partake in the California building boom. Though a pair of divorces had depleted his funds, the selling of the business had been well timed, and he’d taken the money and run, and bought a sizable parcel of land in an area not yet chic enough to have its property values driven up by Hollywood types. What had resulted was almost a full “section”–a square mile–of privacy. Actually more than that, because the neighboring ranches were dormant at this time of year, the pastures frozen, and the cattle in pens comfortably eating silage. You could go several days without seeing so much as another car on the road, or so it seemed out in Big Sky Country. School buses, they told themselves, didn’t count.

A five-ton flatbed truck also had been conveyed with the ranch–a diesel, conveniently enough–along with a buried two-thousand-gallon fuel tank right by the barn. The family that had sold off the ranch and barn and house to the newcomer from California hadn’t known that they were giving over title to a bomb factory. The first order of business for Ernie and Pete was to get the old truck started up. That proved to be a forty-minute exercise, because it wasn’t just a case of a dead battery, but Pete Holbrook was a competent mechanic, and in due course the truck’s engine roared to unmuffled life and showed every sign of remaining with the living. The truck was not licensed, but that wasn’t terribly unusual in this area of huge holdings, and their drive of forty miles north to the farm-supplies store was untroubled.

It could hardly have been a better portent of spring for the store. Planting season was coming (there were a lot of


wheat farmers around), and here was the first major customer for the virtual mountain of fertilizer just trucked in from the distributor’s warehouse in Helena. The men bought four tons, not an unusual quantity, which a propane-powered forklift deposited on the flatbed of the truck, and they paid cash for it, then drove off with a handshake and a smile.

“This is going to be hard work,” Holbrook observed, halfway back.

“That’s right, and we’re going to do it all ourselves.” Brown turned. “Or do you want to bring in somebody who might be an informer?”

“I hear you, Ernie,” Pete replied, as a state police car went the other way. The cop didn’t even turn his head, chilling though the moment was for the two Mountain Men. “How much more?”

Brown had done the calculations a dozen times. “One more truckload. It’s a shame this stuff is so bulky.” They’d make the second purchase tomorrow, at a store thirty miles southwest of the ranch. This evening would be busy enough, unloading all this crap inside the barn. A good workout. Why didn’t the goddamn farm have a forklift? Holbrook wondered. At least when they refilled the fuel tank, the local oil company would do it. That was some consolation.

IT WAS COLD on the Chinese coast, and that made things easier for the satellites to see a series of thermal blooms at two naval bases. Actually, the “Chinese navy” was the naval service of the People’s Liberation Army, so gross a disregard for tradition that Western navies ignored the correct name in favor of custom. The imagery was recorded and cross-linked to the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon, where the senior watch officer turned to his intelligence specialist. “Do the Chinese have an exercise laid on?” “Not that we know of.” The photos showed that twelve ships, all of them alongside, had their engines running, instead of the normal procedure by which they drew electrical power from the dock. A closer look at the photo


showed a half-dozen tugboats moving around the harbor, as well. The Intel specialist for this watch was Army. He called a naval officer over.

“Sailing some ships,” was the obvious analysis.

“Not just doing an engineering exam or something?”

“They wouldn’t need tugboats for that. When’s the next pass?” the Navy commander asked, meaning a satellite pass, checking the time reference on the photo. It was thirty minutes old.

“Fifty minutes.”

“Then it ought to show three or maybe four ships standing out to sea at both bases. That’ll make it certain. For right now, two chances out of three, they’re laying on a major exercise.” He paused. “Any political hoo-rah going on?”

The senior watch officer shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Then it’s a FleetEx. Maybe somebody decided to check out their readiness.” They would learn more with a press release from Beijing, but that was thirty minutes into a future they couldn’t see, paid though they were to do so.

THE DIRECTOR WAS a religious man, as was to be expected, what with the sensitivity of his post. Gifted physician that he had been, and scientist-virologist that he still was, he lived in a country where political reliability was measured by devotion to the Shi’a branch of Islam, and in this there was no doubt. His prayers were always on time, and he scheduled his laboratory work around them. He required the same of his people, for such was his devotion that he went beyond the teachings of Islam without even knowing it, bending such rules as stood in his way as though they were made of rubber, and at the same time telling himself that, no, he never violated the Prophet’s Holy Word, or Allah’s Will. How could he be doing that? He was helping to bring the world back to the Faith.

The prisoners, the experimental subjects, were all condemned men in one way or another. Even the thieves, lesser criminals, had four times violated the Holy Koran, and they had probably committed other crimes as well,


perhaps–probably, he told himself–those worthy of death. Every day they were informed of the time for prayer, and though they knelt and bowed and mouthed the prayers, you could tell by watching them on the TV monitor that they were merely going through the ritual, not truly praying to Allah in the manner prescribed. That made them all apostates–and apostasy was a capital crime in their country–even though only one had been convicted of that crime.

That one was of the Baha’i religion, a minority almost stamped out, a belief structure that had evolved after Islam. Christians and Jews were at least People of the Book; however misguided their religions, at least they acknowledged the same God of the Universe, of whom Mohammed was the final messenger. The Baha’i had come later, inventing something both new and false that relegated them to the status of pagans, denying the True Faith, and earning the wrath of their government. It was fitting that this man was the first to show that the experiment was successful.

It was remarkable that the prisoners were so brain-dulled by their conditions that the onset of flu symptoms caused no special reaction at first. The medical corpsmen went in, as always in full protective gear, to take blood samples, and one additional benefit of the prisoners’ condition was that they were far too cowed to make trouble. All of them had been in prison for some time, subject to a deficient diet which had its own effects on their energy levels, plus a discipline regime so harsh that they didn’t dare resist. Even the condemned prisoners who knew they faced death had no wish to accelerate the process. All meekly submitted to having their blood drawn by exquisitely careful medics. The test tubes were carefully labeled in accordance with the numbers on the beds, and the medics withdrew.

In the lab, it was Patient Three’s blood which went under the microscope first. The antibody test was prone to give some false positive readings, and this was too important to risk error. So slides were prepared and placed under the electron microscopes, first set at magnification 20,000 for area search. The fine adjustments for the in-

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Categories: Clancy, Tom