Fair Blows The Wind by Louis L’Amour

“Come! Drink up, Chantry! And be rid of those men of Cutting Ball’s! You’ll not need them more. And as for him, this will destroy him, too, or nearly so!”

As we ate he ticked off the things the unwonted publicity had brought to him. There were some men he had threatened who had not been convinced of his strength, yet before he needed to prove it, my piece had appeared and done the task even better.

“Much thanks, Chantry! By the Lord Harry, I am glad I did not kill you!” He reached into his sash and tossed a sack of gold upon the table. “There! Have that! It is little enough for what you have done!”

“Keep it,” I replied shortly. “I’ll have none of it, for I meant to destroy you.”

He laughed again, his eyes bright with malice. “Of course you did! Think you I do not know that? But bother the reason! It is the effect that matters, and the payment there is small enough for what you have done.”

There was nothing to do but put a good face on it and think of what I should do next. Cheerful as he was, I could only doubt what he believed, for whatever effect this might have upon evildoers, it was sure to result in some sort of action by those in authority. Unless, of course, they were too occupied with Ireland and worried about Spain to bother with the evil at their doors?

“I have also read The Merry Damber!” Leckenbie said. “It is a good piece, too! You had some tricks there even I had not thought of! Stay about London, Chantry, do! For you will only make things the better.”

He gnawed on a bone, then put it aside. “Look you, Chantry, I am no fool. I know this dodge will not last forever, but by the time it has worn itself out I shall be rich. Yes, rich! And I shall have those about who need me but who are themselves in power. I will buy an estate, I will hire some such a one as you to say that all your words are balderdash, and will show myself a respectable gentleman. I will keep a carriage—for such will soon be the fashion, believe me—and I shall ride to the hounds and be knighted. You will see! My poor father was a country squire, and a good man, most of the time, but he was never knighted or noticed by anyone.

“And two years hence, Tatton Chantry, I will no longer be heard of as such I now am. Two years I shall lie quiet while all this is managed by others. Then I shall reappear, hang a few of those who still oppose me, and within the third year I shall be received at court.

“I have plotted well the route I shall take, and a better one can’t be found. I tell you this now so you can see it begin to happen. Unfortunately,” he smiled, “you’ll not be about to witness the climax. Although I shall miss you. I shall, indeed.”

“You will never do it, Leckenbie,” I said quietly. “Before then I will show you up for the villain you are.”

He chuckled. “Do what you will, the result will not be changed. Not one whit. Besides, what can it get you? A few shillings here, a few shillings there. Trifling sums, and the poorest of livings. Whilst I shall be rolling in wealth.”

He leaned over the table toward me. “Already I have friends! I have power! There are those who sit high in the land who will pull strings for me! Do you think I can be taken? That I shall ever end in Newgate or Tyburn? I am too much needed. When they need something done, I see that it is done, whether here or across the water.

“At this time I am a tool to them, to be used. But soon I shall change positions with them. Then they shall be the tools and I the user.”

“You are ambitious,” I said, “and ambition may destroy you.”

“Aye. ‘Tis a gamble, is it not?” The humor was gone from his eyes. “I know well the chance that I take, and the need they have of me. I must take each step with care. But you yourself have helped me, for they will read what you have written and measure my usefulness against what you have claimed for me. Now they will need more money when they come to me.”

He pushed the gold toward me again. “Take it. Gold is a useful servant that never talks back. Had I hired you this could have gone no better, nor come at a better time.”

He rested his powerful forearms on the table. His wrists were the thickest I had ever seen and his hands gave a sense of awful power. He was, in his own brutal way, a handsome man. His face suggested power and strength.

He motioned to the waiter. “A bottle of sack,” he said. “Your best!”

“Look you,” he said suddenly. “I like you not, nor you me, but yet you could help me. You are shrewd, and you fight well. Not well enough,” he added, “but well. Join me. I do not plan that you should become a thief, but rather an agent.”

“A tool?” I suggested wryly.

“We are all tools in one way or another.” He leaned toward me. “England is changing. Any man with his eyes and ears open knows it. We are coming to power. You shall see.

“Spain is all-powerful now, but Spain has come upon wealth in the wrong way—too much, too quickly. It will destroy her. Slow growth builds caution into a man or a nation, but sudden wealth is a spoiler. Now gold comes to her by every ship, and the living is easy. The great fighting men who graduated from the ranks of the army that fought the Moors will disappear. The politicians and the courtiers will take over—the gentle ones, the conniving ones! They will rook the fighters out of all they have won. Men like Cortez, Pizarro, Alvarado, and De Soto will disappear, and in their place the weak ones, the ones grown fat on easy wealth, will come to power.

“We are a young country, yet very old. We have the men and we have the ships and we will win. There are ships to be built, and equipment to be supplied to the ships. The press gangs will be after men and more men.”

“What has all that to do with you?”

He shrugged, smiling. “I shall control it. The supplies will be bought from me or through me. As for the press gangs, I shall direct them.”


He laughed. “Who else? Who could do it better? Of course, if we should happen to press into service a few of the gentry who did not want to go … we can always make an arrangement.”

“And I?” I asked. “What role have you planned for me?”

“To write when I need something written. You have made me out to be a king of thieves. Now I wish another broadside turned out. This one will deny that I am a thief, but will imply that I am a man of great but mysterious power. That I merely have a wide knowledge of what takes place and have been able to recover stolen goods from time to time. Protest that I am a good man but one who has great power in many quarters.”

“I see. The thieves and the bawds have already had their message. Now you want to clean up the picture of yourself while implying you have still greater power.”

“Exactly. And of course, when people come to me to recover their stolen goods, I shall recover them … for a price. I am sorry about the cost, but the man who reaches the thieves must be paid.”

“And you will have it both ways. A friend to the thieves and a recoverer of stolen goods, and well paid by both.”

He laughed with genuine amusement. “See how easy it is? In the end I shall be knighted and perhaps will stand for Parliament.

“For you see, I shall also be serving Her Majesty. Even now there is talk in Spain of a great fleet of ships, an armada to sail against England. My spies tell me this, and I pass it on to those close to Her Majesty so that she also knows.”

“To Walsingham?”

He laughed again. “Perhaps!”

“And is he your protector?”

The laughter died. “Protector? I have no protector! I need none! I stand alone!”

Yet it seemed to me there was a false note in the statement, and when I finished my sack and parted from him he stared sullenly after me. I believe I had reminded him of something he wished to forget.

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