Fatal Cure by Robin Cook. Chapter 26. EPILOGUE

Leaving the cylinder wrapped in aprons on the table, they went out of the conference room, closing the doors behind them. David tried the Geiger counter again. As he expected, the radiation had fallen off dramatically. “As long as no one goes in the conference room, no one else will get hurt tonight,” he said.

He and Angela headed toward the lobby to collect Nikki. Just before they arrived David stopped.

“Do you think Nikki will be okay for a few more minutes?” he asked.

“In front of a TV she’ll be fine for a week,” Angela said. “Why?”

“I think I know how the patients were irradiated,” David said. He led Angela back toward the patients’ rooms.

Half an hour later they collected Nikki and went out into the hospital parking lot. They took the Cherokee back to Van Slyke’s so that David could get the Volvo.

“Do you think there’s any chance he could hurt anybody tonight?” David asked. He motioned toward Van Slyke’s house.

“No,” Angela said.

“I don’t think so either,” David said. “And the last thing I want to do is go back in there. Let’s go to my parents’. I’m exhausted.”

David got out.

“I’ll follow you,” he said.

“Call your mother,” Angela said. “I’m sure she’s beside herself with worry.”

David got in the Volvo and started it up. He looked at Calhoun’s truck in front of him and sadly shook his head.

As soon as they got on the main road, David picked up his cellular phone. Before he called his mother he called the state police. When he got an emergency officer on the line he explained that he wanted to report a very serious problem that included murder and deadly radiation at the Bartlet Community Hospital . . .



David knew he was late as he pulled up to a modest house on Glenwood Avenue in Leonia, New Jersey. He jumped out of the car and ran up the front steps.

“Do you know what time it is?” Angela asked. She followed David into their bedroom. “You were supposed to be home at one and here it is two. If I could get here on time I think you could have too.”

“I’m sorry,” David said as he quickly changed his clothes. “I had a patient who needed extra time.” He sighed. “At least now I have the freedom to spend more time with a patient when I think it’s called for.”

“That’s all well and good,” Angela said. “But we have an appointment. You even picked the time.”

“Where’s Nikki?” David asked.

“She’s out on the sun porch,” Angela said. “She went out there over an hour ago to watch the ’60 Minutes’ crew set up.”

David slipped on a freshly laundered dress shirt and did up the buttons.

“I’m sorry,” Angela said. “I suppose I’m anxious about this TV thing. Do you think we should go through with it?”

“I’m nervous, too,” David said as he selected a tie. “So if you want to cancel, it’s fine with me.”

“Well, we’ve cleared it with our respective bosses,” Angela said.

“And everyone has assured us that it won’t hurt us,” David said. “And we both feel the public ought to know.”

Angela paused to think about it. “Okay,” she said at last. “Let’s do it.”

David tied his tie, brushed his hair, and put on a jacket. Angela checked herself in the mirror. When they both felt they were ready, they descended the stairs and walked out onto the sun porch, blinking under the bright lights.

Although David and Angela were nervous, Ed Bradley quickly put them at ease. He began the interview casually, getting them to relax, knowing he would be editing heavily as usual. He began by asking them what they were currently doing.

“I’m taking a fellowship in forensic pathology,” Angela said.

“I’m working with a large medical group at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center,” David said. “We’re contracted out with several HMO organizations.”

“Are you both enjoying your work?” Bradley asked.

“We are,” David said.

“We’re thankful we’ve been able to put our lives back in some sort of order,” Angela said. “For a while, it was touch and go.”

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Categories: Cook, Robin