long day tomorrow. Do you have any particular plan for this young lady


‘I shall think up some onerous task by and by. As yet, no.’


‘Um.’ De Graaf pondered. ‘You, Anne, are, of course, seen quite often in

the company of Sergeant Westenbrink.’

She smiled. ‘I find it difficult to think of him other than as Vasco.

Yes, of course. We have to talk and it seems the best -and also the

easiest – thing to do it openly.’

‘Quite. Do you come and go as you like there?’

‘Of course. That’s the whole point of being us. No hours, no rules, no

regulations. You do as you like, you’re as free as the air. )

‘It would cause no undue comment if you were not to turn up for a day,

even two days?’

‘No.’ She hesitated. ‘Am I supposed to be intelligent and guess what

you’re getting at, sir?’

‘You’re in telligent enough. It’s just that you lack the training and

experience to have a nasty, devious, suspicious mind, such as is

possesscd by Lieutenant van Effen, and I hope you always will.’

Annemarie shook her head, almost imperceptibly, then looked questioningly

at van Effen who said: ‘The Colonel is right, you know.’

‘I don’t know. That is, I’m sure he’s right, but I don’t know what he’s

ri-ht about. If you’re having fun with me, I don’t think it’s very fair.’

‘We aren’t having fun with you, Annemarie. Teasing or diminishing people

is not our idea of having a good time. Look. All this is a matter of

connections. It’s at least possible – I’d say a lifty-fifty chance – that

Agnelli and company are on to us. In that case, Vasco is also under

suspicion because he introduced them to me. And because you are known to

associate with Vasco you, in turn, come under suspicion.

‘What the Colonel’s suggesting is that you lie low for a day, maybe even

two. Depends how things develop. I have the feeling, irrational, perhaps,

that the development is going to be very rapid indeed. It’s not a

pleasant thought for the Colonel or myself that you should fall into

those people’s hands. Think of those two detectives, the tails who ran

out of luck. We already know that those people are ruthless, that the

inflicting of pain is a matter of indifference to them. It may even be

a downright


pleasure. How would you care to be taken by them and tortured? I am not

trying to scare you, Annemarie. I’m talking about something that’s halfway

between a possibility and a probability.’

‘I think I’ve already told you.’ Her voice was very quiet. ‘I’m not

particularly brave.’

‘And then they’d know who it was they had on their hands. They’d be over

the moon. Another lovely blackmailing trump in their hands in addition

to their still undisclosed trumps. Apart from your own health, you’d be

putting us in an impossibly difficult situation.’

‘Couldn’t have put it better myself,’ de Graaf said.

She smiled faintly. ‘I’m a coward. I’ll do what I’m told.’

‘Not told, my dear, not told,’ de Graaf said. ‘Just a suggestion.’

Again the faint smile. ‘It sounds like a very good suggestion to me.

Where shall I stay?’

‘With Julie, of course,’ van Effen said. ‘An unobtrusive armed guard will

be lurking in the vicinity. But before you go into purdah, as it were,

there’s one thing I want you to do for me. I

‘Of course.’

‘I want you to go to Vasco in the morning. Tell him what we’ve told you

and tell him to disappear. I know where he’ll disappear to and I’ll

contact him there when it’s safe to.’

‘I’ll do that.’ She was silent for a moment. ‘When you asked me to do

something for yon and I said “of course” – well, I wish now I hadn’t. You

see what you’ve done to me, Peter. I’m a quivering wreck.’

‘You’re not quivering and for a wreck you look in pretty good shape to

me. You may be jumped on there and then your gallant fellow Krakers would

look the other way?’


‘We are accustomed to those injustices, are we not, Colonel? Nothing will

happen to you. You’ll be under constant surveillance, and by constant I

mean sixty seconds every minute. The trusty Lieutenant van Effen,

suitably disguised – not the Hunter’s Horn disguise, of course – and

lumbered with his


usual arsenal – there’s a thought for you, Colonel. I think I’ll carry a

third Din tomorrow when I meet Agnelli and his friend or friends. They

already know that -‘

‘That you carry two g-L, ns,’ de Graaf said, ‘and so their minds will, of

course, be pre-conditioned against the idea of you carrying a third. It’ll

be in your book, of course.’

‘Of course, it’s not. One mustn’t put such thoughts in the minds of the

criminal element. But, yes, that’s the idea. So, no problem, Annemarie. I

won’t be further away than five metres at any time.’

‘That’s nice. But you’ve put all sorts of unpleasant thoughts in my head.

I could be jumped onjin your words, anywhere and any time between here and

Julie’s house.’

‘More injustice. No worry. I will transport you there in the safety and

comfort of my own limousine.’

‘Limousine!’ de Graaf said. ‘Comfort! My God!’ He bent a solicitous eye on

the girl. ‘You have, I trust, not forgotten your air cushion?’

‘I don’t understand, sir.’

‘You will.’

They left the restaurant and walked along the street until they came to the

Colonel’s car, parked, as usual, in a no parking area. De Graaf kissed the

girl in what he probably regarded as an avuncular fashion, said goodnight

and climbed into his gleaming Mercedes. The back seat of his Mercedes.

Colonel de Graaf, inevitably, had a chauffeur.

Annemarie said: ‘I understand now what the Colonel meant about an air


‘A trifling inconvenience,’ van Effen said. ‘I’m having it fixed. Orders.

The Colonel complains.’

‘The Colonel does like his comforts, doesn’t he?’

‘It may not have escaped your attention that he was built for comfort.’

‘He’s very kind, isn’t he? Kind and courteous and considerate.’

‘It’s no hardship to be all those things when the object of them is as

beautiful as you.’


‘You do have a nice turn of speech, Lieutenant.’

‘Yes, I do, rather.’

She was quiet for a moment, then said: ‘But he is rather a snob, isn’t

he? A fearful snob.’

‘In the interests of discipline, I must speak severely. You can’t expect

me to condone, far less agree with, denigrating remarks about our Chief

of Police.’

‘That wasn’t meant to be denigrating. It was just an observation. I

refuse to get to the stage where I must watch every word I say. This is

still an open society. Or is it?’

‘Well, well.’

‘Go on. Say it. “Spoken with spirit” or something like that.’

‘I don’t think I will. But you’re about as wrong with your snobbism as

you were about your warm-hearted Arthur bit.’


‘Our chief’s first name. Never uses it. I’ve never figured out why. Regal

connotations. Sure he’s kind and thoughtful. He’s also tough, shrewd and

ruthless, which is why he is what he is. And he’s no snob. Snobs pretend

to be what they are not. His is a very ancient, very aristocratic and

very wealthy lineage which is why you’ll never find me contesting a

restaurant bill with him. He was bom with the knowledge that he was

different, the one per cent of the one per cent. Never occurs to him to

question it. He’s convinced that he radiates the spirit of democracy.’

‘Tough or not, snob or not, I like him.’ She spoke as if that settled the

matter, without specifying what the matter was.

‘Arthur, as you may have observed, has a way with the ladies. Especially

when he’s off-duty, which is what he considered himself to be tonight.’

‘Are you never off-duty? Am I always a policewoman?’

‘Never thought about it that way. But I will. Think about it, I mean.’

‘You’re too kind.’ She lapsed into silence and remained that way for the

rest of the drive, Only van Effen spoke. He called up his office and

requested an armed guard for his sister’s house.


It was not difficult to understand why de Graaf had said that Julie van

Effen was his favourite lady in all Amsterdam. With hair dark and shining as

a raven’s wing, a delicately moulded face and high, rather Slavonic

cheek-bones, she was far more than just merely good-looking but her

attraction for de Graaf, as for a great many others, almost certainly lay in

her laughing dark eyes and laughing mouth. She was almost permanently

good-humoured – except when she encountered injustice, cruelty, meanness,

selfishness and quite a few other things of which she disapproved, when she

could become very stormy indeed – and seemed to love the whole world with

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