Flesh And Blood by Jonathan Kellerman

“The boards?”

“The runway—modeling,” he said. “Nothing Vogue-coverish or anything like that. She worked the Fashion Mart scene since she was eighteen. Made good money but said she detested being a brainless face and body— Now, Doctor, I’m sorry to be ill-mannered, but my appointment—it’s someone who . . . hurt me. I’ve been building my courage and finally I’m ready to face him and move on. Please.”

He indicated the door and led me out.

I said, “Thanks very much for your time. If you don’t mind, I’m going to have a look at Lauren’s car out back. What kind is it?”

“Gray Mazda Miata. Don’t steal it.” Nervous laugh.

I crossed my heart. “No joyrides today.”

Louder laughter. We shook hands again.

“I’m not going to worry,” he said. “There’s no reason to worry.”

“I’m sure there isn’t.”

“Watch,” he said. “I’ll be sitting here, worrying myself sick, and Lo will come waltzing through this door and I’ll scold her for putting all of us through this.”

He walked me out into the hall, looked toward the staircase. Chewed his lip. “You’re a good listener— Any time you want a career switch, I can get you a job at The Cloisters.”

I grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

He laughed. “No, you won’t. For a whole list of reasons.”

Out in back was a carport that fronted the alley. The Miata was the only car parked there, several years old, lots of nicks and dents, coated with days of dust, locked, its oatmeal-colored canvas top set snugly. Campus parking sticker on the rear bumper, Thomas Guide map book in the driver’s door pocket, pair of sunglasses on the center console, just below the gearshift. Nothing else.

I returned to the Seville, trying to organize what I’d learned from Salander.

No friends, no dates. A grind.

Rooming with a gay man said Lauren prized companionship, wasn’t looking for sex.

Because she was still getting paid for it?

Working the Fashion Mart runway since eighteen. Maybe she really had done some modeling, or perhaps it was just a cover for selling her body in another way.

Weekends by herself. One in Malibu, other times unspecified. Keeping it vague to cover her trail as she met up with clients?

The night owl and the morning lark. If she wanted privacy, Salander was a perfect roommate. Still, the guy was perceptive. If Lauren had been working at her old profession, wouldn’t he have caught on?

Maybe he had and chose not to tell me. My gut told me he’d been forthcoming, but you never knew. . . .

I thought of what he’d told me about Lauren’s income. Investments. From her working days. Enough to coast for a few years.

I do great with tips.

Good clothes but otherwise living frugally. Before Salander had moved in, she’d had virtually no furniture. That and the old car said she knew how to make do.

Budgeting but spending on luscious thingsin her closet.

Dressing for the job?

I wondered about the lunch with her mother, Lauren returning dazed and upset, complaining about Jane trying to control her. But that had been two or three months ago—no reason it would lead her to vanish now.

Vanish. Despite my reassurances to Salander, I was thinking worst-case scenario.

Seven days, no luggage, no car, no explanation.

Maybe Lauren would waltz in any minute. Straight-A student returned from a research trip—some professor asking her to attend an out-of-town meeting or convention, deliver a paper. . . . She’d flown somewhere—that could explain no car. But it didn’t solve the problem of wardrobe, and why hadn’t she let anyone know?

Unless Salander wasn’t as familiar with her wardrobe as he claimed and she had packed something. Tossed casual clothes into a bag.

Research … A project at my alma mater, a psych major, so probably a psych job. At the very department from which I’d obtained my union card.

I headed west on Wilshire, caught snail traffic at Crescent Heights—an orange-vested Caltrans crew, stupidest agency in the state, taking petty-fascist satisfaction in blocking off two lanes. I sat, idling along with the Seville, rolled a foot or two, sat some more, finally got past La Cienega. Unmindful of the noise and the dirt. New focus: yearning to feel useful.

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