a further conu-nuniqud can be expected within the hour.

‘It was expected that some further statements would be received from this

terrorist organization calling itself the FFF. Those have arrived some

fifteen minutes ago. They are not so much statements as threats of the

very gravest nature.

‘The first of those states that they, the FFF, expect to hear by midnight

that a definite and affirmative answer – that is an answer agreeing to

the FFF’s demands – will be announced before 8 a.m. tomorrow. If they do

not hear such confirmation by midnight, the Oostlijk-Flevoland dyke will

be blown at five minutes past midnight. The citizens of Lelystad are

advised to begin to take precautionary measures now. If they fail to do

this, the FFF now disclaim all responsibility for their fate.

‘The second statement makes the announcement that the FFF have in their

possession a number of nuclear explosive devices which they will not

hesitate to use, if the need arises, to achieve their ends. The FFF

hastens to assure the people of the Netherlands that those nuclear

devices are not of the calibre of hydrogen or atomic weapons. They are

tactical battlefield devices intended for delivery by plane, rocket or

shell-fire. All are of American manufacture, some still on the secret

list. All


have been obtained from NATO bases in Germany. They have the serial numbers

of those devices – they are clearly stamped on each one – and the US forces

in Germany can confirm that those devices are, in fact, missing. If, that

is, they are prepared to give this confirmation.’

There was a pause while the newscaster broke off to accept and glance at a

sheet of paper that had just been handed him by a studio colleague: judging

from the stricken expression on the colleague’s face, he had already read

the message.

Van Effen looked around the room. No newscaster, he felt certain, had ever

had so rapt an audience. The faces of George and the Lieutenant were

expressionless, but that was only because, in certain circumstances such as

those, they hadn’t much use for expressions: but their eyes were very

still. Julie and Annemarie looked shocked. Kathleen and Maria were smiling,

but their smiles were half-he2-rted and more than tinged by apprehension:

no question, they had known what was coming but they still didn’t like

hearing it. Agnelli, O’Brien and Daniken looked thoughtful but not

particularly gratified. But the normally genial Samuelson was revelling in

every moment of it. True, he was still smiling, but there was no warmth in

his smile: there never can be in the smile of a hungry crocodile that has

just spotted his unwary lunch.

‘We have here,’ the announcer said, ‘a further message from the FFF. They

say they are prepared to release those numbers at any time, but they feel

a practical demonstration to prove their possession of those nuclear

devices would be much more convincing. Accordingly, they intend to explode

one of those devices in the lisselmeer in the early afternoon of tomorrow.

The power of the charge will be in the range of one kiloton – that is to

say, the equivalent of one thousand tons Of TNT. This is expected to cause

a certain disturbance of the water but the probable height of the

accompanying tidal wave – tsunami is the term for it – is not precisely

known. It is hoped that the inhabitants of the coastal settlements of the

lisselmeer will not be too inconvenienced. Inconvenienced!’ The newscaster

almost spluttered the word which was obviously not in the script – or the

repetition of it. He recovered himself. ‘The


demonstration has been delayed until the afternoon in order to allow

British cabinet ministers plenty of time to fly across and join their

Dutch colleagues in watching this demonstration. The precise time and

place will be announced later. The device, they add, is already in


‘Finally, they demand some money. This money, they say, will be returned.

It is not blackmail money, or ransom money, merely a temporary loan to

cover operating expenses. Details of the methods of payment will be

announced later this evening -this is to give the parties concerned time

to arrange for the transfer. The demand is for one hundred million

guilders from the government, twenty million from Mr David Joseph Karl-

mann Meijer, the Rotterdam industrialist.’The newscaster laid down his

paper. ‘Viewers will not need reminding that Mr Meijer’s daughter, Anne,

is being held hostage by the terrorists.’ Samuelson touched a switch

before him and the screen went blank.

‘I wish,’ Samuelson said in a complaining voice, ‘that he wouldn’t call

us “terrorists”. “Philanthropists” is the word. I rather liked that touch

about operating expenses. Anne, my dear, do sit down. You’re


Annemarie, who was clearly and very understandably overexcited was on her

feet, face pale, lips compressed, her hands unclenching and clenching

into ivory-knuckled fists.

‘You monster,’ she whispered. ‘You utterly evil monster.’

‘You think so, my dear?’He looked round the room, smiling. Van Effen was

one of those who smiled back at him: there were witnesses. ‘Not at all.

Philanthropist. Equitable redistribution of excess wealth. Besides, it’s

not even that. As you heard, merely a temporary loan. Don’t tell me that

the wealthiest man in the Netherlands can’t afford that money. I know all

about your father.’

‘You murderer,’ she said sofdy. Her hands were hangin straight by her

sides now, and they were still. ‘You murderer.’ The tears were rolling

down her cheeks and now Julie was on her feet, her arm around the girl’s

shoulders. ‘You know all about my father. You know then that he has had

two major heart attacks this year. You know that he came out of hospital


only four days ago after his last heart attack. You’ve killed him.’ Her

voice, like her shoulders, was shaking. ‘You’ve killed him.’

Samuelson had stopped smiling. He frowned and said: ‘I did not know this.

Before God, I dicin’t.’Without apparently even pausing to think ha

reached out for the handset of his RCA and pressed a button. He must have

received art acknowledgment almost immediately for he started talking

into the mouthpiece rapidly and urgently, rJearly issuing instructions

in a language that no one there knew but which George, from a few odd

words, recognized as being Yiddish. He replaced the handset, rose, walked

around behind the bar, poured himself a brandy, not a small one, and

drank the contents in two or three gulps. This performwice was w.-itched

with some astonishment but no comment was made.

Van Effen rose in turn, walked round to the bar in turn and poured brandy

in -.uri – two brandies. He car7i–U’ these roUDd to Anne and Julie,

waited until they had both sipped fforn them and resumed his seat.

‘Fine lot you are when it comes to ladies in distress.’ He looked at

Agnelli. ‘Tbat was a nice line in threats.’

‘You think they were meaningless threats, Mr Danilov? Agnelli didn’t seem

at all reluctant to speak, like others in the room he probably found it

embarrassing not to look at Samuelson who was on his second brandy and

paying attertion to nobody. ‘I assure you they wet.- all geruinely

intended. And will be carried out.’

‘So much for your word, Agnelli.’

‘I don’t understand.’

‘You’d have to have a damned short memory riot to. Only a few hours agc;

you promised us that no harm would come to any Dutch people. You warn all

the Lelystad people to take the necessary precautions against the

breaching of the dykes. Good God, man, it’s pitch black outside and

coming down in torrents. They won’t. be able to see to take precautions.’

‘They don’t have to see. Flood level won’t be more than half a mctre.

We’ve checked and checked the area. Plenty of secondfloor rooms and

attics – although they could remain on the ground floor if they didn’t

mind getting their feet wet. And


plenty of boats. We’ve checked that also. The message was primarily for

intimidation. Surely you can see that?’

‘That’s as maybe. Where’s old Elastic Conscience?’

‘Elastic what?’

‘Elastic who. Riordan. The praying priest. The god-fearing Reverend. Why

wasn’t he here watching?’

Agnelli smiled faintly. ‘He regards TV as the work of Satan. Could be

right, for all I know. As you saw, be’s practically married to his

earphones. There was a simultaneous radio broadcast.’

‘You do really have those nuclear devices? I find it frankly incredible.’

‘I can show them to you.’

‘Well, that answers that. So this man of peace and goodwill is prepared

to play around with lethal explosives.’

‘You heard what Mr Samuelson said to you a short time ago.’ Agnelli

looked quickly at the bar. Samuelson, still looking at nothing and nobody

but with something peculiarly tense in his stance, appeared to be on yet

another brandy. ‘Mr Riordan’s prepared to use the devil’s tools to fight

the devil.’

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