Fallon by Louis L’Amour

much fire your toes will stand.”

Macon Fallon slid the Winchester from its scabbard. These were Bellows’ men, he

knew, and there was no mercy in them. “Get his boots off, Deke. He’ll talk fast


Macon Fallon lifted the Winchester, and when he cocked it the sound was loud in

the night. Where there had been voices and movement, there was a sudden silence

where nothing stirred.

“Get on your horses, and ride out of here,” he said. His tone was

conversational, yet all the more deadly for that.

The man standing beside Jim Blane started to lift his rifle, and Fallon shot him

through the knee. The man staggered, grasped at his knee, and fell. As one man

the others scrambled for their horses.

“You!” Fallon ordered the wounded man. “Get on your horse and get out!”

“He’s badly hurt!” Jim Blane protested. “He’s bleeding!”

“Back up over here. I’ll free your hands.”

The outlaw on the ground was groaning and cursing. He was too concerned with his

own wound to notice much, but Fallon had no idea where the others were, and had

no intention of appearing in the firelight where he might make a good target.

Jim Blane backed into the darkness and Fallon cut the ropes loose with his bowie

knife. “Now disarm that man and get him out of here.”

“The man’s hurt!” Jim said again.

“He asked for it. You get him out of here. I’ll stay out of the light. They

might still be around.”

When the outlaw was gone, Jim walked back to the fire, carrying the rifle and

gun belt. His face was pale with anger. “That was the most cold-blooded thing I

ever saw!” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, I want nothing more to do with

you!” ‘

Fallon listened into the night with careful attention.

“Stay out of the light,” he said, and then he added, “When I came up they were

fixing to burn your feet. You seem to have forgotten that.”

From the silence that followed it was obvious that in his anger Jim really had

forgotten. “They would never have done it,” he said after a while. “They were

trying to scare me.”

“What do you suppose would happen to your ma and your sister if they got hold of

them? That was what they wanted to know, wasn’t it?”

Jim Blane did not speak. He was still angry, and he did not believe men would do

such things, even though these men had been drinking and talked rough.

Fallon explained about the Bellows outfit. They had been riders with Quantrill

and Bloody Bill Anderson, and had come west in a body. Disguised as Indians,

they had attacked several wagon trains and a few outlying settlements.

Yet even as he spoke, he knew he probably was wasting his time. To those who

have lived a sheltered life, exposed to no danger or brutality, only the actual

sight of something of the kind will convince. Each person views the world in the

light of his own experience.

“They found an old miner,” Fallon went on, “who was supposed to have some hidden

gold. They tortured him for hours until he died, and a friend of mine who found

the body was sick after seeing it.”

“I can’t believe that.”

“Your choice.” Fallon leaned back against a boulder and put his Winchester

across his lap. “Blane, I’m going to tell you something once, and never again.

This is a different country than you’re used to, so I’ll let that comment ride,

because you’re so damned ignorant.”

Blane turned sharply, but Fallon continued. “You imply out here that a man is a

liar, and you’d better be ready to draw a gun. We don’t stand for that land of

loose-mouthed talk.”

“I think—”

“I don’t give a damn what you think.” Fallon got up and walked to his horse.

Stripping off the saddle and bridle, he put on a hackamore and picket-rope, then

he rubbed the exhausted animal down with handsful of grass, talking to it

meanwhile. The horse was worth a dozen men as a sentinel, for even an exhausted

mustang, bred in the wild, would sense anything that came close.

When Fallon walked back to where Jim Blane was, he saw the boy was asleep. He

looked down at him thoughtfully. A husky, nice-looking kid, and he would learn.

They all had to learn, only some of them didn’t last long enough.

Awakening with the first gray light, Fallon went to the wagon and found the

coffee. When young Jim opened his eyes the coffee was ready, and so was some


“Eat up,” Fallon advised. They’ll be coming soon.”

“Pa won’t be here for hours. He won’t start until it’s light.”

“He’s on his way now. He should be here in about twenty minutes.”

Jim went to the water barrel and splashed water on his face and hair. He combed

his hair and came back to the fire. The sky was cloudless, the dry lake on whose

edge the wagon stood was a blank waste of grayish white, touched only here and

there along the edges with gray brush, heavily coated with dust. In the morning

light the mountains looked dark and somber.

Macon Fallon looked sourly at the hills. His every instinct told him to get away

from here, to get away as quickly as possible. Whatever else the Bellows outfit

knew, they must not be allowed to know how weak the party was. For Bellows and

his men thrived on weakness.

Jim Blane filled his cup and looked a challenge at Fallon, who ignored him.

“I find that idea ridiculous,” Jim said, “shooting a man simply because he says

he doesn’t believe you.”

“You’ll be surprised how little anybody will care what you think. When you live

in a country you conform to the customs of that country or you get out. You will

discover that most customs originate in response to a need, and there are good

and sufficient reasons, for that attitude out here.”

As he talked he saddled the black horse, his eyes busy with the trail and the

ridges around; he looked at the dim track over which the oxen would be coming.

It was light enough to see for some distance, and he had long ago seen the faint

plume of dust caused by the moving oxen.

“In this country,” he added, “a man cannot exist if he is known to be either a

coward or a liar. Business is done solely on a man’s word. Thousands of head of

cattle are paid for simply on the seller’s statement that there are that many.

No signatures, no legal documents, nothing beyond the word of the seller. But

when those cattle are finally counted, the count had better be right.

“If a man’s word is no good, nobody will do business with him. If he has the

reputation of being unreliable he will be treated with contempt or ignored.

“Moreover, few activities in this country are free of danger, and when a man

goes into danger he wants to be sure that those who are with him will stand with

him through whatever comes. Therefore no man will have anything to do with a

known coward.

“If a man starts to drive cattle a thousand miles, more or less, through Indian

country, he can expect shooting trouble. He can expect a dozen other occasions

to arise, sometimes so many as that in one day, where nerve is required, and he

cannot afford to be teamed with a coward.

“Give a man the name of being either a coward or a liar, and he will be lucky to

get a job swamping in a saloon.”

Fallon stepped into the saddle. “And that is why either of those words, or any

implication of them, is a deadly insult and is treated as such.

“You’ll find when trouble comes out here you don’t run for the law—you settle it

yourself, and you’re expected to. As a matter of fact, there’s rarely anybody to

run to for help.

“I think you’re a nice lad, so if I were you I’d keep my mouth shut until you

find out how things are done. If you do that, you may live long enough to like

the country.

“Now keep your rifle handy. You may think those men won’t kill. I know they not

only will, but they often have, and we haven’t seen the last of them. What you

want to keep in mind is that they were looking for women, and women in this case

means your mother, your sister, and the Damon women.”

He did not wait for a reply, and he wanted none. He had taken more time and said

more than he usually did and he couldn’t imagine why, except—well, Jim Blane did

look like a nice lad … unlike that Al Damon.

He had ridden only a few minutes when he came up to the oxen. They were coming

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius