by their profession: what was atypical about them was &.at they wore hoods

and gloves. Beyond that Thyssen could tell them nothing: he had been taken

into the bathroom and tied, gagged and left lying on the floor.

Van Effen went into Annemarie’s bedroom – the one that had formerly been

his – took one quick look around and returned.

‘There’s a pile of Annemarie’s clothes lying on the bed and a wardrobe

missing. They were tied, gagged and carried out in it – to anyone

watching an obvious case of legitimate furnitureremoving. They must have

been keeping tabs on me, sir, about the time you made the call to me from

the restaurant. They would have had a furniture van parked nearby and

would have moved in as soon as they saw me departing. Very neat indeed.

A most uncomfortable trip for the young ladies – but I suppose they must

have been too terr&5ed out of their wits to worry about di-scomfort.

Ironic, isn’t it, sir, that both of them this morning were full of gloom

and woe and foreboding – and prophecies of disaster. Feeling fey was what

they called it. They were both convinced that the something terrible was

going to happen to me: unfortunately for them they picked the wrong

subject for concern.’

De Graaf, a second glass of Van der Hum in his hands, paced up and down.

Even forty years in the police had left him without van Effen’s ability

to mask his emotions: anger and worry fought for dominance in his face.

‘What are those devils up to? What did they want – and who did they want?

Annemarie? Julie? Or both?’

‘Julie.’ Van Effen handed him the postcard he and Julie had looked at

earlier in the afternoon. De Graaf took it, examined both card and

envelope and said: ‘When did this arrive?’

‘Just after lunch. Julie was very upset but I just pooh-poohed it,

laughed the matter off. Clever van Effen. Brilliant van Effen.’

‘So your friends have returned, theAnnecys back in Amsterdam. Lost no

time in making their presence known and got at you in the very best way

possible. God, I’m sorry, Peter.’

‘Feel sorry for the girls. Especially for Annemarie. It was just


her fiendishly bad luck to be here when they came for Julie. It was that

towering genius, van Effen, of course, who had insisted that she remain

here for her own safety. The demands should be arriving quite soon. You

will not have forgotten, Sir, that the Annecys were – and doubtless still

are – specialists in blackmail.’ De Graaf shook his head and remained

silent. ‘It’s kind of you not to say so, sir, but you will also not have

forgotten that they are specialists in torture, which was the real reason

I hunted them down.’

‘We haven’t been very clever so far,’ de Graaf said. ‘Things are

uncommonly confusing.’

‘Kind of you to say “we” sir. You mean me.’ Van Effen refilled Thyssen’s

glass, did the same for his own and sank into an armchair.

After perhaps two minutes, de Graaf looked at him and said: ‘Well, surely

there’s something we should be doing? Shall we start by making enquiries

among the flat neigh bours, the people living opposite?’

‘To check on the modus operandi of the kidnappers? A waste of time,

Colonel. We wouldn’t find out any more than we already know. We’re

dealing with professionals. But even professionals can make mistakes.’

‘I haven’t seen any so far.’ The Colonel was gloomy.

‘Nor have 1. I’m assuming that Julie was the target.’ Van Effen reached

for the telephone. ‘With your permission, sir, I’ll find out. Vasco.

Sergeant Westenbrink. He was the only one who knew where Annemarie lived.

They – whoever “they” are – may have put a tail on him and found out by

methods I don’t care to think about.’

‘You think it likely? Or possible?’

Van Effen dialled a number. ‘Possible, yes. Likely, no. I don’t think

there’s anyone in Amsterdam who could follow Vasco without his being

aware of it: by the same token I don’t think that there is anyone in the

City who could be followed by Vasco and be aware of it. Vasco? Peter

here. Anyone been taking an interest in you since you left this morning?

… Talked to nobody? Annemarie and my sister Julie have been taken away

… Within the past hour and, no, we have no idea.


Put on your best civilian suit and come round, will you?’ Van Effen hung

up and said to deGraaf: ‘Julie it was. Nobody’s been banging Vasco with


‘Arid you’ve asked him to join you?’

‘Us, sir. He’s far too valuable a man to be lying low and doing nothing.

And, with your pern-iission, sit, I’d like to try to recruit George.’-

‘Your La Caracha friend? You said yourself he wasn’t very good at merging

into backgrounds.’

‘That’s for Vasco. George, on the mental side as you saw for yourself,

is very acute and knows the criminal mind probably better than anyone I

know: on the physical side he’s a splendid insurance policy. So,

progress. A very little, but progress nonetheless. I think it’s now

fairly safe to say that the Annecy brothers and the would-be blowers-up

of the royal palace are working in cahoots, or how else would the Annecys

know that Rudolph Engel, who had been following oile of the palace gang’s

intermediaries, had been done in and delivered to the morgue?’

‘The palace gang, as you call them, could have done the kidnapping. The

Annecys could have told them.’

‘Two things, sir. What possible motive could Agnelli and his friends have

in abducting Lieutenant van Effen’s sister? None. The Annecys have a very

powerful motive. The second thing is that it doesn’t matter a damn

whether the Annecys gave Agnelli this address or not: the point is that

they sure as hell know each other.’

‘And how does this knowledge help us, Peter?’

‘At the moment, it doesn’t. And it may even actually put us at a

disadvantage. They’re not clowns and may well have figured out that we

have figured out and exercise extra precautions because of that –

Precautions against what, I can’t imagine.’

‘Neither can 1. We’re doing nothing. There’s nothing, as far as I can

see, that we can do.’

‘One or two small things, perhaps. Alfred van Rees, to start with.’

‘What’s van Rees got to do with Agnelli and the Annecys?’

‘Nothing. A s far as we know. But we would at least be doing


something about something. I suggest two tails on van Rees. One to keep

an eye on van Rees, the other to keep an eye on the first tail. just

consider how lucky Mas Voight is to be still alive. Then I suggest we

investigate van Rees’s bank statements.’

‘Whatever for?’

‘This pillar of the R.-jkswaterstaat may be giving the dykeblowers

information that they couldn’t get elsewhere. Selling, not giving. Could

be, of course, that if he’s picking up some money that he shouldn’t, he

might have it stashed away in another account under another name. But

criminals – especially people who are not habitual criminals, and I

assume van Rees is not – often overlook the obvious.’

‘Can’t be done. Illegal. Man hasn’t even been charged, far less convicted

of anything.’

‘They’ve got Julie and Annemarie.’

‘So. What connection do they have with van Rees?’

‘None. Again, as far as we know. Although I was just thinking of one of

the last things Julie said to me, that how extraordinarily odd it was

that the dyke-breakers, the palace bombers and ihe Annecy brothers should

all happen along at the same tim.-. Could be a coincidence. Cou!d be too

much of a coincidence. Or nothing. Maybe I just hate the whole wide

criminal world. Forget it, sir. just a suggestion.’

The phone ran,-,. Van Effen picked it up, listened, said thank you and

hung up. ‘This should cheer us all up. There’s going to be a radio

broadcast of the FFF’s latest communiqu6 in about ten minutes.’

‘Inevitable, I suppose. Your suggestion, Peter. Normally, I should

dismiss it out of hand. But your suggestions have an extraordinary habit

of turning up something.’ He smiled without any hurnour. ‘Maybe you share

– what’s the word? – this precognition with your sister. We’ll put those

two tails on van Rees – my God, the very idea of putting tails on van

Rees – ard have his liquid assets discreetly investigated. I shal!

probably be arraigned before Parliament for this. Drag you down with me,

of course.’ He reached for the phone. ‘Let me handle this.’

After he had arranged matters in his customary imperious fashion and put

the phone down, van Effen said: ‘Th2aik you.


Tell me, sir, do your linguistic friends at the University have all the

tapes? Including the one I brought from the Hunter’s Horn?’ De Graaf nodded.

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