prepared to react in an extremely violent form to any threat to the lives

of your fellow citizens or, rather, to the citizens of your adopted

country. Romero is of the opinion that you and your two friends are highly

dangerous men. I concur. You are, I believe, heavily armed.’

Van Effen opened his jacket to demonstrate that he wasn’t carrying his

shoulder-holstered Smith and Wesson, then turned to Agnelli, who was

sitting next to him, crossed his knees and pulled up his right trouser

leg to show that he wasn’t carrying his Lilliput either. ‘I do not

consider guns as being an essential part of dressing for dinner. Do you

think I would be so mad as to start a gun-fight in the company of four

beautiful young ladies? Any ladies, come to that?’

‘No. My mistake. The nuclear device is in the Markerwaard but is located

precisely in its centre. Do you believe me?’

‘If I had your unpleasantly suspicious mind I would say that I’d wait

until five past two tomorrow afternoon to find out. As it happens, I

believe you. Now, Mr Samuelson, you know that I do not normally probe

into anyone’s -affairs but I must confess to being just a little

concerned about those nuclear devices. My two friends and I are

acknowledged explosives experts but we know nothing about nuclear

devices. We wouldn’t recognize one if we saw it, far less know how to arm

it, activate it or deactivate it. But we do know they are nasty, jiggly

and unpredictable things. I do know you have some on the premises,

although I don’t know how many. What I do know is that I have a healthy

regard for my own skin. I assume you’re transporting them elsewhere –

they can be of no use to you here. I have no wish to be aboard whatever

form of transportation is taking those devices from here to wherever

elsewhere may be.’

Samuelson smiled. ‘Mr Daniken here shares your sentiments exactly.’

‘What has Mr Daniken got to do with it?’

‘Air Daniken is our helicopter pilot. He doesn’t want to carry those


‘I didn’t refuse to, Mr Samuelson,’Daniken said. ‘I said I was

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highly reluctant because of the great risk involved. I agree with Mr

Danilov. I don’t know how unstable or temperamental those damn things are.

Flying conditions are atrocious, just on the limit. With an updraught or

wind shear we can go up or down a hundred feet in two seconds. We could

make a heavy landing, a crash landing or, heaven help us, just crash.’

‘You and Mr Danilov can relax. Should have mentioned it before, but we

made our minds up just before dinner. No helicopter. We have decided to

use the army truck with which Mr Danilov and his friends have so

thoughtfully provided us. Those devices are quite small and can easily

be concealed in what looks like a couple of extra long-range petrol

tanks. We’ll have three men dressed in uniforms, Ylvisaker as a

full-scale fieutenant-colonel, and the rest -‘

‘Where did vou get the uniforms?’ van Effen said.

‘I told you,’ Samuelson said patiently. ‘We’re making a war film. The

rest of us go by helicopter.’

‘Must be some helicopter.’

‘A war film, I said. A gunship. The end of the Vietnam war caught the US

Air Force on the hop and they had overproduced. Going for a song. Elderly

but fully serviceable. Stripped of armament, of course, but we ordered

dummies. I suggest we move to more comfortable chairs for our brandies,

liqueurs or whatever.’

Van Effen said: ‘If I may be excused, I’d like to have a look at the


‘Give him my sympathies,’ Samuelson said. ‘I suggest he might appreciate

another toddy.’

‘Thank you. I’m sure he would. If he’s not -asleep, that is.’

Vasco was not asleep. He was comfortably seated in a small armchair that

he had brought into the bathroom. Using the pencil beam of the variably

hooded torch which was an indispensable item of his travelling equipment,

van Effen handed Vasco the glass.

‘Compliments of Mr Samuelson.’

‘Very civil of him. Well, it’s eight-twenty now and the same


character is still on watch. Judging from his performance with that bottle

he must be half sloshed by this time. Like me, as you can see, he’s found

an armchair. I’m surprised he hasn’t dropped off by this time. Anyway,

I’ll keep watch until they change guard. The toddy will help sustain me

through the long watches of the night.’

Van Effen gave him a brief resum6 of the Ministry of Defence’s statement

and the FFF’s reply, promised that he and George would be back by nine

o’clock and left.

He returned to the living-room to find that the group seated in armchairs

had been considerably depleted.

‘The Lieutenant seems to have benefited from that first toddy. He doesn’t

sound quite so hoarse. Very drowsy but not too drowsy to attack the

second toddy. His thanks. And dear me, dear me, the lovely young ladies

have departed. Shame. But I’m not surprised. They were hardly what you

might call gay and vivacious at the table tonight.’

‘They said they were tired,’ Samuelson said. Julie, van Effen knew, had

not been tired. She was a notoriously poor air traveller and the thought

of travelling in a helicopter – she’d never been in one in her life –

must have been a nightmare. ‘Whatever have they done to make them tired?’

‘Nothing. They’re just nervous and apprehensive.’

‘Just like George and myself.’

Samuelson surveyed him dispassionately. ‘I doubt whether you and your big

friend have ever been nervous and apprehensive in your lives.’

‘There’s always a first time. And where’s the holy father?’

‘You know the Reverend doesn’t drink. But it’s not that. Every night

before he goes to sleep he spends an hour in meditation and prayer.’

Van Effen said sombrely: ‘Let’s hope he includes in his prayers the souls

of the victims of his nuclear toys.’

The silence that followed, of which van Effen seemed to be quite unaware,

was, to say the least, embarrassing. It was Romero, in a clear attempt

to break the silence, who said hastily: ‘Speaking of those nuclear toys,

as you call them, I told


you earlier I could show them to you. As an explosives expert, I thought you

might be interested -‘

‘Not L’ Van Effen waved an indifferent hand. ‘Same old principles –

need-to-know and would it help any if I saw them?’ He was aware of George’s

momentary slight frown but knew that no one else had seen it. Van Effen

paused, as if something had just occurred to him, then said: ‘Someone has

to be able to trigger off those nuclear devices. Don’t tell me it’s Joop

and his psychopathic pals.’

‘It is indeed, as you say in your disparaging fashion, Joop and his

psychopathic friends.’The words held a rebuke but the tone didn’t: it

required no telepathy to realize that Samuelson shared van Effen’s opinion

of the Red Army Faction. ‘When they got hold of those devices in Metnitz,

they also obtained copies of the operating instructions. One would have

been useless without the other.’

‘Remind me not to be within five Mometres of Joop and company when they arm

either of those devices. A palm-reader once told me I had a long life-11ine

but she could have been wrong. How is this device in the Markerwaard to be


‘Pre-set timing device.’

‘And the two other devices?’

‘By radio control.’

‘God help us all. Make that ten kilometres.’

‘You don’t trust them?’

‘I wouldn’t trust Joop and his friends with a firework. They are fanatics

and fanatics have unstable minds. Unstable hands also, probably. No, I

don’t trust them. Neither, I suspect, do you.’

‘You still wouldn’t like to see those devices?’

‘I presume you’re not lunatic enough to keep those in the mill.’

‘They’re a Mometre away in a secure underground cellar.’

‘I’ve no intention of going out in that monsoon. And though you might not

be lunatic I think you’re guilty of a grave error of judgement. To detonate

any device by radio doesn’t call for the mind of an Einstein but it can be

tricky and a job for experts.


Joop, and his band of trusty experts have never detonated a charge in their


‘And how would you know that?’

‘That’s being simple-minded. Why did you have to call me in for the palace


‘True, true. Would your scruples, or your objections to monsoons, prevent

you from having a look at the operating instructions? We have them in this


Van Effen looked at him then looked away. The TV was on, showing a weirdly

dressed quartet who. were presumably singing, but, perhaps fortunately, in

silence: the volume control had been turned off. Samuelson and his friends

were presumably expecting another newscast. Van Effen looked back at


‘Scruples? What you have in mind, of course, is that we should do your work

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