Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. A Savage Journey To The Heart Of The American Dream By Hunter S. Thompson

Att’y: No . . . this might be the last chance we get for tacos.

Duke:. . . I need some coffee.

Att’y: I want tacos

Duke: Five for a buck, that’s like . . . five hamburgers for a buck.

Att’y: No . . . don’t judge a taco by its price.

Duke: You think you might make a deal?

Att’y: I might. There’s a hamburger for 29 cents. Tacos are 29 cents. It’s just a cheap place, that’s all.

Duke: Go bargain with them..

[Only garbled sounds here.-Ed.]

Att’y:. . . Hello.

Waitress: May I help you?

Att’y: Yeah, you have tacos here? Are they Mexican tacos or just regular tacos? I mean, do you have chili in them and things like that?

Waitress: We have cheese and lettuce, and we have sauce, you know, put on them.

Att’y: I mean do you guarantee that they are authentic Mexican tacos?

Waitress: . . . I don’t know. Hey Lou, do we have authentic Mexican tacos?

Woman’s voice from kitchen: What?

Waitress: Authentic Mexican tacos.

Lou: We have tacos. I don’t know how Mexican they are.

Att’y: Yeah, well, I just want to make sure I get what I’m paying for. ‘Cause they’re five for a dollar? I’ll take five of them.

Duke: Taco burger, what’s that?

(Sound. of diesel engine truck. -Ed.]

Att’y: That’s a hamburger. with a taco in the middle.

Duke: A taco on a bun.

Att’y: I betcha your tacos are just hamburgers with a shell sad of a bun.

Waitress: I don’t know

Att’y: You just started working here?

Waitress: Today.

Att’y: I thought so, I’ve never saw you here before. You go school around here?

Waitress: No, I don’t go to school.

Duke: Oh? Why not? Are you sick?

Att’y: Never mind that. We came here for tacos.


Att’y: As your attorney I advise you to get the chiliburger. a hamburger with chili on it.

Duke: That’s too heavy for me.

Att’y: Then I advise you to get a taco burger, try that one.

Duke: . . . the taco has meat in it. I’ll try that one. And coffee now. Right now. So I can drink it while I’m waiting.

Waitress: That’s all you want, one taco burger?

Duke: Well, I’ll try it, I might want two.

Att’y: Are your eyes blue or green?

Waitress: Pardon?

Att’y: Blue or green?

Waitress: They change.

Att’y: Like a lizard?

Waitress: Like a cat.

Att’y: Oh, the lizard changes the color of his skin . . .

Waitress: Want anything to drink?

Att’y: Beer. And I have beer in the car. Tons of it. The back seat’s full of it.

Duke: I don’t like mixing coconuts up with beer and ham – let’s smash the bastards.. right in the middle of the highway . . . Is Boulder City somewhere around

Waitress: Boulder City? Do you want sugar?

Duke: Yeah.

Att’y: We’re in Boulder City, huh? Or very close to it?

Duke: I don’t know.

Waitress: There it is. That sign says Boulder City, OK. Aren’t you from Nevada?

Att’y: No. We’ve never been here before. Just traveling through.

Waitress: You just go straight up this road here.

Att’y: Any action up there in Boulder City?

Waitress: Don’t ask me. I don’t . . .

Att’y: Any gambling there?

Waitress: I don’t know, it’s just a little town.

Duke: Where is the casino?

Waitress: I don’t know.

Att’y: Wait a minute, where are you from?

Waitress: New York.

Att’y: And you’ve just been here a day.

Waitress: No, I’ve been here for a while.

Att’y: Where do you go around here? Say you wanted to go swimming or something like that?

Waitress: In my backyard.

Att’y: What’s the address?

Waitress: Um, go to the . . . ah . . . the pool’s not open yet.

Att’y: Let me explain it to you, let me run it down just briefly if I can. We’re looking for the American Dream, and we were told it was somewhere in this area . . . . Well, we’re here looking for it, ’cause they sent us out here all the way from San Francisco to look for it. That’s why they gave us this white Cadillac, they figure that we could catch up with it in that . . .

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