grave and courteous man – raised his eyes at the sioght of Vasco’s

uniform, readBy accepted its explanation and thereafter remained silent,

not frorn any wish to disassociate himself from those at the table but

because he was carrying a large, very intricate and expensive-looking

radio and had a pair of earphones clamped to his head. He was listening,

Agnelli explained, to weadrier forecasts and Dutch andinternational news

broadcasts. Agnelli didn’t have to explain why.

Lunch over, Riordan elected to continue the journey in the truck,

earphones still in place. He ensconced himself In the right-hand corner

of the rear bench seat and seemed to approve of the heavy side curtain

which he ptshed as far forward as possible. Vasco drove south during the

dark afternoon making the best speed possible which, because of the near

zero visibility, was no speed at all. Van Effen was particularly

impressed by the careful)y pol.,te attention Vasco paid to Agnelli’s

would-be meticulous instruction as how to drive through Utrecht. As Vasco

had beer born, bred, lived all his life and been a police driver in

Utrecht, it said much for Vasco’s heroic patience that he three times

followed directions that he must have known to be wrong.

About mid-afternoon, Riordan unhooked his earphones. ‘Progress,

gentlemen, progress. The Dutch Foreign Minister and Defence Minister –

that’s t3hat excellent Mr Wieringa of theirs – arrived in London this

afternoon and are meeting with their counterparts. A communiqu6 is

expected. It shows that we are being taken seriously.’

Van Effen said: ‘After those scare headlines, those banner headlines in

the papers today, and all the emergency news flashes on TV and radio, did

you seriously expect not to be taken seriously?’

‘No. But gratifying, none the less, gratifying.’ Riordan re-affixed his

earphones and leaned back into his corner. The expression on his face was

an odd mixture of the expectant and the beatific. A man with a mission,

Riordan wasn’t going to miss out on anything.

Some twenty minutes later the truck pulled off to the right on


to a B-road and, a couple of kilometres further on, left on to a still more

minor road. It stopped at a building which appeared to be fronted by a

brightly-lit porch.

‘Journey’s end,’ Agnelli said. ‘Our headquarters – well, one of them – and

our overnight stop..1 think you’ll be quite comfortable here.’

‘A windmill,’ van Effen said.

‘You seem surprised,’ Agnelli said. ‘Hardly uncommon in these par-ts.

Disused but still functional, which is also not unusual. Large extensions

and quite modernized. It has the additional attraction of being a long way

from anywhere. If you look to this side you’ll see the place of concealment

I promised for the truck. Disused barn.’

‘And that other barn-like structure beside it?’

‘State secret.’


Agnelli laughed in the darkness. ‘End of state secret. Obvious, I suppose,

since we told people that we had taken aerial photographs of those rather

stirring scenes north of Alkmaar on the Noord Holland canal.’

‘So you’re now the happy owner of both army and air-force property?’

‘No. Not air force. Indistinguishable, though. A lick of paint here, a lick

of paint there, some carefully selected registration numbers – but it’s

unimportant. Let’s go inside and see what we can find in the way of old

Dutch cheer and hospitality.’ Now that he had, as he thought, completed his

mission with a hundred per cent degree of success he was positively

radiating a genial cordiality. It could well, van Effen thought, represent

his true nature: nature had not designed him for the cut and thrust,

riposte and parry that he had been through that afternoon.

‘Not for me,’George said. ‘I’m a businessman and a businessman always likes

to -‘

‘If you’re referring to payment, George, I can assure you

‘Payment? I’m not referring to payment.’ George sounded pained. ‘I’m

referring to standard business practices. Lieutenant, is there an overhead

light? Thank you.’ George produced a sheaf of papers from an inside pocket

and handed them


to Agnelli. ‘Inventory of goods. You have to sign the receipt but not

until I have checked the conditions of all the items – you will understand

that I had no time to do so this morning – and see how they survived the

transport. Standard business ethics.’No one seemed to find it peculiar

that George should use the word ‘ethics’ in connection with stolen goods.

‘But some of that hospitality wouldn’t come amiss. Beer for me?’

‘Of course,’ Agnelli said, then added delicately: ‘Would you be requiring

any help?’

‘Not really. But it is customary for a purchaser or purchaser’s agent to

be present. I would suggest Mr O’Brien. Electronics experts are

accustomed to small fiddly things and detonators are small fiddly things.

A carelessly dropped detonator, Mr Agnelli, and there wouldn’t be a great

deal left of your windmill. There wouldn’t be a great deal left of the

people inside it, either.’

Agnelli nodded his satisfaction and led the way to the porch that had

been added to the windmill. A tall, shock-haired and unshaven youth whose

most notable facial characteristic was the negligible clearance between

eyebrows and hairline, moved to bar their entrance. A machine-pistol was

held loosely in his right hand.

‘One side, Willi.’Agnelli’s voice was sharp. ‘It’s me.’

‘I can see that,’ Willi scowled – it was the kind of face that wasn’t

built for much else – and stared truculently at van Effen. ‘Who’s he?’

‘Hospitality,’van Effen said. ‘Our genial host, no doubt. God help us.

Is this the kind of hired help you have around here?’

Willi took a threatening step forward, lifting his gun as he did so, then

subsided gently to the ground, clutching his midriff as he did so: the

blow he had received there had been no friendly tap. Van Effen took his

gun, removed the magazine and dropped the gun on top of the wheezing

Willi. Van Effen stared at Agnelli, his expression a nice mix of

consternation and disbelief

‘Frankly, I’m appalled. I don’t like this one little bit. Is this -I

mean, is he typical – you have retarded morons like this on your team?

People who are going to hold – no, people who are


holding nations to ransom having – having – words fail me. Have you never

heard of the weakest link in the chain?’

‘My own sentiments exactly,’Riordan said gravely. ‘You will remember,

Romero, that I expressed my reservations about this fellow. Even as a

guard, the only possible function he could serve, his limitations have

been cruelly expposed.’

‘I agree, Mr Riordan, I agree.’ It would have been untrue to say that

Agnelli was discomfited, but his ebullience was in temporary abeyance.

‘Willi is a disappointment. He shall have to go. I

Willi had now slipped over on to his side. He was conscious enough,

propped on one shaky elbow and grimacing with pain. Van Effen looked over

his all but prone form to the opened doorway beyond. His sister was

there, Annemarie by her side, Samuelson just behind them. The expression

on both girls’ faces were markedly similar – slightly wide-eyed, slightly

shocked, totally uncomprehending. Van Effen let his eyes rest on them for

a brief moment then looked indifferently away.

‘Have to go, Mr Agnelli? Have to go? If he goes, I go. Can’t you see that

you’re stuck with him, want it or not. Stuck with him either above ground

or below. Let him go and the first thing he’ll do is talk his head off

to the first policeman he meets. No drastic methods, preferably, but his

silence must be assured. I hope the rest of your Praetorian guard is a

cut above this character.’

‘The rest of the Practorian guard, as you call them, are more than a cut

above this unfortunate.’ Samuelson, rubicund, smiling and looking even

more prosperous than the previous evening, had gently pushed the girls

apart and stepped out on to the stoop. He smelt of some very expensive

after-shave lotion. Rubbing his chin with an immaculately manicured hand,

he peered down at Willi then looked up at van Effen. ‘You do have a

direct way with you, my friend. At the same time one must admit that you

come to some remarkably quick conclusions in a commendably short time.

I must confess that I have occasionally felt tempted to do just what you

have done, but, well, explosive violence of that kind is not my forte.

Ah, yes, I saw it all. Very economical, very.’ He extended a hand.



‘Danilov.’Judging from both his bearing and his speech, van Effen was in

no doubt that he was in the presence of the man who mattered. ffis

speech. Samuelson had said so few words the previous evening that his

country of origin had remained uncertain. De Graaf had thought him

Irish-American. De Graaf, van Effen thought, had been wrong. This man was

English-American. Perhaps even an Englishman who had spent just long

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